BeatRevolver got together in November 2003 to play fresh, exciting, sixties-inspired garage beat.Influenced by traditional mod- and beat-bands they are convincing their audience by smashing vintage sound which combines garage beat and melodies in a very impelling way.The guys are definitely focused on their own music but also the cover songs which are part of the set are reflecting their style and taste of music.Every "BeatRevolver" has gained rich experience in other 60s influenced bands as "The Lads", "The Buccaneers", "Coming Soon" and "Beat By Five".Since September 2004 BeatRevolver are playing live in various clubs. Their fans got so excited that it was no question for the band to record twelve of their best songs. The album has not been released yet but very soon the songs will be available on vinyl and CD. There's no doubt that the debut album "Here we are" will be a blast.It goes without saying that the guys above all enjoy playing live as they can share their excitement for music with the audience!Check out the band's homepage for live gigs, a picture gallery and sound files of their latest recordings.
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