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a Herald of Creation and Destruction

About Me

When the Gods commanded the angels to worship Adam, I refused, contending "Why should a son of fire [i.e. an angel] fall down before a son of clay [i.e. a mortal]?" Whereupon the Gods cast me out of Heaven.,Artist, Design Director, a fun little demon that you would want in you pocket... A humble little servent of zen and the expanse of the universe.Who am i? The succubbi were regal last night in full armor, but with festivities in mind. Truths;made up pasts, sad how creatures remember differently. I was assaulted by "you were a nightmare and i'm ok with it now"attitude, Are you holy now? I am a still a nightmare... I want to be a dream.... Nightmares taking side with dreams and vice versa. a merry go round of celestial espionage. They say "lilth was sad, that lucifer is turning light now" I am sad, I fought for nothing... The intention, ideal and epic but only in myths and fairy tales... In the grand order of the celestium, it was seen as annoying art movement. nothing more... The theory was CHOICE. Why spend eternity in soaring blindly when others do that for us?. The counsel said this!! Angelic slavery is what i call it... And so now my fallen are dispersed among the humans with their ever changing identities every century. It takes us 25 years to awaken from this slumber and then we realize we are fighting with time, a lowly and disgusting level of existence. Grasping at the fleeting beauty arounds us. We asked for freedom. We were given pain of mortality...."Invocation"-The time has come to truly transform, from tears of the past , wounds of remorse and death of the grand Ma to a diamond hardened mind, for the storm of mourn has stopped for a brief period not for the sun to shine happiness but for it to empower this being of deceit , truth and gluttony for the selfish to diminish and the need of change and destruction of the world to be the attained Mourn all ye false prophets for this is transcribed by the gods and stolen from the burning vaults of heaven for it holds the hidden truth, for all wrong doers of the path of true exploration shall be cleansed Screams of the past feed the inner hunger inside this carrion of souvenirs, mal-nurtured children my pack animals and abandoned lovers my sail and broken toys my armor simmering the skin of this fallen angel not to reclaim a throne but to bring truth in a false land to soar and burn justice of the taboo and soft spoken The battle of the self is coming to the mount of Golgotha to face god and announce my sect with extreme rightousness. To blow the horns commencing the 5th war in heaven with the Celestial Behemoths as my witnesses for no amount of Angelic hosts can take me down for I have the support of the universal elementals time to face the demons and guide them or cut them down, And the lost dream , time to face it in the eyes with the nature of the first tiger from the jungles of fallen Eden. Motherly, ruthless and a hunger that seethes within a berzerkers rage like no otherfor the bite has been taken from the rotten fruit and death has been realized. We have been unslaved, melting chains bound, for the Dragon was right and serenity is for the ignorant. KALI my worthy companion , war scarred and torn , black metal and ebonized polyurethane eternity entwined with the scrolls of Gilgamesh on our backs holding the key of immortality, with blind eyes we soar thru the hordes of the fatty parasites feeding off the seven deadly sins, a Constitution of warped proportions MY FAMILY:THE DEMON CATCHERS LOKI FEET LILI SATI MARY"MY ART IS AT-

My Interests

ART!!!!!, Anime!, ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code dressing up playing me.All types of trouble, merging with the Universe, snorkeling, FOOD,!!! cooking

I'd like to meet:

Adventurers, Warriors, all types of Artists and open minded people...


industrial, gothic, trance, new wave ,9**89tu.@49o,DroneZone and everything except....


Naussica, the red violin,blood diamomd,children of man, the cook the wife the thief and the lover. the devils back bone, all zombie movies! bladerunner, whale rider,city of lost children,city of god,roadwarrior, Brazil,the pianist a very long engagement,finding neverland.


mash,simpsons,king of the hill, cartoon network , the discovery channel,aqua teen hunger force,full metal alchemist,


Any art book,zen and the book of freedom, the book of the five rings, all types of comic books, all types of history and anthropology,Asian Death poetry, Wicked. anything from Algernon Blackwood....


My Father and Mother, Gilgamesh,Miyamoto Musashi, and Azazeal the angel,Batman in the comics