Socialist Worker is a revolutionary, anti-capitalist socialist newspaper based in THE SWP DOES?
"Build the movement" -Whether in opposition to war, racism or privatisation, we have thrown ourselves into building the biggest mobilisations possible. The last few years have shown how the actions of ordinary people through strikes, protests and everyday resistance provide hope for transforming our world. We believe the greater this movement, the greater the chance of putting an end to the global dominance of capitalism and war.
"Keep it broad" -Long manifestos don't win such struggles - practical unity does. We fight alongside anybody or any organisation that wants to build the movement. The anti-war movement has gained its strength from its unity and breadth. That's why we fight to main the principles unity of all the coalitions and campaigns with which we are involved. We respect people with ideas that are different from ours. So, while we seek to persuade people of our revolutionary ideas, we resist moves to narrow the movement to those who are already part of the radical left.
"Keep it radical" -We believe the anti-war movement is stronger because of the anti-imperialism at its core. The movement for global justice is stronger for its anti-capitalism and stronger still when it links to working class resistance. We strive to be the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist voice of the movements we build. We want to win fellow activists to these ideas. Millions of people are already drawing the connections between the war on Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, the bleeding dry of the global south, attacks on working people in Ireland and the global rule of profit. We seek to deepen that process.
"Fight to win" -At the beginning of the 21st century humanity faces poverty, war and environmental destruction. In the SWP we believe we have to seize the opportunity to put an end to the barbarity of capitalism and fight to create a different kind of society. There has rarely been a better or a more necessary time to show that another world is possible.WWW.SWP.IE..
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