UNICEF UK 18-25 profile picture


UNICEF UK's supporters aged 18-25...

About Me

Are you under 18? We have a separate site just for you


Are you 18 to 25? Are you from the UK? Interested in UNICEF? This site is for you

We aim to help 18-25 year olds supporting UNICEF UK & get you lot more involved.

Are you a student? Why not join one of our On Campus Groups? For details, go to http://www.unicef.org.uk/oncampus/

First off, what's UNICEF i hear some of you cry?

♥ UNICEF is the United Nation's Children's Fund, we work in over 150 countries worldwide, promoting the right of children (according to the Convention on the Rights of a Child) and working with global children's issues. check out www.unicef.org.uk for more details.

What issues do UNICEF focus on?

♥ children's rights

♥ ending child exploitation

♥ and the big one for the next 4 years in Unite for children, Unite Against AIDS. (www.unicef.org.uk/aids)

So what do we do?

♥ We're really passionate about getting 18-25 year olds more involved with UNICEF's work, from campaigning to awareness & of course, fundraising. So if there's anything we can help you with, leave us a comment or private message.

We'll be putting more up on the site soon, so keep coming back. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Some of our representatives were at Festivale at Birmingham Uni (www.myspace.com/festivale) on the 6th June. Check us out :o)

We go to various events around the country to tell people able the amzing work that UNICEF does here in the UK and all around the world. We're passionate about helping children to get the best out of life and ensuring that they get all their rights!

I'd like to meet:

So we want to meet YOU! If you're between 18 & 25 and you want to get involved in UNICEF UK's work, that's what we're here for...

Tell us about the work you're doing already.

Tell us what would be helpful from UNICEF. Training? Fundraising packs? Advice? Resources? We'll get on the case.

In the meantime, here's a few links for you...

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We can send you all manner of resources.Sponsorship forms?

Little book of children's rights?


Fundraising Pack?

Info on one of our campaigns?

Just check out www.unicef.or.uk/students for more resources.

My Blog


Children are the missing face of AIDS. Every minute, a child dies because of a AIDs related disease. How shocking is that. We as young people have to get active and try and change it! Take a look at t...
Posted by UNICEF UK 18-25 on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 07:36:00 PST