DJ profile picture


And for my next trick, pick this card. . .

About Me

I'm a program director at a think-tank, and work in public policy in religion, science and philosophy. I'm into intellectual history, religion/followership, goethe/nietzsche/freud, x-men and marvel comics in general, george carlin, porn and my partner (not always in that order). I have I think eclectic musical tastes, often changing.

I'm rare, cute, smart, fun, well-read and -traveled. I was an Eagle Scout: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and (now) Irreverent.

My Interests

secular ethics, american religions, magic, mentalism, improv, comedy, the paranormal, the scientific outlook, secular humanism, transhumanism, politics, fundamentalism, cults, wine, polyamory, classicism, traveling, sci-fi, macs, evolution, lewis mumford, skepticism, freethought, humanism

I'd like to meet:

humanists, rationalists, freethinkers, skeptics, UFOlogists, scientists, pseudoscientists, fringe scientists, alternative medicine hucksters, magicians, comedians, secularists, glbt policy wonks, former Ambassador University alumni, old friends from Washington University, world-travelers, porn stars, ethicists, and artists.


Iron and Wine, Sufjan Stevens, Billie Holiday, Cat Stevens, Harry Chapin, 70s male singer/songwriters, Elton John, Arcade Fire, Beck, Bright Eyes, Willie Nelson, Queen, opera and romantic era classical (Rachmaninoff, Schumann, and the other bipolar composers). Rufus Wainwright, Jude, Stand-up: Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, even Dane Cook.


Harold and Maude, Being There, Grand Canyon, etc.


Penn and Teller's BULLSHIT


Peter Singer, CS Lewis, Faith of a Heretic, Orson Scott Card, Richard Dawkins, Letters to a Young Poet, Nietzsche, Freud, Goethe, Harold Bloom, Sam Harris, etc.


Barry Lynn, Bertrand Russell, Ibn Warraq