Cold War Service Medal profile picture

Cold War Service Medal


About Me

Name: Sean Eagan Location: Jamestown, New York, US
My Names is Sean Eagan I am The Northeast and National Public Affairs Director of the American Cold War Veterans (ACWV). I am a veteran of the US Army 1989-1991 I served in Southwest Asia for 17 months with the 528th USAAG During the Gulf war.I received Imminent Danger/Hostile Fire pay for 11 months of my tour there. I am also a member of VFW Post 53 and a National member of the American Legion. The Blog and page are to promote Cold War and all Veterans issues
May 1 - CONGRESSIONAL BREAKFAST 7:30-8:30 - Room 902 of the Hart Senate Office Building

Congressman Joe Wilson (R) SC 02 spoke eloquently about the sacrifices made by Americans to win the Cold War and how appropriate it was to remember this on the anniversary of the old communist party worker holiday.

Also Senator Martinez Co-sponsored S.1097 Cold War Medal act
as ACWV members visited the offices of their Senators in force.
November 16, 2007 - ACWV Associate Membership Director Scott L’ecuyer meets with Former President Bill Clinton during a presidential campaign event for Senator Hillary Clinton. Scott spoke to President Clinton about the Cold War medal legislation, and asked his help in getting it passed.
US Air Force Cold War vets Scott L’Ecuyer and Chuck Norris meet in New Hampshire. They discussed the American Cold War Veterans organization and the campaign to get a Cold War Medal enacted. Chuck served at Osan Air Force Base in Korea, and Scott with the Strategic Air Command.

New Cold War Veterans VSO and Forum
American Cold War Veteran Audio Archives
Cold War Medal Act Interview On Blog Talk Radio

Sean Eagan does a 30 minute interview with Jenn of the Jungle ( on My Point Radio.
Stream Download 15.1M

Keywords: Cold War Medal Act Interview On Blog Talk Radio
Dr Frank Tims Excerpt from 11-11-07 Radio Interview WAVA -
on satellite radio Sunday night at 10:30 Eastern Time (9:30 central, 8:30 mountain, and 7:30 Pacific time. This program is on XM Satellite radio, at Channel 170 (FAMILY TALK), and also over internet radio at, and heard locally in Washington
Stream Download 697.8K

Keywords: American Cold War Veterans Chairman Frank Tims on WAVA
Dr. Clevenger and Dr.Tims Radio Interview on WEPB NW FLA.
Discussions on Cold War Service medal and Cold War veterans issues. 1 Hour
Stream Download 28.8M
Legislative Reports Fax Sent To Members of the House-Senate Conference
Report from Frank M. Tims, Ph.D.
Legislative Director
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
H.R. 111 Select Committee on POW and MIA Affairs.
American Cold War Veterans Support House H.Res. 111
Forgotten Heroes of the Cold War
"We slept safe in our beds at night because our vigilant forces stood ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
Modeled after a quote from George Orwell
"And so the greatest of American triumphs... became a peculiarly joyless victory. We had won the Cold War, but there would be no parades."

Cold War Veterans in the News NJ Star-Ledger

My Interests

NWS Seal Beach May 1st Cold War Day of Remembrance

Dr. Frank Tims Excerpt on satellite radio Sunday night at 10:30 Eastern Time (9:30 central, 8:30 mountain, and 7:30 Pacific time. This program was on XM Satellite radio, at Channel 170 (FAMILY TALK), and also over internet radio at, and heard locally in WashingtonBut don'??t forget time is critical here -- Call, fax and e-mail your senator. Keep the Cold War Medal in this year'??s authorization.

New Cold War Veterans VSO and Forum

American Cold War Veterans

Membership_Application_Brochure.pdfMail to: American Cold War Veterans

P.O. Box 1293

Rainier, OR. 97048
Forgotten Heroes of the Cold War at Arlington National Cemetary On May 1st 2007

Frank M. Tims, Ph.D. National Legislative Director Cold War Veterans Association at Gen. Van Fleet's Grave Presenting Cold War Medal on May 1st, 2007.



