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StandUp For Our Troops is all about Live Stateside Benefit Comedy Shows all for the benefit of our US Troops. It is a collaboration of laughter and support for those defending our country and our veterans. It is the gathering of much needed non-perishable items and care packages to be sent to our guys and gals in harms way who so willingly and without hesitation fight for our freedoms and country daily often times paying the ultimate price. Thank You to all the members of our Armed Services as well as everyone who has been involved in this thus far in any way. Venues, past, present and future, and the comedians; Dario, Dave Dugan, Greg Warren, Will Hardesty, Stewart Huff, Mark Klein and Doug Daum. More importantly, a Huge Thank You to Ssgt Paul DeBord, USMC and SFC Bradley Huppunen USA, for opening not only my eyes but those around me to so many things that we take so for granted daily. You guys are incredible!!! For a more extensive list of who has been involved see the "Who's Been Involved" page of my Blog.If I have sent you a friend request or added you, it is BECAUSE I SUPPORT YOU! No matter what branch of the Military you are in, I support you! I have a long incredible line of Service Members in my family. I am a Very Proud Mother of a currently serving Coast Guardsman, My Dad served in the Army, Navy and National Guard. Both of my brothers and my step-brother served in the Navy with my youngest brother who is a Desert Storm Vet retiring in February of 2006. One of my grandfathers served in the Army and one in the Air Force. Also I have an "adopted" son who is currently at Fort Benning. I am a real person doing a real thing for people that I deeply support and admire. I work my butt off at it and wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything. If you want to know more about me as a person, I am Becky on my friends list. Take Care & God Bless.
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