Artists,musicians,people with a drive and passion for life.
People who are not afraid of growing up, yet still find time to play. People who are not cowards. Non Passive Agressive people. People who can handle me for who I am, and not try to change me.
Rollins,Kate Bush, Elton John,STG, The Cranes, Myriad Form, Unextrodinary Gentlemen,The Operative,Voltaire, David Bowie, NIN,New Model Army, The Adicts,Dead can Dance, Rob Zombie, FEAR, TOOL, U2,just about everything. Depends on my mood.
Princess Bride, Blue Velvet, The Three Amigos The Outsiders, The Affair of the necklace, Queen Margot, Marie Antionette, Mad Max, The Prestige, Donnie Darko, Cashern, Storm Riders, Potter, Life Aquatic, Red Shoes
CSI,ER, Venture Brothers, Comedy Central, Janice, HGTV, Food Network
Eye Scream,Hawkline Monster(If someone reads Hawkline to you, it's even better)
My Friends. They are all Incredibly Talented.