BE IT RESOLVED, that the Korea Defense Veterans of America joins with other veteran service organizations and petitions The U.S. Department of Defense for award of a Cold War Victory Medal to all members of the U.S. Military that served between 2 September 1945 and 26 December 1991; and

WHEREAS, immediately after World War II we witnessed a polarization in relationship between the Soviet Union and the U.S. and its allies in that the Soviet Union, by physical force and other means, expanded its influence and control over Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Eastern Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Manchuria, Outer Mongolia, North Korea, Romania, and Yugoslavia, annexed the Kurile Islands and the southern half of Sakhalin Island, and instigated problems in Cuba, Greece, Iran, Lebanon, and Turkey. The Soviet Union continued its expansionist movement and dominated Eastern Europe until 1991; and

WHEREAS, the Cold War initiated the largest arms race in history that included nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as well as fomenting low-intensity conflicts, proxy wars, assassinations and various forms of intimidation; and

WHEREAS, the Cold War Era time period was fraught with conflicts and wars stressing U.S. Armed Forces and their allies that included:

    Soviets blockade of Berlin - 1948, leading to the Berlin Airlift NATO created to deal with Soviet aggression and expansion - 1949Atomic Bomb in Soviet hands - 1949 Korean War - 1950 to 1953 (UN intervention including U.S. Armed Services members) Iran military coup - 1953 (U.S. backed) Guatemala military coup - 1954 (U.S. backed) Warsaw Pact - 1955 established as counter weight to NATO Hungarian Revolution - 1956 (Soviet intervention 4 Nov 56)Cuban Bay of Pigs Invasion - 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis - 1962 Taiwan Straights and Quemoy and Matsu Islands Grenada - 1983 Angola Civil War (U.S. armed and funded surrogates) El Salvador Civil War (U.S. armed and funded surrogates)Nicaragua Civil War (U.S. armed and funded surrogates) Afghanistan War; and

WHEREAS, the Cold War is officially considered ended; however, its fallout continues to surface and create tensions today in Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the Pacific Rim as a testament to its longevity and global impact; and

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Korea Defense Veterans of America, that we petition for award of a Cold War Victory Medal.

The VFW passed the following resolutions at the 108th National Convention, 2007:

#425 European Defense Service Medal

#428 Cold War Victory Medal (as amended)

#430 Expand the dates of Eligibility for the Vietnam Service Medal to May 15th, 1975

#434 Recognition for Veterans Killed or Wounded in the Early Days of the Cold War.

I'd like to meet:

Subscribe Sean P. Eagan
Public Affairs Director
American Cold War Veterans
ACWV NY 716-708-6416





View My Profile


History of the Cold War Medal

Several versions of a Cold War Victory Medal or Service Medal have been available for purchase, but have never been authorized for wear by the United States Government. Although the nature of such privately made medals are as commemorative medals. The two most popular seem to have been the Cold War Medal sold by the Foxfall Medals Company and the version sold by Medals of America. Links to both companies are provided in the “links” section of this website, but neither version is endorsed by the American Cold War Veterans organization – the links are provided for information only.

The fight for recognition of Cold War service with a medal goes back to the 1990s. In 1997, the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2008 included authorization of a Cold War Service Medal, but the medal was stripped out during the House-Senate Conference. However, the NDAA for that year did include language commending those who honorably served the United States Government in the Cold War.

In 1999, a Cold War Victory Medal was included in a measure introduced by Senator John Warner for himself, Mr. Phil Gramm, Ms. Hutchison, Mr. Lott, and Mr. Coverdell. The bill passed, but did not result in actual creation of a medal.

In 2001, the NDAA for 2002 passed both House and Senate with provision for a Cold War Medal, as well as a Korea Defense Service Medal. Pentagon opposition to these medals resulted in the final language of the NDAA being softened to a recommendation that the Secretary of Defense “consider authorizing” the two medals. Secretary Rumsfeld declined to approve them.

Korea Defense Service Medal - A Case in Point

The NDAA for 2003 included language authorizing the Korea Defense Service Medal (KDSM), resulting in the creation of the KDSM. The KDSM's cost to the Pentagon budget was miniscule, with only 192,000 KDSM medals being purchased by June 2006, at a unit cost of $1.41. Thus, with perhaps 92,000 KDSMs being issued to currently serving troops through military supply channels, only 100,000 of the medals were issued "on application" by individuals with prior service, reflecting demand by only about 5% of those eligible due to prior service. Current procurement of KDSMs runs about 38,000 per year.


The Cold War Medal Acts of 2003, 2005, and 2007 were introduced in the Senate by Senator Hillary Clinton, who serves on the Armed Services Committee. S.1097, The Cold War Medal Act of 2007, was cosponsored by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), giving the bill bipartisan support. The Cold War Medal Act of 2007 was reintroduced as S.1763 last July, and referred to Committee.

The NDAA for 2008, passed by the House of Representatives as H.R.1585, included a Cold War Victory Medal. H.R.1585 is now before the Senate for debate and action. In July, Senator Clinton (for herself and Senator Collins) filed an amendment (SA.2163) to add a Cold War Medal to the Senate version. H.R.1585 will be taken up again by the Senate September 14, 2007.

We are hopeful that there will be an amendment to H.R.1585, to include a Cold War Medal. However, since the House version includes a Cold War Victory Medal, this must be considered in the House-Senate Conference.

DoD Policy on pending legislation

While DoD does not comment on pending legislation, they have opposed a Cold War Medal in the past, on the grounds that it would duplicate the Korean Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. They further cite the Cold War Recognition Certificate as being available.

Our Comments:

Cost has also been cited as an objection in the past, but the experience with the KDSM and the certificate indicates that no more than 5% of those eligible would apply (i.e. 1.2 million), and that it could be made and distributed for no more than $5 per item. Thus we believe the cost to the Government of a Cold War Medal would amount to no more than $6 million.

“The Certificate”

Authorized by Secretary of Defense William Cohen in 1999, this rather bland document is available to anyone who served during the Cold War as a US Government employee. This includes temporary employees of the Postal Service during the Holiday season, and thus the potential number of eligible is very large – perhaps in excess of 50 million people. Nowhere on the “certificate of recognition” is the term military service or national defense mentioned. The Office of the Secretary of Defense estimates that just over a million certificates have been issued. This amounts to demand by just over 2% of potential eligibles. They estimate that the certificates cost about $5 each to produce and distribute – about the same as we estimate the Cold War Medal would cost the government.

The Certificate will sunset in 2008. According to DOD, the certificate program will end in 2008. This would free staff and cost resources to support award of a Cold War Medal.

Continuing Military Operations 1945-91.

The Korean war, Vietnam, and Grenada were limited wars within the Cold War period. Expeditions also took place in the cold war context (Quemoy-Matsu, Korea 1966-74, Berlin 1961-62) and also in humanitarian rescue missions (Congo 1964). In the larger context, our defense effort included troop deployments to check Soviet military threats, continuous nuclear-armed SAC B-52 missions to provide retaliatory capability in event of a Soviet attack, and reconnaissance of hostile territory and waters by air and sea. ICBM and Air Defense sites provided a deterrent against Soviet attack of the United States, and were kept on a high state of alert. Research and Development to keep our defenses and offensive capability able to cope with increasing threats supported the continuing global US/Allied military operation.

Cold War operations and deployments were to counter overt, covert, and continuing moves by communist powers to achieve military and political objectives, and to prevent or counter military operations against the west. It included defense against Soviet bloc attack of the US and its allies, counter-insurgency operations in Europe (e.g., Greece), threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity of our allies (e.g., Norway, Turkey, Taiwan), enforcing the armistice in Korea, defense of western Europe under NATO, forced removal of soviet missiles from Cuba, defense against communist insurgencies in central America, and continuing reconnaissance by air, sea, and land which involved hazard and vigilance. It underwent changes over time, and lasted for over 45 years.

