music, politics, animals, astrology, extra-cirricular activities, strange and crazy individuals, road trips, lucid dreams, photography, cars (old and new), laughing (at and with), painting, haunted things, showers in the dark, stupid and sarcastic humor, more strange and crazy individuals, crossword puzzels, trivia and nerdy video games, nature and hiking, makeup, makeup on boys, fucked up fashion, pole vaulting.
artists of all persuasions ..... people who will try anything once ..... those who give thought second thought ..... the non-judgemental ..... people who are fun in bars ...... those with blackbelts in sarcasm ..... people who are tuned into the deeper meaning ..... those who know better than to take themselves seriously ..... revolutionaries.
way too many to list... here's a bunch-- the jesus lizard :: sonic youth :: the cure :: the smiths :: the cows :: pixies :: qotsa :: and you will know us by the trail of dead :: shellac :: doors :: dk's :: the beatles :: the monkees :: joy division :: early depeche mode :: bauhaus :: icarus line :: beastie boys :: tomahawk :: dwarves :: SP :: big black :: babes in toyland :: krylls :: the whores :: turbonegro :: afghan whigs :: nofx :: sex pistols :: early killing joke :: heroine sheiks :: fu manchu :: bad religion :: bikini kill :: teenage jesus and the jerks :: earthlings? :: circle jerks :: swans :: the jesus and mary chain :: violent femmes :: U2 (up to zooropa) :: black flag :: utfo :: 70's pop hits--the really, really gay ones ..... if it's noisy, experimental rock, i'm all over it. and, if it's the sounds of the 70's, like how deep is your love, sad eyes, afternoon delight and just all around terrible, i'm on that, too. not sure why...i think it's some phase i'm going through.
barfly :: amadeus :: buffalo '66 :: far away so close :: fear and loathing :: eternal sunshine :: night at the roxbury :: freddy got fingered :: killing zoe :: wings of desire :: LOTR trilogy :: happy gilmore :: a clockwork orange :: winged migration :: vanilla sky :: night of the living dead :: 28 days/weeks later :: gift :: history of violence :: the year punk broke :: star wars :: the shining :: evil dead II :: truth or dare (horror flic, not madonna doc) :: tommy boy :: team america :: march of the penguins :: supersize me :: south park :: various documentaries
arrested development :: strangers with candy :: adult swim :: the colbert report :: rome :: countdown w/ keith olbermann :: the daily show :: lou dobbs :: ali g :: jeopardy! :: snl :: simpsons :: family guy :: survivor :: the wire :: stella :: curb your enthusiasm :: animal planet :: the learning, discovery, travel and history channels.
the catcher in the rye :: the shining :: the good fight :: the old man and the sea :: valis (even tho it got me mad) :: the tale of the body thief :: night :: you get so alone sometimes that it just makes sense
inspired by: dennis kucinich :: ralph nader :: george harrison :: david william simms jr. :: al gore :: my mom, aunt and grandmother :: brian albano :: b.c. :: charles bukowski :: deepak :: william burroughs :: sonic youth.