Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: Natalie Raps
Natalie Portman; Sir Richard Branson; Tom Waite; Salma Hayek; Johnny Knoxville; Bill Murray (I want to hear his take on The Razors Edge); David Bowie; Giada DeLaurentis; Dane Cook; Ceasar Milan; Lee Foreman; Mel Gibson; Penelope Cruz; Meredith; Dave Letterman (before he got all politico); Peter O'Toole; Newt Gingrich; Humble B. Wonderful; Jim Kramer; Condoleeza Rice; David Blaine; Amanda Peet; Mike Rowe; Robert Pirsig; Whoever is leading the charge on sustainable living, the guy that financed and built his own submarine; anyone that can inspire me beyond my MUN-MOTHER-FUCKING-DANE existence...
...Save me
These are some thinking man's that cowboy gay? Nicely done!
...Pick up your heels when you strangle!! You're scuffing the floor!
This right-hand-man will do anything for his boss, and I mean ANYTHING!
This villain isn't in a movie yet that I know least not until the Tila Tequilla Memoirs is released to the public, until then encourage her to continue blogging...and subscribe to mine
Some Favorites: Darjeeling Limited, 30 Days of Night (coolest depicted vampires...freakin' ever!), Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Frailty, The Mission, Barfly, The Razors Edge, Hotel New Hampshire, Angle Heart, Jaws, Lord of the Rings, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Napolean Dynamite, Highlander, Borat, Little Miss Sunshine, Blade Runner, A River Runs Through it, Fight Club, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Usual Suspects, Big Fish, Office Space...
I think someone should put together a real good pirate movie, a serious one (not a Disney one), or like a movie of Vikings tracking and battling the Loch Ness Seamonster...Now THAT's a fucking movie!
American Practical Navigator - Bowditch
Chicken Tractor - Lee Coleman
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig