Warrior Nation! I come before you on this day with the fire of the sun inside my HEART, burning with the fire of ten million DYNAMITES! Listen well, Warriors, for the Nation lets in those who love strength and POWER and I have let in GAVRILO Princep. His MIGHT was unsubstantiated. His POWER was inevitable. He was a TRUE SON of these gristly WARRIOR LOINS!
Little Warriors, listen heartfully to this now, because I am PUMPED UP about my GREAT FRIEND Gavrilo. He has been SLAIN in BRUTAL BLOOD by that Austro-Hungarian baboon FRANZ FERDINAND. No chain can hold back my TRIUMPHS in the fields of brutality over this masterpiece of mistakes. Franz will experience extreme TRAUMA because ULTIMATE WARRIOR is going to get his revenge!!
LISTEN TO ME FRANZ FERDINAND. You can run and hide, you can go back to your FANTASY WORLD where you think you can DISRESPECT the WARRIOR. That's not gonna save you from WARRIOR STORM. My thirsty gales of RAW VIOLENCE will pound every inch of your UGLY FACE into dust. Prepare for the Ultimate Code to OVERFLOW on your palaces and castles.
I AM COMING FOR YOU, FRANZ! No one in your family is safe! THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR IS IN SESSION! I am from another dimension of PURE WARRIORS!
A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
--Carl Reiner
What then have I done? What, except yield to a natural feeling, inspired by beauty, sanctioned by virtue and kept at all times within the bounds of respect. It's innocent expression prompted not by hope but by trust.
-- Vicomte de Valmont