In 1949, General of the Army Eisenhower recommended to President Truman that the US forces in Germany and Austria be reinforced by sending 4 additional divisions to Europe, to bring them to the strength of 6 full divisions, to meet the Soviet threat and make our commitment to NATO credible. Two regular Army divisions plus two National Guard divisions (the 28th and 43rd) called up in 1950 were sent to Germany. The US NATO forces protected western Europe for over 40 years, and kept the peace until the Berlin wall came down in 1990. When West Germany joined NATO in 1955, it had no army. The US, British, and French forces provided the shield while the F.R.G. rearmed and trained its new forces.

No headlines, but just honest and faithful service — peacekeepers who stayed combat ready and willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. NATO had 21 divisions facing 175 soviet and Warsaw Pact divisions in 1955. Our troops stayed on alert, with their basic load of ammunition ready for war. Those troops in the Fulda gap had no illusions about their role — they would buy time for a counterstrike if and when war began.

Korea was a hot war, which was stopped by a truce in 1953. Since then, fully armed patrols, reconnaissance flights, and ships have carried out missions along the coast. The threat from North Korea has continued. ASA troops have constantly listened to enemy command nets and intercepted messages. Air and missile units in South Korea have been armed with nuclear weapons, and stood ready to use them if so ordered. US patrols have been ambushed, and North Koreans infiltrated south for sabotage and subversion. US military personnel have been constantly engaged in the collection and analysis of intelligence from hostile regimes in Asia, and provided the essential support that has prevented full-scale resumption of hostilities in Korea.

Quemoy and Matsu in the Taiwan strait were flash points, and US personnel were essential to containing communist China there. Before escalation of the war in Vietnam, US forces provided training and logistics to countries such as Thailand and Laos, and advisory and humanitarian missions in South Vietnam. These missions were not always recognized, but they were essential to our policy in the region.

In the United States and Canada, our strategic defense called for vigilance and devotion to duty. There were no medals of recognition for the NORAD troops who not only had to be on guard against surprise attack, but also against mistakenly triggering a launch based on erroneous signals. Troops in the USA maintained security at such locations as Ft. Meade, Ft. Detrick, White Sands Proving Grounds, SAC bases, Rocky Flats, and at Area 51 in Nevada. Research and Development improved our ability to respond to attack by Soviet or other forces. Our atomic veterans participated in essential testing of nuclear battlefield weapons, which our national leaders defined as part of our overall arsenal of "conventional weapons" in the 1950s. In fact, early war plans for Vietnam by the JCS included nuclear weapons, and such weapons were deployed in Europe and Korea, as well as at sea.

The Cold War was a unique period in our history, and deserves a unique medal. Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) called it the most significant victory since World War II. It did not often have the kinds of dramatic battles that make newspaper headlines. It was the day-in-day-out routine where a successful mission meant you returned safely to port after patrolling the coast of Communist China or North Korea, or landed safely after evading Soviet interceptors. President Kennedy termed it the "long twilight struggle, neither war nor peace." It called for dedication to duty, production of good intelligence, or manning a guard post along the border with East Germany through a harsh winter. Its casualties were less frequent, but real nonetheless.

But all Cold War soldiers, sailors, and airmen had very real missions. Some airmen lost their lives in shoot downs along the frontiers. The USS Thresher and USS Scorpion — submarines — went to dark and lonely graves in the sea, doing their duty. B-52s armed with nuclear weapons flew to their fail-safe points, ready to continue their missions and attack if not recalled. The USS Pueblo is an example of a mission gone wrong, when the North Koreans decided to strike. Many other such patrols went unacknowledged because they returned safely — but they faced the same hazards, daily, year-in-year- out. It's easy to dismiss this kind of service as "peacetime," but that misses the point. This was a different kind of service, a different kind of war, and it deserves recognition, not just a piece of paper but a tangible sign that can be worn and acknowledged. Our cold war veterans deserve nothing less.

