Now if I could only take a joke as well as God. Enough said ?
Please note the "Toxic Victims or Mentally Ill", blog.
My 1999 denial of Emergency Psych Care documentation is posted
with regard to this photo:>
A database that lists chronic illnesses with the toxic chemicals that can cause them is linked in with a review and commentary, at my alternate Tribe profile:
Toxic Reverend Tribe .
The toxic database is a work in progress. But you can search (browse) the data base by disease. Such as "Psychiatric Disturbances". And many of the known chemicals associated with it are then given.
There are way to many illnesses to search for toxic chemical relationships to list here. But I do highly recommend by review of the Toxic Database , before you use it. The database is a work in progress and I give a few pointers in my review.
The Biomonitoring Program in California is now underway. The upcoming "Public Input Meetings" with the nine member scientific advisory panel that will decide who gets tested for what and how they will get tested are posted at
the California Environmental Contaminant Biomonitoring Program
To quote Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals
I Believe In A Better Way
The video / song is posted at
Presently, I am advocating for the testing of toxic chemical exposures in the "mentally ill", "Toxic Victims".
Please note the blog titled Environmental Connections:: Toxic Victims or Mentally Ill ? on the effects of toxic chemical exposures, with peer reviewed medical journals as reference and linked in, indicating that the majority f "mental illness" are now mostly due to toxic environmental exposures, rather than "genetic".
The NBC video linked in at the "Roid a cops, Steroid abuse and police brutality" is an interview with Harrison Pope of Harvard University. Harrison Pope is one of the most highly cited psychiatrists of the 20th century.
Harrison Pope Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here is a photo of the toxic chemical damage to my retina, taken at UCSF Hospital, in San Francisco CA
That said (a photo is worth a thousand words), I do believe that many of my psychological "issues" has stemmed from "tissue damage" from toxic chemicals, in my brain, as well.
In March of1999, I was turned away from the Emergency Mental Health Hospital in Santa Rosa California, while I was "suicidal, homicidal and delusional"(according to police records and complaints filed by doctors and a psychologist). All of that is scanned and posted with my sworn statement at:
No More Red Collar Crime
Denial of Mental Health Services
As explained in some of my blogs, the low dose cumulative effects of toxic toxic chemical cincerns the changes in the toxicity of chemicals when they mix with other toxic chemicals (the "Toxic Lotto"). This can impair the immune systems ability to fight "Stealth Infections", such as various strains of "mycoplasma". As can parasitic infections and malnutrition. Of which were the main "predisposing factors" to such infectious agents that have been well documented in the nervous systems of many patients with mental illnesses. Today, the "Toxic lotto" is the main predisposing factor, though parasitic infection and nutrition still appear to be "factors".
The "mycoplasma" had been known as an "opportunistic infection", in medical fields. But it was also studied (and genetically spliced) as a non-lethal biological weapon, known as an "Incapacitating Agent"...Peer reviewed medical journals about the "Incapacitating Agents" and the various chronic illnesses and cancer that are associated with them, can be found at
These mycoplasma's have been around for thousands of years. In fact, a mummy had been shown to have died from such an infection (walking pneumonia).
My theory is based on ancient library finds and the Dead Sea Scrolls indicating that when Jesus Christ was "casting out demons", he was clearing parasitic infections. Once the "Demon" (parasites, such as worms) were "Cast Out", the "Possessed" patients immune system could then clear the mycoplasma infection from their nervous system.
The Google search term,
"Suicide Homicide Biochemistry Crime"
will bring up my alternative "Toxic Reverend Blog" of independent research on
Suicide - Homicide and the Biochemistry of Crime
This particular blog mostly concerns just the toxic chemicals probable impact with violence in our societies and is a work in progress.. nd-biochemistry-of.html
Peer Reviewed Medical Journal on Chronic Illnesses, cancers and Stealth Infections from Bio-weapons of the non-lethal variety called "Incapacitating Agents" can be found at
The Gulf War Vets have posted a DVD titled, "Beyond Treason"
What you do not know about our government and it's medical experiments could kill you !
" Project Day Lily"
IS A book / web site on biological weapons
The "fictionalized book" is based on the biological weapon (genetically spliced) mycoplasma that Texas inmates were experimented on with, in the 1980's. The guards became ill from it, and took it home. The family members of the guards of the Texas prisoners also became ill.
Toxic Revelations; (reposted)
Censored information on biological weapons and the health care industry The censored rough draft has been reposted
Reference material reposted at:
I try to follow the Union of Concerned Scientists because many of the worlds leading scientist belong to it and they cover most of the really important environmental issues with "Action Alerts".
The blog about them is titled,
" Scientists mobilizing to fight President Bush "
(exposing FDA & EPA corruption)
Sign up and get their free "Green Tips Newsletter".
Rather than expose everything that is screwed up, the free (and archived)"Green Tips Newsletter" usually tells what is safe, and how to use it.
