Transhumanist Student Network (TSN) profile picture

Transhumanist Student Network (TSN)

Transhumanist Students and Youth Unite!

About Me

Transhumanism is a philosophical and cultural movement that affirms both the possibility and desirability of transcending limitations of the human body through applied reason, especially by using technology to eliminate aging and enhance human intellectual, physical and psychological capacities. For a general consensus statement, see the Transhumanist Declaration .
The Transhumanist Student Network (TSN) serves transhumanist students and youth.
TSN provides assistance in setting up transhumanist groups on campuses, recommends contacts for speaker events and supplies materials from the World Transhumanist Association (WTA) for outreach efforts. TSN also provides assistance to individual advocates.
TSN and the WTA are umbrella organizations for a wide variety of perspectives (from economically left to right and socially radical to moderate conservative, though we do not accept racism or totalitarianism) but all members share a biopolitical position that holds we should allow people who wish to do so to use technology to ameliorate suffering and improve upon what we currently consider "the human condition."
[Since this is an *outreach* profile it has been joined to MySpace groups which some but not all transhumanists would endorse, e.g. various political groups. We think all these groups should be aware of H+ issues.]
Some transhumanist organizations affiliated with us through the WTA focus on particular political agendas while others focus on safe realization of particular technologies (e.g. nanotech and A.I. safety). We also cooperate with biopolitical allies such as self-described meliorists , futurists , technoprogressives , etc.
Our topics are discussed in academia, government,
media and pop culture today.

Get involved in what is arguably not only the
most important movement of this century, but also the
most important movement in human history.

* After you JOIN the WTA be sure to join our yahoo decison-making group WTA-Campus as well as our MySpace group . Also, if you have an account, friend our global group on Facebook .
For additional mailed materials to help you start a campus group and introduce peers to our ideas and research, visit the website of the brand-new allied transhumanist student outreach institution "h+" at:

My Interests

transhumanism , transhumanist student network , h+ club , meliorism , morphological freedom , futurism , extropianism ,
democratic transhumanism , technoprogressivism , anarcho-transhumanism ,
enhancement medicine ,
life extension , negligible senescence (developing truly effective anti-aging medicine) , immortality , abolitionism , cryonics , caloric restriction , nanotechnology , nanoassemblers , ubiquitous automation , supercomputers , wearcomps: wearable computers / /
How to Build a WearComp , cyberculture , cyberpunk fiction , body modification , immersive virtual reality , cyborgs , artificial intelligence , mind uploading , singularity studies , future shock levels , future shock level analysis , humanism , freethought , " co-creator theology ", viridian green design , afrofuturism , some sci-fi anime , abolitionist society , lgbt rights , transgender rights , postgenderism ,
anti-bioconservativism , stem cell research , human rights , personhood rights

I'd like to meet:

Students (of any age) and youth (a relative term that will someday become largely obsolete, but let's say anyone under 36) who are transhumanists or want to learn more about the movement are the people we would like to meet.

However, we welcome support from older non-students. This is especially true if you are cool - or at least entertaining. Or brilliant. Or wealthy and generous. Or an insanely committed activist allied with our cause. Or you know the rules of English grammer...

Let's put it this way, you would have to try very hard to get us to reject you or not add you (no, we will not share ideas on how to accomplish this feat). If we requested you add us it is probably because you are a member of a H+ themed group or are in what seemed like a compatible friend network. We accept practically anyone. Frankly, we could use all the support we can get.

If you find our content fanscinating and wish to promote the TSN profile please include us in your "top 8 - 24."

[If anyone makes any claim about affiliations of this profile or the transhumanist movement please double-check with us to make sure what you were told is accurate. We can provide you with evidence and arguments to counter most bogus claims. The transhumanist movement promotes critical thinking applied to all areas of human endeavor, including the ideas and organizational structures that appear within the transhumanist movement.]

Visit the WTA Transhumanist Artists and Writers page.

Please E-mail us at [email protected] if you would like to:

(1) Establish a H+ group on campus or affiliate an existing group with the TSN

(2) Become a TSN leader at the transnational, regional and/or national level

(3) Offer us assistance with your talents, skills, funding, etc. or offer to collaborate with us on some project.


