Review of serahtonic's debut CD:
Together Alone Again For The First Time
Sonic Heart Records
Serahtonic, a three-year old band from San Diego, California, is bringing a new meaning to the do-it-yourself ethic. In order to release their first CD the way the band members envisioned it, they established their own record label and are responsible for all of the recording and mixing that makes up their fresh disc.
Filled with music that's hard to classify but easy to enjoy, the tracks on the CD represent a wide variety of indie/alternative styles. It's a great play anytime: driving to the mountais, chillin' in your house - wherever. Songs like "Enter Space", "She Can Riot" and "Vopie" showcase the band's electronic beat while offering guitar riffs, bass lines, and drum beats more traditional rock'n'roll fans are sure to appreciate. For the more poppy at heart, try "Love Letters" and "Out Of Her Bag She Pulled A Heart" - listen for drums and cymbals simulating a train on the latter, tying the lyrics and the music seamlessly together.
Of course even a good CD can't compare to seeing this band live: each show is a uniquely creative multimedia experience - think kung-fu fighting chicks and Willy Wonka on an acid trip. So if any of this sounds appealing, grab some of your own D.I.Y. ethic and hunt down Together Alone Again For The First Time (it's on such a small label, you won't find it at the local megastore). Try to order direct, or find a store nearby that carries Together. - Amy Lupu