Just Google "union concerned scientists" and their page comes right up :>
GreenPeace is another excellent resource and activist center
The Environmental Working Group has some great stuff on too. Such as a fresh food shopping guide, for when you can not get organic. The tested about 45 fresh fruits and veg's that were not organic and listed them by the most toxic to the least. Too many other reports and news flashes there to list. You might sign on to their news alerts, too at or just Google "environmental working group".
The movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" and a few others have web blogs and also have very informative postings called "Take Action"., hosted by "Participate Productions". Participation Productions has other "campaigns" and is making a documentary around the 7/7/07 Live Earth concert series. Just Google "Participate Productions". Remember check the "Take Action" link at
Another personal interest is activism.
Just Google "Toxic Reverend" or "homeless toxic reverend" or "red collar toxic reverend". to the search term if you are interested in what I've been doing......
Mbr> Alternate profile is "Justice Is Homeless" at
The homicide charges against corporations and the ten convictions information is posted at my Tribe profile,
Who's A Criminal ?
American Roulette is played by Corporate America using products and services, rather than a single bullet in a revolver, while they bet our lives for the cash. And it is rare that a corporation is held criminally liable for the crimes of their CEO's.
The corporate unaccountability with American Roulette is what I call
" Red Collar Crime ".
Ten Corporations convicted of reckless homicide by one District Attorney, that is now retired.
The page needs editing, as it is a rough draft. But the reference material is there and linked in at No More Red Collar Crime "
VOL. 6 NO. 2 March 2008
Fresh water has higher concentrations
of radionuclides than seawater because there is a greater dilution factor
in seawater, and salts in seawater control uptake of radionuclides.
It is clear that dilution is not the solution to pollution. Dumping
radioactive contaminated materials into bodies of water has a boomerang
effect. It is not long before the radiation is washing back up
on riverbanks and shorelines. In fact, in the first cancer mapping
survey in history (1850-60) in the Lake District of Britain, Alfred
Haviland reported that the highest cancer rates (from natural background
radiation) were along riverbanks and shorelines providing a strong environmental
link to cancer before manmade radiation was introduced into the environment
after 1900. 1 Pre-1900 cancer rates represent the true
baseline for cancer studies.
The chance discovery of an
abstract in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, "Radiocesium
in North San Francisco Bay and Baja California coastal surface waters", 2
provided me with an answer to a puzzling question about breast cancer.
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by the University of
California to identify the cause of what may be the highest breast cancer
rates 3 in the United States in Marin County, California,
just north of San Francisco.
Fig. 1: San Francisco
Bay Area, with Marin County in upper left corner.
Even more surprising, the radiocesium
reported in the paper had been measured by the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear
Weapons Lab, from the north end of San Francisco Bay to the coastal
waters at the tip of Baja California, Mexico. By mapping the pattern
of breast cancer in Marin County, I identified the San Francisco Bay
shoreline of the Marin County peninsula as the environment where the
highest rates of breast cancer occur in the county. The deepest
part of San Francisco Bay is offshore from Marin, and the highest volume
of sediment-laden water passes through this area each day with the tides.
The lowest breast cancer rates are along the Pacific coastline of Marin.
The spatial distribution of breast cancer made it clear that there had
to be an environmental cause. Large areas of mudflats and estuaries
along the bay side shoreline of Marin, like the Welsh seacoast, provide
a low energy environment for radioactive contaminated fine sediments
to settle out.
Most of the fresh water coming
into San Francisco Bay is from the Sierra Nevada Mountains east of the
California coastline, a very high mountain range running north and south
along the border with Nevada. The soils of the Sierras are now
contaminated with radioactive materials from nuclear bomb testing, Chernobyl,
and the emissions from the Rancho Seco nuclear power plant, which operated
east of San Francisco until it was shut down in 1989. Most of
the drinking water for the San Francisco Bay area comes from the Sierras.
Approximately 95% of the radioactive emissions from Rancho Seco were
rained and snowed out into the Sierra Nevada Mountains. During
the lawsuit, which eventually shut down Rancho Seco nuclear power plant
in 1989, the citizens who owned the Sacramento municipal power company
contracted with Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons lab to measure fission
product emissions in the Rancho Seco environment. I obtained the
Livermore radiation reports and communications with lawyers, from Dr.
Ernest J. Sternglass who had been an expert witness on the lawsuit.
It was a surprise to discover that Livermore nuclear weapons lab has
not only secretly conducted extensive global monitoring of radiation
for decades, but local radiation monitoring as well. In fact,
I saw fresh samples from Hiroshima and Nagasaki lying on a table in
a Livermore environmental laboratory in 1991. When I asked why
they were still monitoring Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I was told "Because
they are still radioactive."
Livermore nuclear weapons lab
reported measuring one Curie of radiocesium per year 4 , passing
through San Francisco Bay attached to fine sediment. Clay particles
are highly charged and act as scavenging agents for radioactive particles
suspended in water. This has been a chronic and cumulative source
of low-level radiation washing up daily on the San Francisco Bay side
of the Marin shoreline for at least 60 years – since bomb testing
started. The European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) report
has stated that chronic exposure to low-level radiation is "up to
1000 times more biologically damaging than the ICRP standards and risk
model predict". 5 The ICRP standards and risk model
are based on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb studies, which were
deceptively conducted by the U.S. Government. Radiocesium is just
one of hundreds of radionuclides produced in the fission process, which
means far more radiation has been washing through north San Francisco
Bay than the 1 Curie of cesium reported in the Livermore report.