H+ Musicians and H+ Music:

* Malfunct : "Malfunct is an audio process that seeks the machine in human and human in the machine. Bootstrapped in the beginning of 21st century when it came to our attention that new sounds would be needed to define the transhuman."

* Gravemist including transhumanist artists Natassja Noctis and Jason Demise

* Y-LUK-O , an industrial, electronica, experimental band led by the Democratic Transhumanist Yluko , an active contributor to our global decision-making list

* ZIA , a band focused on space travel led by Extropian Transhumanist Elaine Walker

* Cyanotic 's "Transhuman" album is now out and can be sampled here . Cyanotic's Wikipedia page can be found here

* Eidolon : a black/death metal band with a transhumanist theme

Charlie Kam's songs:
* I Am the Very Model of a Singularitarian
* Transhumanism
* Cryonic World, etc.

* Paradise Engineering by Andrew and Bob (Rock/Acoustic/Indie)

* Chrigel Glanzmann , a transhumanist and lead vocalist, song writer, and mandolin and bagpipe player of Eluveitie (Metal/Folk/Death Metal) as well as other bands and projects

* Adi Infernity Berman (Folk/A'cappella/Metal) , a transhumanist and ImmInst Navigator

* David McLean's Skinny Devil Links to Transhumanist Musicians

* DJ Dandelion , a transhumanist artist (IDM/Electronica/Down-tempo)

* Do you know of any other musicians with an explicitly transhumanist theme or one or more explicitly transhumanist-themed songs? If so, please send us their information.

* WTA section for "Artists, Musicians, Writers, Film-makers"

Highlighted Musicians:
(*Includes TSN profile friends! - Please suggest additions and edits*)

"Vivaldi Techno" , ReGen Magazine , Magnetic Stripper , Collide , Nikki Bangs , New World Revolution (NWR) , Experiment Haywire , Laura Veirs , RadioActiveDreams and Hanagata FX , The Degenerates , Brent Simon (Nerd Rock) , The Flaming Lips , Seven , The Burnt Earth , Revolver1010 , U-Clic , Porcelain in Black , Edgy , Digital Sacrilege , Dr. Killbot , A-6 , M.I.A. , Beyon-D-Lusion , Dani Paige , Standard Input and Enki v.2 , Solvent , Aldo Rox , Jeffree Star , The Nothingheads , Charlotte Gray , Z Roq , Voice , Ant Zen , Riamiwo , Amodali ,Diary of Dreams , The Peaks ,Dead Inside the Chrysalis , JP Rig ,Synaptic Landscapes ,Aslan Faction ,Absent Minded ,Kobylinski ,Kouseki-Lajio ,Plastic Toys ,Doomsday Virus ,Reliquary ,Dream Art Science ,Death Under Siege ,Seabound ,RLZ ,Mind States ,Machina Mundi ,Kiew ,DJ Rage ,Skum Nation ,London After Midnight ,Pink Slip ,Ally White ,Jack Aikens ,The Cynical ,Dave Abbott ,Nim Heil ,The 88 , Alien Product , Implant , Illusive Mind , Mors Vita Est , IntSec , Anti-Mechanism , Nentech , DJ Buckley , The Apostacy , Wendigo , MySound Design: Music for Videogames , Jacinta , One Man Crowd , Pzycho Bitch , MC1R , The Malfated , Ayaria , Seven Cycle Theory , Mr. Hopkins Sings , Adrian Bond , Abend Land , Den of Sound , The Ladder , Voltar , Spectre , Sherwood , Punish Yourself ,Sonic Youth , The Prodigy Experience , Nine Inch Nails , Smashing Pumpkins , George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic , David Bowie , Bjork , They Might Be Giants , Dead or Alive , Michael Garfield , dontstopkeepmoving , Secret Suburbia , Currency .357 , Jamiroquai , Bad Religion , The Bastard Fairies , Miguel Mendez , Saul Williams , White Owl , Patrick DSP - Techno , Alexipharmic , Anti-Flag , Killjoy , Ken Nordine's "Word Jazz" , A Perfect Circle , Elyzium , Pallor , Butter Sprites , NOFX , Senryu , Brainiac , Hinterland , Faces on Film , Tapes and Tapes , Paul Duncan , The Green Essex , Pudding Attack , CANNED , The Enablers , My Chemical Romance , The New Up , Rhythm Vision , Keith Varon , Psychic TV , TOOL, System of a Down , Rage Against the Machine , The Pussy Pirates , Bob Marley , The Ramones , The Residents , Paul Black (Christian folk) , Stevie Wonder , Ben Folds , The Kinks , Ok Go , Algorythm , Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovich

