Getting Independent Artists and their music known...
All the talented Country Music Independent Artists!!!
I invite you to join iacmusic dot com
I started a new show there and their site is very interactive
You say you want to do an interview? Yes by all means contact me!! Would love to do one with you!!!
..Songcast Show
type in in your browser.
Here's my show at Soundclick
Now playing: countryroseshow's station
- Country Rose Show
I would like to thank Aspire2Music for asking me to do an article about my show! I do not normally write articles so I was unsure if I could even do it...however with pen in hand I managed to get my thoughts down! If you would like to read my article go visit Aspire2Music and you'll see the article title in their blog! You must be signed in to read the blog however.
The Country Rose Show Station at KIAC and
Country, Bluegrass and more
All those amazing folks doing generous acts for any human being are MY Heroes!