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My name is John Fiore. I'm a Boston based published author, screenwriter, musician, aspiring actor, sex machine, songwriter, sailor, artist and all around pretty decent guy who bathes regularly. I'm a member of Triggerstreet with 3, Top 10 screenplays and two Screenplay of the month nomination for 'The Prince Of Miraval' and 'Twists Of Fate'.
'The Lifeboat' an action/drama co-written with Ron Aberdeen is based on a tale of the British Coast Guard, known there as the R.N.L.I. and is now being considered in the U.K.Within the coming year I hope to shoot my first feature length, slightly different, Southie gang drama, "Twists Of Fate", if the stress of it doesn't kill me first... (up date) I'm now sharing the stress with actor Rick Borgia and director Conrad Glover of Joco Films.******************************************************
*****Reviewed by: Rachel Stevens
Re: TWISTS OF FATE........
YES! . . . SWEET.
Isn't it a kick in the pants when you reach the end of a script and you find yourself scribbling on your notes in great big letters, "YES!!!" It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, ya gotta love it. This was one of those moments.I have to admit that I had my reservations at first. Oh, yeah, another tale of mob vengeance. Ho hum. Not that I don't enjoy a good vengefest, but it's just been done, ya know? Anyway, it didn't take long for me to realize that this was something more, something with real heart and humanity and yes, charm. It's not a big story. It's just a little gem, masterfully written, sharp, beautifully structured, authentic and a delight to read. I started to figure all that out, but then I made a little note and circled it, "Predictable." Of course, I hadn't finished reading it yet. And then I came to the last several pages and damned if I wasn't completely knocked out. Never saw it coming. I was all caught up in the charm of this relationship because it was so elegantly simple and, what can I say, there's a reason why it's been done before, the lonely spinster and the outlaw, because it works. And it works here. In spades. And you think that you know where it's going. Actually, you just kind of take it on faith and enjoy the read. And then, "Oh, Shit." It's great.As I said, it's very well-written, very professional, one of the best I've read in terms of the craft. Easily the tightest. Because of the mobster milieu, which has been done to death, it's difficult to create characters who are at once true-to-life and original.What a breath of fresh air. I'm invigorated. And I'm impressed. This is a dandy little piece of writing. Let it be an example to all of us out there who struggle to come up with a simple but satisfying story that draws you in and doesn't let you down in the end, but leaves you saying, "Yes! . . . Sweet." ************************************************************
Let me just say first off, that "Twists Of Fate" was a brilliantly executed screenplay. A top shelf old-school thriller/romance that reminded me of waking up at two in the morning, when I was a little kid, and watching the old late-night Bijou Theater movie on my black and white television. Classics like the Maltese Falcon or most other Humphrey Bogart movies. Although it takes place in modern times, the dialogue, characters, plot, are as good as the old-time black and white classics. You get a feel for the script that places you right into the story. Like an extra watching the script unfold as it plays out right in front of you. The story itself is somewhat formulaic, but it is so well-done that you don't notice you may have seen very similar plots and characters in other movies. I have to mention the developing romance between Joey and the Lee characters, throughout the second act was great. This is as good as it gets in screenwriting. Nothing even close to on-the-nose dialogue that you would see in every other movie release today. I never was a fan of romance movies but these scenes and the dialogue in them were so good it had me turning pages when normally I would toss the script aside and request a new one. If you plan on reading this script I would suggest you stop reading my review now because I have to talk about the ending. Normally I would applaud an ending like the one written. If it was a below average crappy script for the first two acts but you gave me this script's ending, I would applaud the writer in doing something right, for not taking the easy way out by having the last scene be of Joey and Lee vacationing in Jamaica. But in this script I actually really felt for those two characters and their developing relationship. I actually kind of wanted the happily ever after ending which I usually despise. Overall a first-rate script. And to any producers out there, this movie could be easily done for under 2 mil. Low budget on top of everything else. I tip my hat to you, John Fiore. Good luck with it.*********************************************************
********"PAPA - A LOVE STORY...SORT OF" Review by Michelle S. Hanson_______
I read that reviewers either loved or hated “Papaâ€. I loved it, beginning with the title. I do admit, it took me until about page 20 to get really hooked, but from that point on I was fully engaged. Here are my thoughts, take 'em or leave 'em. The dialogue is great, quick and funny. I.e. "It's like somebody ef'd up, big time at the map store." I loved that. The twins sound a bit like each other, but they are twins, so that's not surprising. Papa is a great character, with awesome dialogue. It's clear he wasn't the best husband/dad/Papa, but still we like him, he's still a good guy. But, how could you not like a guy that such a quick wit? Plus, it's very rare that the main character in a story is so old, so I just applaud that. You did a great job making it clear that the twins probably have never been disciplined in their lives and need Papa, as much as he needs them. You set this up in an unobvious, subtle way, allowing the reader to come to this conclusion themselves. Plus, the script is just funny. I hate comedic writers, because I'm jealous and I don't understand how you do it? You also did a good job balancing a comedy with a real story. Usually in comedy's the characters and the story are so one-dimensional and this script had some depth, which made it enjoyable to read. Count me a fan of Papa! It's a great story!******************************************************
***********"THE LIFEBOAT" Reviewed by: DJ Jimmy ________________________
THIS ONE BLEW ME AWAY! When I started this script I feared it might be .... well, boring. There aren't any good films about the sea that I can think of. Certainly not The Perfect Storm, in my opinion. But The Lifeboat turned out to be a damn good story. The structure was ideal. The first, second, and third acts were just the right length. The story never drags at any point. I liked how the opening scene sets the mood by sea with a boy flying a kite and story ends with a very similar scene that gives you that full circle feeling. Behind every good script is good theme or message that lays out the purpose of telling the story ( at least in drama anyway ). And this script definitely delivers that. After reading this you can really appreciate how dangerous the sea can be and the important role that organizations like the RNLI play in saving lives and rescuing people. I thought that the message at the very end about the RNLI and the statistics was a perfect way to conclude this story.
Overall I think this is a very strong script. It's unique, it sends a good message, it has purpose, it was very exciting, and was well structured. I really enjoyed reading this. My compliments Mr. Fiore... and you're not even British. That blows me away.
*****Aside from writing, I like to travel. I get to be a Captain once in a while, charter a yacht with friends and cruise the Caribbean. I get to go topless for a week. Yeah, I know. So don't look. The U.S. and British Virgin Islands are my favorite. It beats Boston Harbor. I also need to move south. The winters around here are killing me. Costa Rica sounds like a nice place to go topless... I'm talking about my hat.What else? I'm a father of two great kids who have produced four beautiful grandchildren. Man I'm getting old. Thank God I'm so goddamn goodlookin' and a real Babe Magnet... Can I write fiction or what?
*****And I'm a C • A • N • C • E • R: Most Amazing KisserVery high sex appeal. Great in bed!!! Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak in bed. Spontaneous. Great tellin stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to.*********************************************************
Michael Bell***