Center for Inquiry (CFI) profile picture

Center for Inquiry (CFI)

Working to promote and defend reason, science, and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavor

About Me

The purpose of the Center for Inquiry is to promote and defend reason, science, and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavor.
The Center for Inquiry is a transnational nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that encourages evidence-based inquiry into science, pseudoscience, medicine and health, religion, ethics, secularism, and society.
Through education, research, publishing, and social services, it seeks to present affirmative alternatives based on scientific naturalism.
The Center is also interested in providing rational ethical alternatives to the reigning paranormal and religious systems of belief, and in developing communities where like-minded individuals can meet and share experiences.
The Center for Inquiry publishes Free Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer magazines, and produces the Point of Inquiry podcast.

Our programs include the Council for Secular Humanism, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (formerly CSICOP), and CFI On Campus which is active on college campuses across the country.
Visit the Center for Inquiry web site to learn more
Support reason and science by becoming a Friend of the Center and receive these membership privileges:
* Free or discounted admission to CFI events for one
* 10% discount for national events sponsored by CFI and its affiliates CSH, CSICOP, and CSMMH
* 15% discount on selected Prometheus Books titles
* A colorful CFI vinyl decal
* Subscribe to both Free Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer for the reduced combination rate of $39.94

My Interests

atheism, humanism, agnosticism, naturalism, skepticism, deism, science, religion, philosophy, evolution, morality, ethics, secularism, rationalism, psychology, secular humanism, atheist, humanist, agnostic, freethinker, secular humanist, naturalist, philosophy, social issues, politics

I'd like to meet:

Humanists, atheists, agnostics, naturalists, skeptics and other freethinkers.


The God Who Wasn't There


Cosmos, Bullshit!, Critical Eye, Humanist Perspective, Mythbusters, NOVA Science Now, Bill Nye The Science Guy, Eyes of Nye


The God Delusion, The Selfish Gene, The Ancestor's Tale, Unweaving the Rainbow, Letter to a Christian Nation, The End of Faith, The Reason Driven Life, The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man, The Da Vinci Fraud, Why Darwin Matters, Why People Believe Weird Things, Science Friction, Demon-Haunted World, Cosmos, The Varieties of Scientific Experience, Pale Blue Dot, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, Science and Religion, The Just War and Jihad, The Historical Jesus in Context, The New Testament, Real Life X-Files, The UFO Invasion, Origins, The Sky is Not The Limit, Medical Marvels, Don,t Believe Everything You Think, Atheism, Skepticism, Humanism, The Gathering of Infidels, The Courage to Become, A Secular Humanist Declaration, The Faith Healers, Flim-Flim, The Truth About Uri Geller, An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief, Galactic Rapture, One Nation Under God, Intelligent Thought, What Evolution Is, Finding Darwin's God, The God Factor, Psychic Sleuths, Crime Science, The Secret Gospels, The Jesus Dynasty, Affirmations, Humanist Manifesto 2000, Consider the Following, Freethinkers, The New Skepticism, Skepticism and Humanism, Breaking the Spell, Science meets Alternative Medicine, Entities, A Devil's Chaplain, Leaving Islam, God vs. The Gavel, The Republican War on Science, Evolution vs. Creationism, Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling, Forbidden Fruit, Why I am Not a Muslim, What The Koran Really Says, Media Mythmakers, Secrets of the Sideshows, The Trouble With Christmas


Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Paul Kurtz, Sam Harris, Martin Gardner, Bob Price, Michael Shermer, Ann Druyan, Amy-Jill Levine, Joe Nickell, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eugene Straus, Bill Cooke, Derek Araujo, Barry Beyerstein, Thomas Kida, James Randi, Tom Flynn, Jerry Coyne, Cathleen Falsani, R. Joseph Hoffmann, Matt Nisbet, Edward Tabash, Eugenie Scott, Bill Nye, Herbert Hauptman, Jamy Ian Swiss, Susan Jacoby, Daniel Dennett, Wallace Sampson, Marci Hamilton, Chris Mooney, Max Maven, Ibn Warraq, Andrew Skolnick