'The Morney Set' (words by me, music and vocals by Bazza ) is now out on CD. Please see here for further info and purchase details, including a link to order a copy of the CD online via PayPal or credit/debit card. Quick! Get it while it's hot!
My book - available here to buy or download
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Some of my 'creative' Journals - click on pics! * Killer LLamas
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- she's a bit of a goer in the 21st century* xxmorbidxxmexx
- my teen angst journal - to be taken with a large pinch of salt
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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ The TruthIncandescent with white-hot rage,
I lie here in my furious grave.
You think I am gone.
Safely locked in my box.
My eyes won’t see.
My ears won’t hear.
You think you are free
to spin your tales of fate,
to spin our lives into a web
of lies that catch our souls like flies.
But I was there, darling,
when you wrote those letters.
I stood behind you and watched
your pen leak excuses,
ink made from our blood.
Weaving your pages of myths.
I, your first wife, I.
I inevitably died.
Written in the stars from the day I was born.
Mad thing that I was.
How else could it end?
Like a puppetI jerked into hatred of her.
But now I have seen. Now I have heard.
I wrote the rival. You wrote the other.
Now the unlikely partnership forms
and we, we write the truth.
Look over your shoulder, dear, at all times.
Keep a watch in every mirror you see.
Be afraid every time that the telephone rings.
Listen out for unexpected knocks at the door.
Do not fall asleep with the TV on.
One of these days, my love, one of these days.
We will rise from the ashes.
We will have our revenge.
We will write the final chapter of this myth.
Two suicides will drag this God to his death.
One of these days, my love, one of these days.
© Morney Wilson
I'm 39 years young. Born in Scotland, grew up in London. Still live in London, with a few knitted plants and 2 feather boas (one hot pink, one purple).
I work from home just now - writing and selling on Amazon.
I write poetry. I started trying to get published about 4 years ago. Since then I've had about 50 published, some in Forward Press anthologies, some online. One came 4th in the Forward Press 'Top 100 Poets of 2005.
The published ones that mean more to me than any other publication could are these three on The National Association for People Abused in Childhood website.
I sell books and have a shop on Amazon - books, CDs, tapes, videos & DVDs for sale at cheap prices!
One of my other personalities has had a LiveJournal for six years. If you have one too, feel free to add me/her so that we can bore you in two different places. If you're really unlucky, we might even add you back.
Check out my mate Wes McGhee 's website - he is one of *the* best singer/songwriter/musicians there are! Wes's CDs are available at his website, including his most recent one, the highly acclaimed 'Blue Blue Night.' New! Check out Wes's new MySpace page!
I can be nice, but I can also be a complete bitch. I'm not a very social person - apart from online. I'm Emily Dickinson with a laptop. I love my laptop so much that I had it surgically attached to me.
Main interest: Sylvia Plath. Some might call it my obsession - *I* call it my area of interest and research. I regularly post on the Sylvia Plath Forum. I was asked to speak about her at a Plath/Hughes evening in Yorkshire this year - totally unexpected! Couldn't go, though.
Other favourite poets: T.S. Eliot, Sharon Olds, Anne Sexton, Emily Dickinson, Benjamin Zephaniah and Jeffrey McDaniel.
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