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About Me

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I love Pink and Ponies, especially Pink Ponies! I also have a passion for glitter, fluff and sparkly things. I believe that I am an actual princess but have had bit of trouble trying to convince my nearest and dearest! Think I should add that I am a 2nd Year Media Studies Student at Swansea University and am always on the lookout for advice from any one in the business
A Few Good Things... by
Would you die for your best friend?: Depends what kind of death!!!
Do you care about global warming?: I should
Is your future so bright you hafta wear shades?: Hell yes
Would you give your best friend your last pound if she needed it more than you?: yes but i want it back with interest
Would you help a homeless person by giving them food or money?: Depends how big their dog on a rope is!!!
Do you give people a chance to apologise?: Only if they grovel!!
Do you believe in God?: Ummm
Would you bring a knife to a gun fight?: No... a gun duhhh
If you were rich would you give money to a poor country?: For the right reasons (smug)
Would you give up your lifestyle for your child to be raised right?: of course (already have!!0
Would you follow your dream if someone told you it would never come true?: WOULD BE A BIT POINTLESS
Would you be able to take the vow "til death do us part" seriously?: already have
If going to war meant having more money, would you?: wouldn't you?
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My Interests

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Russell Brand, world politics, current affairs, being important and fabulous, oh and Russell Brand again, and Nigel Harman of course yum! Media studies, New Media, Journalism, Jeremy Kyle, World peace,My children, Mr Rees, Environmental Issues, Music, Reading, yawn yawn the list goes on......

HELP wanted -MUMMY ON A MISSIONCoca Cola have launched their Instant Pop Star Competition. I would like to give my daughter (aka THE BOO) the best possible chance of winning. She doesn't have the X-Factor but she would win a once in a lifetime experience. Please visit the website by clicking on the link below and use your 20 votes forLaura Williams singing something niceMake a mummy happy!!!!Help to support the Boo, its a good causePlease ask all your friends to vote
I am also strongly against the war in Iraq. In 2003 I went to London and took part in the demonstration along with hundreds of thousands of people to voice our anger against the governments plans to support the US in their campaign. Tony Blair did not listen then and the government is still not listening now. In February 2007 hundreds of thousands took to the streets again, myself and my children included, to ask for an end to the slaughter of innocent Iraqi people. When will our government start to listen? How many more will die. GET THE TROOPS OUT NOW

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with buckets loads of cash! Russsell Brand.....obviously!, Jeremy Kyle ,Osama Bin Laden, Gordy Brown, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, but not George Bush coz he is evil, Prince William or Harry ... so I can be a real life Princess and to be a bit more Fairy Godmother, My little Pony so I can plait its mane lol. On a more serious note Bob Geldof, and Bono coz that makes me sound caring!!


Many diffent things - incl Pink Floyd, Beatles, Oasis, Coldplay , Razorlight, Stereophonics (coz they is Welsh,) The Killers, U2 , Keane, REM, Snow Patrol. The whole Madchester music scene was happening when I was 16 so an obvious choice to channel energies. The rave scene in the 90's also took a grip and I still bear the scars from those days. I will also admit to liking a bit of Queen, Elvis and many guilty pleasures (Take That! and Robbie!!)in fact I am a bit of a music whore!!!
As you can probably see I am a big supporter of the Make Poverty History Camapign. On July 2nd 2005 I was fortunate enough to be at the LIVE8 London concert. Pink Floyd absolutely blew my mind.Four days later we bundled the kids in to the car and drove for 9 hours to Edinburgh for the Long Walk to Justice March. I had only 4 tickets for the Murrayfield concert so would have had to sacrifice going, to let the kids experience an important part of history. A kind soul took pity on me and gave me a ticket if I promised not to sell it on. I didn't so THANKYOU KIND STRANGER. It was just a pity the whole concert was marred by the 7/7 London bombings


Cant stop this feeling I got

Somewhere else

Girl with the Golden touch

In the morning

Fall to pieces

On September 17th 2007 I was lucky enough to win tickets to see Razorlight play that night at a small London gig for Xfm Radio 10th Birthday. The rush for the train and panic to get there was worth it as the gig was incredible. Thankyou to Razorlight Myspace team for the chance to experience such an intimate concert.
br "


Starwars (that is a lie as I have never seen it) Wizard of Oz ( I love those ruby slippers), Pink Floyd The Wall, The Outsiders, Ferris Buellers Day Off and Jumping Jack Flash. ET always makes me cry, as does Gone with the Wind. I dislike most sci-fi films although have to say THE MATRIX is probably the best film in the world eva in the history of time and space.

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Your brain uses hundreds of tricks and shortcuts to make sense of what you see. Life is full of illusions. Your brain ‘fills in’ missing information and makes ‘best guesses’. When you sit in a train at a station and the train alongside begins to slide past, which train is actually moving? Try to spot the illusions in this slideshow


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I have to admit that my love of mind numbing television influenced my choice of degree. I admit to watching most genres of programmes from soaps to reality tv....documentaries, comedies, stupid top 100 lists,

any lifestyle programme, daytime tv, quiz shows, Jeremy Kyle, Question Time, and Big Brother with a bit of Sky News for entertainment!(And I thought I was a music whore!!!)


Light fluffy books by Marian Keyes. All the Adriam Mole series. Anthing on Middle East/Western Relations. The Bible!!! Self help books do absolutely nothing for me but I like to pretend they do


Nelson Mandela, Bob Geldolf, Bono, Mother Theresa, Margaret Thatcher and my beautiful children

Kanye West tellin like it is after Katrina...

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