My general interests include many topics. However, I'm primarily interested in using MySpace to promote transhumanism and worthwhile transhumanist organizations.
I no longer have time to update my profile so it will probably look the same for a while. I apologize for not checking my inbox often. I don't often respond to messages unless they somehow relate to transhumanist activism.
Some Transhumanist and Technoprogressive organizations I support:
* Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI) and Novamente
* Methuselah Foundation
* Immortality Institute
* World Transhumanist Association (WTA)
* Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET)
* Future of Humanity Institute
* WorldChanging
Anyone interested in proactively guiding emerging technologies for the benefit of humanity.
Check out the WTA Transhumanist Declaration and the WTA Official Statements .
If you join the WTA , are you *also* either enrolled as a full or part-time student OR under the age of 36? If so, please also join the Transhumanist Student Network (TSN) online list .
Television is a commercial delivery system.