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A campaigning movement – against social injustice and poverty, for a decent living wage and pensions for all, against hospital closures and local service cuts, for empowered communities and trade union rights, in opposition to racist discrimination and bigotry and all forms of oppression, for our civil liberties, and for public ownership and democratic control of our major industries, land and assets.A democratic movement – for an independent socialist Scotland, a modern pluralist republic that harnesses our collective energies, talents and wealth for the benefit of all our citizens while safeguarding and respecting individual freedom in all its aspects.A workers movement – that will support trade unionists and all workers in struggle, fighting for the rights of workers in Scotland and internationally whether or not they are already organised in a trade union, for the repeal of all anti-trade union laws.An anti-war movement – opposing all imperialist wars wherever they occur and the current occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine.A grass roots movement – that will be active in campaigning around the issues that matter in all parts of Scotland, from the borders to the Northern Isles, from the Hebrides to the oil rigs of the North Sea, in our streets, in our communities and our workplaces, reaching out to people, and engaging in constructive political debate.An environmentalist movement – campaigning against new nuclear power stations and for the removal of Trident nuclear missiles from the banks of the Clyde, campaigning positively for massive investment in renewable technologies, and a truly integrated and modern publicly owned transport system, for environmental justice for all.A young peoples movement - that aspires to be the natural political home for young people, supporting campaigns for a decent minimum wage, free education and affordable housing.An internationalist movement – committing ourselves to solidarity with working and oppressed peoples in struggle across the globe, engaging with and supporting international resistance to capitalism, neo-liberalism and globalisation.A socialist movement - that fights for the redistribution of wealth from big business and the millionaires to working class people and their families.We call on everyone who shares our vision to join us.