I'd like to meet:
Alot of people...artists,musicians,comedians,writers,poets
producers,directors,actors,sound engineers ,anyone involved in the entertainment industry and many many more.... you can learn something new everyday from someone new.... I would have loved to have met the old entertainers of years past but that is not possible...
Travis Barker Soulja Boy Remix
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I watch all kinds of movies from the silent films to present day. I give everything a chance but some movies just do not do it for me....
AdultSwim,WEEDS,Californication,Science Channel, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Military Channel, Eureka, Dexter, Ninja Warrior, I watch to much TV!! plus more.....
Stephen King- On Writing,Elmore Leonard- Killshot,all the Harry Potter books,Erskine Caldwell- Tobacco Road,William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White- The Elements Of Style,The Vest-Pocket Writers Guide,Pocket Rhyming Dictionary,Timothy Freke- Zen Made Easy, Arthur W. Bahr- Certifiably Insane, Ray Bradbury- Zen In The Art Of Writing, Og Mandino- The Greatest Salesman in the World,Og Mandino- The Greatest Salesman in the World Part II The End of the Story, Jack Kerouac- Visions Of Cody, Susanna Kaysen- Girl Interrupted, Jeff Lindsay- Dexter In The Dark, plus as many as I can read....
Eli Roth, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, all of the people who make movies possible...Any artist starting out or who is established.... The people behind the music...Writer's who without their ideas there would be no Movies,TV,Books and etc.