Tyne and Wear SWP profile picture

Tyne and Wear SWP

About Me

What does the SWP do?
Build the movement
Whether in opposition to war, racism or privatisation, we have thrown ourselves into building the biggest mobilisations possible. The last few years have shown how the actions of ordinary people through strikes, protests and everyday resistance provide hope for transforming our world. We believe the greater this movement, the greater the chance of putting an end to the global dominance of capitalism and war.
Keep it broad
Long manifestos don’t win such struggles — practical unity does. We fight alongside anybody or any organisation that wants to build the movement. The anti-war movement has gained its strength from its unity and breadth. That’s why we fight to main the principles unity of all the coalitions and campaigns with which we are involved. We respect people with ideas that are different from ours. So, while we seek to persuade people of our revolutionary ideas, we resist moves to narrow the movement to those who are already part of the radical left.
Keep it radical
We believe the anti-war movement is stronger because of the anti-imperialism at its core. The movement for global justice is stronger for its anti-capitalism and stronger still when it links to working class resistance. We strive to be the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist voice of the movements we build. We want to win fellow activists to these ideas. Millions of people are already drawing the connections between the war on Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, the bleeding dry of the global south, attacks on working people in Britain and the global rule of profit. We seek to deepen that process.
Fight to win
At the beginning of the 21st century humanity faces poverty, war and environmental destruction. In the SWP we believe we have to seize the opportunity to put an end to the barbarity of capitalism and fight to create a different kind of society. There has rarely been a better or a more necessary time to show that another world is possible.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Where we stand

Fighting to end capitalism and war

We live in an world where:

- Half the population lives on less than $2 a day

- 67% of the wealth is owned by just 2% of the population

- The US spends $400 billion a year on weapons

- It would take $324 billion to end extreme poverty worldwide

But this is also a time of hope. Over recent years we have witnessed growing international protest movements demanding ‘another world is possible — another world is necessary’. We have seen millions across the world take to the streets in opposition to Bush and Blair’s war and occupation of Iraq. The SWP has played a key role in all these movements.

For socialism

The present system cannot be patched up — it has to be completely transformed. The structures of the parliament, army, police and judiciary cannot be taken over and used by the working people. Elections can be used to agitate for real improvements in people’s lives and to expose the system we live under, but only the mass action of workers themselves can change the system.

Workers create all the wealth under capitalism. A new society can only be constructed when they collectively seize control of that wealth and plan its production and distribution according to need.

For internationalism

We live in a world economy dominated by huge corporations. Only by fighting together across national boundaries can we challenge the rich and powerful who dominate the globe. The struggle for socialism can only be successful if it is a worldwide struggle.

This was demonstrated by the experience of Russia where an isolated socialist revolution was crushed by the power of the world market — a market it could only contend with by becoming state capitalist. In Eastern Europe and China similar states were later established.

Against racism, imperialism and oppression

We oppose everything which turns workers from one country against those from another. We oppose all immigration controls and campaign for solidarity with workers in other countries. We support the right of black people and other oppressed groups to organise their own defence and we support all genuine national liberation movements. We campaign for real social, political and economic equality for woman and for an end to all forms of discrimination against lesbians and gays.

Revolutionary party

Those who rule our society are powerful because they are organised — they control the wealth, media, courts and the military. They use their power to limit and contain opposition. To combat that power, working people have to be organised as well. The Socialist Workers Party aims to bring together activists from the movement and working class. A revolutionary party is necessary to strengthen the movement, organise people within it and aid them in developing the ideas and strategies that can overthrow capitalism entirely.

We are committed to fight for peace, equality, justice and socialism.

My Blog

Why are women paid less than men?

Discrimination against women is supposedly a thing of the past. So why do women, on average, still earn thousands of pounds a year less than men? Rachel Aldred investigates Over 30 years since the E...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 14:52:00 GMT

Forty years after Cathy Come Home, homelessness is still a blight

Cathy Come Home is arguably the most important piece of drama ever shown on British television. It was first broadcast 40 years ago on 16 November 1966 in the Wednesday Play primetime slot. Twelve m...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 14:50:00 GMT

Peoples Assembly on Islamophobia: standing together against racism

Last weekends People's Assembly was a chance for activists to come together, writes Anindya Bhattacharyya Over 650 delegates from across the country gathered in central London last Saturday for the ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 14:45:00 GMT

Living standards fall  its official

Inflation and interest rates rise while wages slip | Cost of electricity soars by 27 percent, gas by 38 percent Official statistics show that average living standards are falling for the first time ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 14:43:00 GMT

Defend Yunus Bakhsh

Defend Yunus Bakhsh Yunus Bakhsh, a leading activist in the Unison union, has now been suspended from his job as a health worker in Newcastle for six weeks. The suspension is an attack on one of the ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:17:00 GMT

Socialist Worker Appeal

Socialist Worker appeal - Help us raise £200,000 Total so far £103,098 Paul Garraway is a post worker in Oxford. His South Central number one CWU union branch has voted to donate £50 to the Socialist...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:15:00 GMT

The illusion of Britishness

>Socialist Worker Website The illusion of Britishness New Labour tells us that ethnic minorities need to adopt British values. Anindya Bhattacharyya examines their vision of "Britishness" and finds ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:10:00 GMT

Dr Mona el-Farra speaks from Gaza about the reality of life under siege

>Socialist Worker Website Dr Mona el-Farra speaks from Gaza about the reality of life under siege George Bush and Tony Blair's chatter about new sweeping peace initiatives in the Middle East will co...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 09:43:00 GMT