The magazine for the secret fourteen-year-old Geek in all of us, who doesnt want to hide anymore. Ask yourself: Ever walk past a couple guys at your job whispering to each other, what color their lightsaber would be? (Blue is yours). See a group of teens around a game at the mall arcade and you know its Dance, Dance Revolution? Bought an X-Box 360 as a gift for a child,. . . yeah, definitely for your child? Know who Stan Lee is, and also recognize him in all his movie appearances (including mainstream films of Geek Kevin Smith?) Know that, out of all the animation, Anime chicks are the hottest? Were tired at work because you made the Thursday 12:01 am premiere of any Star Wars, Star Trek, Batman, X-Men, Spiderman movie? Well hide no more, GEEK IS CHIC!!, and this magazine was made to prove it. Yes its geeky, yes its uncool, but our numbers are legion. We may debate the Invisible Girl isnt as hot as Rogue in the Marvel Comics, but in the movies the opposite is true (Jessica Alba is way hotter than Anna Paquin). Thats because weve spent all our time and money on the X-Men and Fantastic Four comics since we were twelve, and have seen the movies and trailers over fifty times each. Our dollars speak loud for us, and now our voices and attitude will too. May the Geeks Magazine force be with you, excelsior. John H. Farrell Editor-in-Chief geeks magazineGet your own free cool template at
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