Web Radio Programs:

* Changesurfer Radio with Dr. J (James Hughes) , "a weekly, syndicated public affairs radio show transmitting a sexy, high-tech vision of a radically democratic future"

* The Neofiles Radio Show hosted by RU Sireius with Co-host Sherry Miller

* Sentient Developments Podcast : "Podcasting transhumanist perspectives on science, philosophy, ethics, and the future of intelligent life"

* Cyberpunk Radio (art radio; pirate radio)

* Terasem Radio (interesting, eclectic audio mix)


Transhumanist-Themed Videos and Video Clips:
* Aubrey de Grey news interview with Janet Street-Porter on Bloomberg Encounters
* Aubrey de Grey conference presentation: Defeating Aging
* Exploring Life Extension: A Scientific Documentary (ImmInst)
* Dr. Michio Kaku, BBC4 Time Series (2 of 4)
* Media section of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI)
* Steven Thaler: "The Creativity Machine" video ( In Its )
* Ken Gumbs: "Building Gods" (See CybDem review )
* The Dopler Effect , an edgy independent drama that treats transhumanism and the singularity a bit like an "X-Files" case turned real. It seems intended to spark an important public dialog regarding our topics - an effort that we fully support in the Transhumanist Declaration to realize emerging tech in ways that both avert potential disasters from malicious or irresponsible development (including misguided, ineffective blanket bans that would only encourage dangerous black markets) and realize the best potential applications to overcome oppressive limitations we currently know as "the human condition"
Free Transhumanist Films/Videos:
* Popular/Indie Films with Related Themes:
* Strange Days (1995) , Vanilla Sky (2001) / Abre los ojos (1997) , The Thirteenth Floor (1999) , Ghost in the Shell (1995) / Ghost in the Shell II (2004) , Terminator Series , The Matrix (1999) / Matrix Trilogy , Artificial Intelligence: A.I. (2001) , X-Men (2000) / X-Men 2 (2003) , The Fountain (2006) , Modify (2005), Waking Life (2001)
Dr Quantum Visits Flatland
Clay Man Creates Himself (warning: includes humorous, non-erotic clay man "nudity")
* A Futurist Goes to the Movies
Transhumanist-specific Films:
* Synthetic Pleasures (1996)
* Videos on Transhumanist Topics
Interesting Videogames, Computer Games and RPGs:
Deus Ex , ShadowRun , Terminator Series , Transhuman Space , more to come - suggest additions!


* FM 2030: "Up-Wingers" founder and H+ Pioneer

* Four Minute Flash Intro to H+

* Thoughtware TV (many videos with transhumanist themes or topics)

Highlighted Visual Artists:
(*New Feature! Includes TSN profile friends! Please suggest additions and edits*)
U®digital , Ken Gumbs: filmmaker , Morgan: filmmaker , A.R. Teest the co-creator , Edwin , Amy: "Shrinkle" clothing designs , SpAzmoLYtiC: , Tamara: for hair and website layouts , Shiro , Matthew John Poprocki , Spider , Chris Glunt , Generation TATs , Paul Laffoley , Waste your life. Be an artist.


