Film and Television production.
I would like to meet everyone who wants to meet me. I love meeting filmmakers who have the drive and talent to become the next generation of award winners .I also would love to meet with some of our greats that we all cherish today and hope they at least give me some guidance if not a opportunity to achieve my goals.
I am a pretty easy to please type when it comes to music. I'll listen to Country ,Rock ,Disco,Rap,DooWop you name it as long as its pleasing to my ears. Talent is talent and you just can't denie an artist if they are good.
I kind of lean toward Mobster Movies. But am willing to watch anything . Horrors run a strong second
The tube has honestly lost its edge as far as I am concerned. I think that we should start getting the talented writers and actors some work and stop with all the reality shows. Don't get me wrong . They are good too but too much of anything will get you an upset stomach. Don't you agree ?
I'm not much for reading but if you have the chance do read Strangers Gate by Tom Casey.
Make your own glitters here
My truest heroes are my parents who came here from Italy with nothing and actually made a life for themselves with alot of work,sweat and tears. God bless my parents I love them both very much and hope that you get to see me achieve my goal as a actor. Doughboys - Teaser Trailer
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