History, Sci-Fi, filmmaking, drum and bass, underground hip-hop, strangeness, being smarter than you, gaming, comics
Artists with a passion for bucking the system, and a taste for world domination
DJ Hive, Black Sun Empire, Swollen Members, Meat Beat Manifesto, Public Enemy... I like angry electronica, and otherworldly hip-hop.
Silent Razor, Tulpa, Blade Runner, 300, Sin City, Pan's Labyrinth, A Scanner Darky
LOST, Battlestar Galactica, Olbermann, Lockup, Lockdown, anything on the History Channel
Illium, anything historic about gunslingers, samurai, shaolin, or ancient gods...
Superman, Batman, The Punisher, The Silent Razor, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, My Wife