You're Hot 'n' Sexy
When you enter a room, all eyes gravitate toward you. Like a moth to a flame, people can't help but notice you. Maybe it's how you casually move through a crowd or that glow you give off when you flash that smile. You're hot and it shows. Could it be the haircut that says it all about you, the jeans that fit just right, or the casual way you saunter across a room looking confident from all angles?You have an air about you that commands respect from men and women alike. You possess such outward strength that these people ache to be around you. When you speak, people hang on your every word. You are so full of charisma and cachet that, whether in a business or social setting, you can gauge the mood in the room and offer the right compliment or provocative statement for any scene. Do you have a secret intuition about how people work? Just maybe. And that's one of the sexiest things about you...................................................
When it comes to temptation you're a Saint
Yes, it's true, you are a living Saint. Where you come from and how you do it, we're not sure. But, we can confidently tell you that you're highly evolved when it comes to resisting earthly temptations!Unlike most of us, you probably eat only when you're hungry, buy only what you need, and "lying" is certainly not part of your repertoire. And if you ever come face-to-face with a fleeting temptation, you're one of those people who can dismiss it quite easily and get on with the rest of your disciplined, good-hearted, well-intentioned day. The more people like you in the world, the better it will be .....................