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Socialist Worker

I am here for Networking

About Me

What is Socialist Worker?

Socialist Worker is a revolutionary, anti-capitalist socialist newspaper based in Britain

What does the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) do?

Build the movement – Whether in opposition to war, racism or privatisation, we have thrown ourselves into building the biggest mobilisations possible. The last few years have shown how the actions of ordinary people through strikes, protests and everyday resistance provide hope for transforming our world. We believe the greater this movement, the greater the chance of putting an end to the global dominance of capitalism and war.

Keep it broad – Long manifestos don’t win such struggles — practical unity does. We fight alongside anybody or any organisation that wants to build the movement. The anti-war movement has gained its strength from its unity and breadth. That’s why we fight to main the principles unity of all the coalitions and campaigns with which we are involved. We respect people with ideas that are different from ours. So, while we seek to persuade people of our revolutionary ideas, we resist moves to narrow the movement to those who are already part of the radical left.

Keep it radical – We believe the anti-war movement is stronger because of the anti-imperialism at its core. The movement for global justice is stronger for its anti-capitalism and stronger still when it links to working class resistance. We strive to be the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist voice of the movements we build. We want to win fellow activists to these ideas. Millions of people are already drawing the connections between the war on Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, the bleeding dry of the global south, attacks on working people in Britain and the global rule of profit. We seek to deepen that process.

Fight to win – At the beginning of the 21st century humanity faces poverty, war and environmental destruction. In the SWP we believe we have to seize the opportunity to put an end to the barbarity of capitalism and fight to create a different kind of society. There has rarely been a better or a more necessary time to show that another world is possible.

Go to the SWP site

My Interests

Changing the world. Solidarity with the poor. Ending imperialism and war. Stopping climate change.


Sam Cooke, Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Dizzy Gillespie, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Charlie Haden & the Liberation Orchestra, Jerry Dammers, Public Enemy, MTM


'Land and Freedom'; 'The Wind that Shakes the Barley'; 'The Battle of Algiers';


Alex Callinicos, 'An Anti-capitalist Manifesto'; Paul Foot, 'The Vote – How it was Won and How it was Undermined'; Chris Harman, 'A People's History of the World'; Karl Marx & Frederick Engels, 'The Communist Manifesto'; Mike Davis, 'Planet of Slums', David Harvey, 'A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism', Robert Fisk; 'The War of Civilization', Salman Rushdie, 'Midnight's Children'; Orhan Pamuk, 'My Name is Red', Marge Piercy 'Woman on the Edge of Time', 'City of Darkness, City of Light'; Eric Hobsbawn, 'Age of Empire'; Victor Serge, 'Memoirs of a Revolutionary'


Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, VI Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Tony Cliff, Paul Foot, Duncan Hallas, John Pilger, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Antonio Gramsci, Abram Leon, Walter Benjamin, Clara Zetkin, Angela Davis, Bhagat Singh, William Cuffay, James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Huey P Newton, Bobby Seale, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, John Heartfield, Arthur Ransome, Rodchenko, Arundhati Roy

My Blog

A new left for eastern Europe

A new left for eastern EuropeThe neoliberal policies unleashed on eastern Europe following the 1989 revolutions are provoking a new wave of resistance, writes Andy ZebrowskiIn 1989 one party regimes c...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:31:00 PST

Turmoil in Kenya

Turmoil in KenyaRioting began in Kenya after sitting president Mwai Kibaki was declared winner in presidential elections on 27 December. Opposition leader Raila Odinga challenged the result, accusing ...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 05:23:00 PST

1,000 anti-fascists wreck Oxford’s sham debate

1,000 anti-fascists wreck Oxford's sham debateby Sian RuddickI was one of over a 1,000 protesters from all walks of life that gathered outside the Oxford Union debating club on Monday of this week to ...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 07:38:00 PST

Reclaiming the ideas of Marxism in China

Reclaiming the ideas of Marxism in ChinaChina has always been the last frontier of Western capitalism. Since the British East India Company first penetrated the Chinese market in the second half of th...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:45:00 PST

Innocents killed by corporate mercenaries in Baghdad

Innocents killed by corporate mercenaries in BaghdadOn Tuesday 8 October Marou Awanis was driving through Baghdad when she accidentally got too close to a convoy guarded by "private security contracto...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:25:00 PST

Bhagat Singh and the spark of revolt in India

Bhagat Singh and the spark of revolt in IndiaIndian revolutionary Bhagat Singh, born 100 years ago this week, was a young radical who fought British rule and rejected non-violence.The struggle for fre...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:50:00 PST

Demonising young people

Demonising young peopleIn the post-Second World War era there was a rogues gallery of "delinquents", from teddy boys, mods, rockers and skinheads through to punks, crusties and ravers.However, while p...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 08:41:00 PST

Little Rock and the fight to end school segregation

Little Rock and the fight to end school segregationFifty years ago this month people around the world watched a confrontation at Central High School in Little Rock, the state capital of Arkansas. A gr...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:57:00 PST

Prison officers’ unofficial strike rattles government

Prison officers' unofficial strike rattles governmentSome 20,000 prison officers in England and Wales took illegal unofficial action on Wednesday 29 August against Gordon Brown's public sector wage cu...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 02:08:00 PST

George Bush’s false history lesson from Vietnam

George Bush's false history lesson from Vietnamby Jerry Lembcke, Vietnam War veteranBush contended that the US could have won the war had it stayed the course in Vietnam, and implied the war was lost ...
Posted by Socialist Worker on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:29:00 PST