Even worse, the public health impact from global pollution by depleted
uranium, was not officially measured or reported from bomb testing,
but someone must have been monitoring it. All atomic and hydrogen
bombs have large amounts of depleted uranium packed as "tamping"
around the small plutonium core weighing less than 20 lbs. 6
A global diabetes epidemic is the result primarily of the uranium pollution
which is particularly damaging to the pancreas and insulin function.
Pancreatic cancer mortality in Japanese males increased 12-fold between
1945 and 1965, during the peak of atmospheric testing. 7
Fig. 2: Trend of mortality rate from pancreatic cancer in Japan (Males) for the period prior to and following the release of fission products into the environment."
From M. Segi, M. Kurihara,
and T. Matsuyama, "Cancer Mortality in Japan (1899-1962)", Department
of Public Health, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 1965.
The Marin County study is the
kind of natural experiment geoscientists find useful in their research,
with the Pacific coastline as a natural control and San Francisco Bay
mudflats in Marin County as the study area. It is also a good
comparison of the public health effects of radionuclide concentrations
in contaminated freshwater compared to seawater. When the mud
samples from the Marin County bay side shoreline and the Pacific coastline
are analyzed, low-level radiation from the Sierras will be identified
as the cause of what may be the highest breast cancer incidence in the
United States. High rates of autism also occur in areas, between
the Sierras and Marin County, in low energy environments where swampy
still water and mudflats occur and are recharged with contaminated water
washing down from the Sierras. Radiation in the environment has
a cumulative effect. 8
The University of California,
as the unchallenged manager for 61 years of the nuclear weapons program
at Los Alamos National Lab, Lawrence Livermore Lab, and Lawrence Berkeley
Lab, has received billions of dollars to make a global radioactive environmental
mess, hundreds of millions of dollars more to "study" the breast
cancer clusters in Marin County, and has still failed to identify the
cause. Yet, during a breast cancer conference on January 21, 2006,
by the Bay Area Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Center (BABCERC),
Dr. Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff from the Lawrence Berkeley Lab, who introduced
herself as "the mouse lady", stated very clearly during her presentation
to 600 women, that "radiation is the only known cause of breast cancer
in mice". 9 She spoke repeatedly in her talk about
her experiments on mice, saying "Radiation is the only known cause
of breast cancer in mice and that is why I use it to cause breast cancer
in mice." She said they never identified the cause of breast
cancer in women.
When it was time for questions, I held up an enlarged breast cancer map using US Government data, which identified a 100-mile radius from nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons labs as the location of 2/3 of all breast cancer deaths in the United States from 1985-89.
Fig. 3: Left – High-risk counties within 100 miles of nuclear reactors where 2/3 of breast cancer deaths occurred 1985-1989. Source: J. Gould, The Enemy Within: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors, Four Walls Eight Windows, NY/London (1996), p.187.
Right - Nuclear power plant
locations in the U.S. Source: "The Madness of Nuclear Energy",
The Ecologist, Vol. 29 No. 7, November 1999, back cover.
I asked the speaker, Dr. Mary
Helen Barcellos-Hoff, if BABCERC was investigating radiation as a cause
of breast cancer around these sites. She quickly replied, "Oh,
I'm a microbiologist!" distancing herself from exposing radiation
as the obvious cause.
The University of California will forever be known as the University that poisoned the world.
Please note the report by Leuren Moret about the Depleted Uranium being released around the San Francisco Bay are causing breast cancer, that is pasted in, further down below, on this profile page.
Want to know what the experts say ?
The Risk of a Lifetime
by Eric Young
Do America's aging nuclear power plants deserve a second chance?
Union of Concerned Scientists,
(Membership is comprised of thousands of the worlds best scientists) sk-of-a-lifetime.html
Here is an example of how our government protects us:
New Government Report that Shows FDA Fails to Protect the Public, is in the attached e-mail from the United Food Workers. The report that was released for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee -
United Farm Workers have posted a "Take Action Page" at
The Toxic Reverend
Environmental Technologist
BlogSpot - Toxic Reverend
Gasoline Price Search Engines, some have "trip planning features" (and more):>
Gas Buddy
Gas Price Watch
The "No Drainbows's" photo is in response to an ordinance passed in Sonoma County California, making it a $500 fine and 60 days in jail for camping 3 hours or more (being homeless). I had lived in my RV for several years and "mobile communities" would pop up around me. But the "Drainbow's" were out of control and would do things like throw bags with their feces into fields were kids played. Or urinate on a building until the fire department had to be called to wash the stench away. "Drainbow's" are sacrilege to " Rainbow's " and against my religion.