The “Recognition Certificate” falls far short of the recognition such service merits. The certificate can be awarded to any government employee, whether they were flying a U-2 over Cuba or a civilian clerk in the GSA in Kansas City. A service medal, on the other hand, recognizes military service. Congress has recommended that a medal be authorized. The Department of Defense has never substituted a certificate for a service medal in the past — our brave service men and women deserve a medal for Cold War service.

We honor and appreciate those who serve today, all we ask is that our government honor the living who served during the dark days of the Cold War. It will cost something, but our government should never be cheap where honor is concerned.


MAY 1, 2008

The numbers of killed and wounded in Cold War Operations has been an unresolved matter for years, although VFW has recognized the number as being at least 382 hostile fire deaths at the hands of Communist forces. We believe the number should be much higher, and include operational losses such as the crew of 99 lost on the submarine USS Scorpion, lost at sea in May 1968. At numerous times during the Cold War, large losses were taken in ambiguous circumstances, and were often shrouded in secrecy. Combat deaths were classified as “accidents” due to political or security reasons, and thus the public at large (and too often, the next-of-kin) were denied the truth.

We are determined that this will not remain so for those who gave their lives in silence during the Cold War. In addition, we would like to honor representative figures of little-known or understood operation of the Cold War.

On May 1 of each year, the American Cold War Veterans and cooperating organizations, including the White House Commission on Remembrance, will hold ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and at other locations in the United States (such as the USS Thresher/ USS Scorpion memorial at Seal Beach, California) to honor the men and women who were heroes of the Cold War.

May 1 of each year, the American Cold War Veterans and cooperating organizations, including the White House Commission on Remembrance, will hold ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and at other locations in the United States (such as the USS Thresher/ USS Scorpion memorial at Seal Beach, California) to honor the men and women who were heroes of the Cold War.

Presentation of Cold War Victory Medal at grave of General James A. Van Fleet.
He gave free nations “The Will to Win” in the Cold War.

The next “Day of Remembrance for Forgotten Heroes of the Cold War” will be at Arlington Cemetery and other locations May, 2008, following the annual meeting of the American Cold War Veterans in Washington, DC. Please plan to participate.

To Recieve the NY State Cold War Tax Exemption you must have a Cold War Certificate
Here is how you apply
Cold War Certificate Program

In accordance with section 1084 of the Fiscal Year 1998 National Defense Authorization Act, the Secretary of Defense approved awarding Cold War Recognition Certificates to all members of the armed forces and qualified federal government civilian personnel who faithfully and honorably served the United States anytime during the Cold War era, which is defined as Sept. 2, 1945 to Dec. 26, 1991.
This is the only official site on which to request Cold War Recognition Certificates. This site is operated by the United States Army, the executive agency for the Cold War Recognition Program. Cold War Recognition Certificates are available to qualified individuals at no cost. Any other site offering these certificates or replicas for sale or purchase are not official sites and are not approved or endorsed by the US Army.
Due to the remarkable success of this program, turn-around time for mailing certificates will be a minimum of 2 months. The CWRS Operations Team is working as fast as possible to clear the backlog. Please do not request feedback prior to 2 months from the request date. Thank you for your patience and interest in the Cold War Recognition program.
Who is eligible?
All members of the armed forces and federal government civilian
personnel who faithfully served the United States during the Cold
War era, Sept. 2, 1945 to Dec. 26, 1991. Individuals requesting
a certificate will certify that their character of service was
honorable. Acceptable supporting document for proof of service
is any official government or military document with recipient’s
name, Social Security Number or Military Service Number or
Foreign Service Number, and date of service.
Apply for the Certificate
Frequently Asked Questions
Preview Certificate
Phone Line: (703) 325-5864
Fax: 1-800-723-9262
Email: [email protected]
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
Cold War Recognition Program, Hoffman II, Room 3N45
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22332-0473
AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 3013, Secretary of the Army; Public Law 105-85, Fiscal Year 98, National Defense Authorization Act; and Executive Order 9397.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To secure sufficient information from the individual so to determine eligibility and to process the individuals’ requests for the Cold War Recognition Certificate.
ROUTINE USES: Information is used for official purposes within the Department of Defense; specifically, to process requests for Cold War Certificates. This information may be used in accordance with established Routine Uses for all Department of Defense and Department of the Army system notices.
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of the Social Security Number and other personal information is voluntary. However, failure to provide complete information may hinder proper identification of the requester, and may prevent the agency from determining eligibility of the requester for the certificate.

