Top: The Lord Loves His Cannibals. Bottom. We Are All Honest Angels. All Art (c) Yellow Thunder Woman.
David Attenborough, Quentin Tarantino, I'd Like to say Michael Moore but I already met him, Bruce Lee, Tom Waits, Nick Cave, The Devil (especially if he's like the one in legend) Pinhead from hellraiser, Leatherface from texas chainsaw massacre (the original) and Hitler. Actually is this people I would like to meet or like to fuck???
The Canary Effect,Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original), Fight Club, Goodfellas, Resovoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Star Wars the first ones before George Lucas went through menopause and ruined everything. Cujo, The Shining, Children Of The Corn, Invasion of The Body Snatchers, Enter The Dragon, Street Fighter, DIG, Bowling For Columbine, Mystery Science Theatre 3000 The Movie, Napolean Dynamite, I can't name all my favorites that would take too long.
Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, Drawn Together, The Daily Show, Elimidate because its fucking hilarious, Cheaters also hilarious, Golden Girls, Mamas Family, Murder She Wrote, Matlock, Andy Milenakis, Cold Case Files, Justice Files.
Everything You Know Is Wrong, Dating For Dummies, The Bible and other good works of FICTION. Anything by Stephen King. The Dictionary, A Little Matter of Genocide by Ward Churchill. Peoples History Of The United States by Howard Zinn. The Little Book Of Bad Taste. Emotional Intelligence, Dude Wheres My Country.
Me Myself and I and my Dad Charles Bukowski Stepen Hawking and Zizek.