Plan ahead to write a submission for the WTA Haldane Award competition for the paper "that best advances transhumanist thought, analysis, or applications." The awardee will receive (U.S.) $250, complimentary registration at Transvision if they attend, and the paper will be considered for publication in the Journal of Evolution and Technology .
.. texts (essays, chapters, etc.):
* The Transhumanist FAQ: A General Introduction (Nick Bostrom)
* Transhumanist Values (Nick Bostrom)
* Extropian Principles 3.11 (Max More)
* Democratic Transhumanism 2.0 (James Hughes)
* Anarcho-Transhumanism Reading List (Pablo Stafforini)
* Singularity Summit Reading List
* Cyborg Democracy
"a nexus for techno-progressives, transmitting a sexy, high-tech vision of a radically democratic future."
* technoprogressive articles.
* Cognitive Liberty and Converging Technologies for Improving Human Cognition (Wrye Sententia, a Technoprogressive of the Center For Cognitive Liberties & Ethics as well as IEET) [accessing whole article requires academic library registration]
* Morphological Freedom -- Why We not just Want it, but Need it
(Anders Sandberg)
* Extropy Institute :
The first transhumanist organization
* Transhumanist Arts Statement
(Natasha Vita-More)
* SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) : Applying engineering principles to curing aging (reversing aging), not just slowing aging (Aubrey de Grey)
* Sousveillance
(Steve Mann)
* A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century , a chapter in, "Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature" (Donna Haraway - Technoprogressive)
* Technoprogressive Writings of Dale Carrico (Dale Carrico)
* Robotic Nation - F.A.Q. (Marshall Brain - Technoprogressive)
* Terasem Movement (founded by Martine Rothblatt, PhD)
* Center for Responsible Nanotechnollogy (CRN): Overview of Current Findings
(Mike Treder, Chris Phoenix)
* Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI): Levels of Organization in General Intelligence
(Eliezer Yudkowsky)
* Who are Technological Singularity Activists? (Michael Anissimov)
* The Journal of Evolution and Technology (JET) : A peer-reviewed electronic journal published by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET)
Books (Non-Fiction):
* More than Human: Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement (Ramez Naam)
* Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime (Aubrey de Grey, PhD, with Michael Rae)
* The Scientific Conquest of Death: Essays on Infinite Lifespans
(The Immortality Institute)
* Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever (Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman)
* Cyborg Democracy: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human of the Future (James Hughes)
* Radical Evolution : The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies -- and What It Means to Be Human
(Joel Garreau)
* Last Flesh: Life in the Transhuman Era (Christopher Dewdney)
* Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future (Gregory Stock)
* Liberation Biology: The Scientific And Moral Case For The Biotech Revolution (Ronald Bailey)
* Rebuilt: How Becoming Part Computer Made Me More Human
(Michael Chorost)
* Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer
(Steve Mann, Hal Niedzviecki)
* The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence (Ray Kurzweil)
* The Prospect of Immortality (Robert C.W. Ettinger) [free download]
* On Intelligence: How a New Understanding of the Brain will lead to Truly Intelligent Machines (Jeff Hawkins, Sandra Blakeslee)
* The Cybercultures Reader (Ed. David Bell, Barbara M. Kennedy)
Read the winning submissions to the Neometropolis HUMAN V2.0 CONTEST, in the publication's 9th issue devoted to Transhumanism .
Books (Fiction):
* There are too many to list. Some prominent authors who either are or would be transhumanists include: Vernor Vinge , Greg Egan , Bruce Sterling , Greg Bear , Ken Macleod , Charles Stross , Linda Nagata , David Zindell , Iain Banks , Damien Broderick , Paul Di Filippo , Stanislaw Lem , Walter Jon Williams , James P. Hogan , Hans Moravec , Arthur C. Clark , Philip K. Dick , Stanley Gallon , Richard Kadrey
Baltimore ComicCon , Future
* Science Fiction Resources WTA Leaflet
Other sources:
* Anders Sandberg's recommendations
* Orion's Arm : "hard science, plausible technology, "realistic cultural development, vast settings, 10,000+ year timeline, no humanoid aliens"
Blogs and News:
* The Overcoming Bias blog
* Open the Future a blog by Jamais Cascio
* IEET Ethical Technology Blog
* Cyborg Democracy Blog (
* CRN Responsible Nanotechnology Blog
* Amor Mundi , the witty, incisive (and sometimes acerbic) Technoprogressive blog of Dale Carrico
* Additional H+ blogs
Recent Events with H+ and Related Themes:
* Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights conference at Stanford U. (5/26/06-5/28/06)
* Singularity Summit at Stanford U. (5/13/06)


Transhumanist visionaries and artists, engineers and scientists, leaders and advocates, and of course the donors who help make their work possible

My Blog

Dare to become a Betterhumans intern

We are passing along this opportunity courtesy of Happy Holidays-----------------------Ready to make your mark on the future and create a name for yourself in the transhumanist commu...
Posted by Transhumanist Student Network (TSN) on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:30:00 PST