Apply for the Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions

Preview Certificate
US and Soviet Cold War Certificates

Who We Are

Who We Are
We all answered the call. Drafted or enlisted, when it was popular and when it wasn't. America needed it's guardians of freedom and we were there. Our members served around the globe for 46 years ensuring freedom would not disappear at the hands of totalitarian communist regimes. We did it at places most of the world never heard of and at locations that made routine headlines. We did it in the air, on land and at sea. We served with our active duty forces, our reserve forces and with the National Guard. We served with conviction and honor. We served with pride. We are the
Born of a desire to further the cause of those who have gone unrecognized for their service and sacrifice, the American Cold War Veterans are taking the lead in securing that long lost recognition. Many of our members participated and continue to participate with other Veteran Service Organizations to help all Veterans but felt there was a void and lack of progress in guaranteeing that Cold War Veterans were among those receiving that help. To that end, we came together and pledged our time and resources to make Cold War Veteran recognition a priority. Where others have tried and failed to make progress for the Cold War Veteran, we dedicate ourselves to that cause.
We now stand on four guiding principles. These pillars, our foundation, are to focus on these four items. First, we will continue to push for May 1st to be a day of recognition in all fifty states and eventually, a National Day of Remembrance. Second, for the unsung men and women who did their duty, a Cold War Victory Medal to show the world our commitment to world peace was worth their sacrifices. Third, a national memorial to honor the sacrifices of those who paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom during the Cold War. Lastly, to keep the memories and lessons of the Cold War in the minds of the people and eventually, to educate our youth as to the cost and sacrifices made to keep the world safe.
Our history and our future began on August 18, 2007. In Independence Missouri at the Truman Presidential Library, a group of Cold War Veterans, with a vision and a determination met for the first time. There they forged a plan. There, they took their first steps together on a journey of their own choosing. With Dr. Frank Tims being named the first Chairman of the newly formed American Cold War Veterans, the die was cast and an organization was born. Yes, the journey has just begun but together with the support of our members, we will achieve those four guiding principles. We hope that you will join us and together we will make history.American Cold War Veterans meet at the Truman LibraryOn Saturday August 18th the founding meeting was held in INDEPENDENCE, Mo. - Cold War veterans from throughout the country attended a meeting creating a new veterans service organization. "The time has come for those who served during the Cold War, America's longest war; to finally be recognized for their service" said Frank Tims, Ph.D. "It is time to tell the truth about the Cold War, and to recognize its forgotten heroes." Thanks to all who attended!
Our Mission is to bring respect, recognition and awareness to Veterans of the Cold War era no matter what branch of service, whether active duty, reserve or National Guard. We are committed to honoring the sacrifices made by millions of American men and women during the Cold War, especially those who paid the ultimate price of life or liberty. We intend to see that the Cold War's history is completely and accurately understood by people everywhere. We are united in these goals and speak with one voice.
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I have been working on a history of the 528th USAAG
NWS Seal Beach May 1st Cold War Day of Remembrance

My Blog

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Posted by Cold War Service Medal on Wed, 14 May 2008 03:01:00 PST

Vets for Freedom Supports Revised GI Bill

Vets for Freedom Supports Revised GI BillSTATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 14, 2008Contact: Judy Mayka (202) 338-4070(Washington DC) Vets for Freedom urges Senate members to work together to pass a ...
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Cold War Day of Remembrance Seal Beach Ca.

Cold War Day of Remembrance Seal Beach Ca....
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Senate Passes Veterans Bill

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