i'm just some guy. i do stupid things. i eat food, then shit out the waste. i sleep, and wake up. i do things that are not so stupid. eventually, i will die.
i drink.
i'm just some guy. i do stupid things. i eat food, then shit out the waste. i sleep, and wake up. i do things that are not so stupid. eventually, i will die.
i drink.
swords. the various Celtic peoples. the power of steam. the people i know. really, a whole lot of geekery. and geeks - which is to say, people who are interested in things.
people. especially ones who are interesting to me. that usually, but not always, involves having interests, and not just occupations. however, that isn't the only type of person i've been friends with in the past. really, i don't think that there is much in the way of a general pattern, except maybe not being stupid. but even there, i can't be sure. after all, maybe i'm stupid.
Abney Park, Add N to (X), Tori Amos, Laurie Anderson, Angel Of Decay, The Angels Of Light, anticon, The Arid Sea, The Art Of Noise, Backandtotheleft, Angelo Badalamenti, Bauhaus, Belle And Sebastian, Belly, Big Electric Cat, Bis, Blackwood Hymnal, BloodHag, Blue Oyster Cult, Der Blutharsch, La Brigade, Brighter Death Now, Kate Bush, Cake, Maria Callas, Can, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, Chris And Cosey, Cindytalk, Circus Contraption, Cocteau Twins, Leonard Cohen, COIL, Alice Cooper, Cordelia's Dad, Corpus Delicti, The Cramps, The Cranberries, The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, The Cure, Current 93, Danielle Dax, Dead Voices On Air, Death In June, Deutsch Nepal, Devo, DJ Cheb I Sabbah, Doll Factory, Tanya Donelly, The Doors, Download, The Durutti Column, Einsturzende Neubauten, The Electric Hellfire Club, Euclid, The Faint, Faith And Disease, Faith And The Muse, Fear Of Dolls, Fields Of The Nephilim, Foetus, Johnny Forlorn, Franz Ferdinand, Fuzzbox, Peter Gabriel, Diamanda Galas, Gas Huffer, Genocide Organ, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Gothic Archies, Gravediggaz, Green River, Grim Pig, Gruntsplatter, Handsome Boy Modelling School, The Hatchet Wounds, Haus Arafna, Holocaust Theory, Honeymoon In Red, HUMANWINE, Hyaena Reich, Infernal Noise Brigade, Jack Off Jill, Jarboe, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Robert Johnson, Joy Division, Yoko Kanno, Kenji Kawai, The KLF, KO And The Knockouts, Kokusyoku Sumire, Kraftwerk, Led Zeppelin, lefthandeddecision, Legendary Pink Dots, Legion Within, Liquefaction, Lothar And The Hand People, Lydia Lunch, Lycia, The Magnetic Fields, Mazzy Star, Meisce, Mindless Self Indulgence, Mira, Missing Persons, Moon Lay Hidden, Morbid Angel, Ennio Morricone, Motorhead, Mudhoney, muslimgauze, Negativland, Nirvana, NON, November Novelet, Of The Wand And The Moon, Ordo Tyrannis, Palodine, Edith Piaf, Pink Floyd, The Pixies, The Pogues, Portishead, Raison d'Etre, The Ramones, Rasputina, The Residents, Steve Roach, Clara Rockmore, Rosin Coven, Royksopp, The RZA, Salem 66, Pierre Schaeffer, Senor Coconut Y Son Conjunto, Shinjuku Thief, Shonen Knife, Sigur Ros, A Silver Mt Zion, Emilie Simon, Siouxsie and the Banshees, skincage, Skinny Puppy, Mark Snow, Sol Invictus, Ralph Stanley, Stone Roses, The Sundays, Sunn o))), SWANS, Swayzak, Tangerine Dream, Tau Factor, This Morn' Omina, Throbbing Gristle, Tongo Hiti, Twilight Sol, Unto Ashes, Vangelis, Vernian Process, Vidna Obmana, Walter Sickert & THe ARmy Of BRoken TOys, The White Stripes, Wesley Willis, Wings Of Mirra, Wu Tang Clan, X, Iannis Xenakis, The Young Werewolves, ZLKNF
Airplane!, Aleksandr Nevskiy, Alien, Aliens, An American Werewolf In London, Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy, Apocalypse Now, Apollo 13, Batman Begins, Better Off Dead, Brazil, The Call Of Cthulhu, Captain Blood, Casablanca, Cast A Deadly Spell, Cat People (Jacques Tourneur), The Chronicles Of Riddick, A Clockwork Orange, The Company Of Wolves, Conan The Barbarian, Conan The Destroyer, Contact, Crash, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Curse Of The Cat People, Dagon, Dark Star, Dawn Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Dog Soldiers, Donnie Darko, Duck Soup, The Empire Strikes Back, Escape From New York, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Eyes Of Fire, The Fellowship Of The Ring, The Fifth Element, A Fistful Of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More, Ghost Dog, Ghost In The Shell, Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps: Unleashed, The Godfather, The Godfather II, The Golem: How He Came Into the World, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Grave Of The Fireflies, Hang 'Em High, (Jet Li's) Hero, High Plains Drifter, A History Of Violence, House Of Flying Daggers, The Howling, Jeremiah Johnson, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, Land Of The Dead, Lord Of Illusions, The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, Night Of The Living Dead, Once Upon A Time In The West, One Crazy Summer, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl, Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Pitch Black, Prince Of Darkness, Princess Mononoke, Ran, Repo Man, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, The Resurrectionist, The Return Of The King, Return Of The Living Dead, Sanjuro, Saving Private Ryan, Serenity, The Seven Samurai, The Shining, Shaun Of The Dead, Snatch, Solyaris, Star Wars, Taxi Driver, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Them!, They Live!, The Thing, Throne Of Blood, Troy, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Two Towers, Unforgiven, Until The End Of The World, The Warriors, (Anthony Shaffer's) The Wicker Man, Wilderness, Willow, Wings Of Desire, Withnail And I, The Wolf Man, Yojimbo
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Battlestar Galactica (both versions), Bones, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Eastenders, Fight Quest, Firefly, Frisky Dingo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Heroes, House, Human Weapon, Lucy the Daughter of the Devil, Malcolm in the Middle, Max Headroom: 20 Mintues into the Future, Metalocalypse, The Prisoner, Scrubs, The Simpsons, Space: Above and Beyond, Survivorman, Trigger Happy TV, The Twilight Zone, Twin Peaks, The Venture Brothers, The X Files, The Young Ones
Celtic Heritage - Alwyn and Brinley Rees, The Demon's Sermon on the Martial Arts - Issai Chozanshi, The Haunted Mesa - Louis L'Amour, the Tales from the Flat Earth - Tanith Lee, the Wraeththu books - Storm Constantine, Death War and Sacrifice - Bruce Lincoln, Eros and Magic in the Renaissance - Ioan Couliano, On Stranger Tides - Tim Powers, Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein, Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk, Dune series (6 books) - Frank Herbert, Witches Werewolves and Fairies - Claude Lecouteux, Illuminatus! trilogy - Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, Masks of the Illuminati - Robert Anton Wilson, Shike - Robert Shea, Friday - Robert A. Heinlein, Cattle Lords and Clansmen - Nerys Patterson, The White Plague - Frank Herbert, Foundation trilogy - Isaac Asimov, 2001: A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke, Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom - Erynn Rowan Laurie, Guns Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond, Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath - Carlo Ginzburg, Earth Light - R.J. Stewart, Power Within the Land - R.J. Stewart, The Well of Light - R.J. Stewart, The Secret Commonwealth - Rev. Robert Kirk, The Man in the High Castle - Phillip K. Dick, Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco, Shamans Sorcerers and Saints - Brian Hayden, The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi, The Expert Sword-Man's Companion - Donald MacBane, Banned From Boxing!: The Forgotten Grappling Techniques of Classic Pugilism - Kirk Lawson, The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - W.Y. Evans Wentz, Hagakure - Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Colloquy of the Ancients - anonymous, The History of the Kings of Britain - Geoffrey of Monmouth, Cause Principle and Unity and Essays on Magic - Giordano Bruno, The Use of the Broad Sword - Thomas Page, The Dreaming Tree - C.J. Cherryh, The Science of the Craft - William H. Keith Jr, The Wisdom of the Outlaw - Joseph Falaky Nagy, The Hunt for Red October - Tom Clancy, The Sand Pebbles - Richard McKenna, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll, Captain Blood - Rafael Sabatini, The Sea Hawk - Rafael Sabatini, The Lord of the Rings trilogy - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Call of Cthulhu and others - H.P. Lovecraft, Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
Benjamin Franklin. The RZA. Jon Stewart. Miyamoto Musashi. Donald MacBane. Michaelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Emperor Julian "the Apostate". Giordano Bruno.