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Emperor Norton I


About Me

Although few history books mention his name, in the mid-1800's Joshua Abraham Norton proclaimed himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. And for almost a quarter of a century he ruled his vast domain with exemplary benevolence and kindly common sense.
Joshua Norton was not a natural-born citizen of the United States. Born in England in 1819, he migrated with his parents to south Africa where he spent his youth. It was not until 1849, as a young man of 30, that he immigrated to his future capital-San Francisco.
Norton was different from the majority of forty-niners. He did not come with the typical empty pockets to mine California's newly discovered gold. Instead he is reported to have entered the port with $40,000.
With this working capital he set himself up in the real estate and import brokerage business and before long had parlayed this sizable amount into a respectable fortune. By applying shrewd business practices to a variety of ventures, Norton is said to have accumulated about a quarter of a million dollars by 1853.
Unfortunately, Joshua Norton's financial ruin came just as rapidly as his success. Foreseeing a large rice demand from the many Oriental workers in the city, he bought up as much rice as he could in an attempt to corner the local market. As he expected, the price of rice soared. But before he could take advantage of the inflated prices, two ships laden with more rice entered the port. His vast holdings became virtually worthless, and he went bankrupt. During the following litigation, Norton lost all he had. He disappeared for a time, leaving many to wonder about his fate. When he finally reappeared in 1857, it was apparent that in addition to losing his fortune, he had also lost his mental balance and his identity.
Joshua A. Norton returned to San Francisco not as a bankrupt merchant, but as none other than the Emperor of the United States, and announced his rule by issuing an official proclamation. With the indulgence of the editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, Norton's edict was made known to his subjects on September 17, 1859.
Norton assumed his exalted position. Dressed in baggy, faded blue, military-type uniform, complete with gilt epaulets and shiny brass buttons, Norton began to strut about the streets of San Francisco as if he did indeed rule the city. Although he wore other hats during his reign, it was a beaver hat that Norton seemed to prefer. Gaily colored feathers topping the already tall hat added inches for his somewhat stocky frame. But it was the Emperor's regal bearing and attitude itself that made him the impressive figure that he was. Norton looked and acted every inch a king, even if at times his royal outfit was ill fitting and a little worse for wear.
With a ceremonial sword at his side and an umbrella or walking stick as his scepter, the bearded monarch strolled about his domain. During his daily patrol of the streets of San Francisco Norton made certain that all sidewalks were unobstructed. He reviewed the police to see that they were on duty. He checked on the progress of needed street repairs, inspected buildings under construction, and in general saw to it that all of the city's ordinances were enforced.
Norton was pestered at times with a few teasing hecklers, but on the whole the citizens of San Francisco adopted the eccentric ex-merchant and actually afforded him the royal treatment he commanded. He was allowed to eat in restaurants as the guest of the owners. As his fame spread, the restauranteurs actually vied for his royal patronage and approval. Transportation was provided free of charge. At one point the city provided an annual sum for the Emperor's trappings. To take care of any other physical needs of his royal person, Norton was even allowed to issue bonds, collect taxes from his subjects, or cash his own scrip (payable "by the agents of our Private Estate, in case the Government of Norton the First does not hold firm"), printed free of charge by local printers. As a wise dictator Norton was careful not to impose undue burdens on his subjects. His needs were modest, so his periodic demands on his subjects for financial assistance were kept to a minimum.
The citizens of the young city saw to it that Emperor Norton was well provided for, but they also went a step further.Whether it was a salute or a bow as they passed him on the street, they universally gave their Emperor the tribute he expected. They even listed him in the city directory as "Norton, Joshua (Emperor), dwl. Metropolitan Hotel." They allowed him to review the cadets at the University of California. They gave him a place of honor at plays, concerts, public lectures, and other civic affairs. The police department - Norton's "Imperial Constabulary" - reserved a special chair for him at the precinct station and even prevailed upon him to march at the head of their annual parade.
Norton I was a working monarch. While much of his time was spent inspecting his domain, he never neglected his paperwork. During his reign Norton issued a wide variety of royal documents, and, as loyal subjects, newspaper editors followed his command and printed them.
As early as July of 1860 Emperor Norton saw trouble brewing between the North and the South and declared that the Union be dissolved for the duration of the emergency. He wanted to arbitrate the Civil War, but no one seemed inclined to take him up on his generous offer. In 1869 he showed uncanny foresight when he ordered a bridge built across the San Francisco Bay. People laughed at his ridiculous proposal, but about sixty years later the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge became a reality. Today a plaque honors the Emperor's wisdom: "Pause traveler, and be grateful to Norton I... whose prophetic wisdom conceived and decreed the bridging of San Francisco Bay..."
Norton ruled much of his kingdom by proclamations, but he was not above dealing directly with the problems and issues requiring his attention. During one of the typical anti-Chinese demonstrations so common at the time, Norton is reported to have stood up before the group, bowed his head and begun reciting the Lord's Prayer. Within a few minutes the agitators retreated in shame without putting any of their threats into cruel action.
Although Norton died suddenly of apoplexy on January 8th, 1880 while making his daily rounds, he remained Emperor. The San Franciscans who had honored him in life continued to be loyal subjects after his death. The whole city mourned its loss. "San Francisco without Emperor Norton," a newspaper announced, "will be like a throne without a king," and the city knew it. San Franciscans had grown to love Norton, eccentric or not, and they let it be known. Flags hung at half mast. Businesses closed out of respect. Funeral and burial arrangements for the Emperor were the most elaborate the city had seen, with an impressive 20,000 people paying their last respects. With wealthier citizens bearing the expenses, Norton was laid to rest in the Masonic Cemetery with all the ceremony that a real emperor would have received.
(taken from EMPEROR NORTON I The benevolent dictator beloved and honored by San Franciscans to this day. By Patricia E. Carr)
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My Interests


Bonanza: The Emperor Norton, Episode #225, original airdate February 27, 1966; Death Valley Days: Emperor Norton, Episode #376, original airdate June 15, 1956


Norton was Mark Twain's inspiration for the Duke in Huckleberry Finn, and is mentioned by Robert Louis Stevenson in his novel The Wrecker

My Blog

Proclamation: Norton is King of MySpace

WHEREAS, it is necessary for our Peace, Prosperity and Happiness, as also to the  Advancement of the people of  MySpace, that they should dissolve the Rule of the man known only by his given...
Posted by Emperor Norton I on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST

Norton's Spirit Moves!

The Spirit of Norton has once again become an actively moving agent in the world. Last year, my spirit reappeared here on the internet and added to my old titles of Emperor of the United States and Pr...
Posted by Emperor Norton I on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:28:00 PST

NORTON IMPERATOR, by Dr. George Chismore

"No more through the crowded streets he goes,With his shambling gait and shabby clothes, And his furtive glance and whiskered nose--      Immersed in cares of state.The s...
Posted by Emperor Norton I on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:49:00 PST

excerpt from the Principia Discordia

 We asked Goddess if She, like God, had an Only Begotten Son. She assured us that She did and gave His name as Emperor Norton I -- whom we assumed was probably some Byzantine ruler of Constantino...
Posted by Emperor Norton I on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:42:00 PST

Proclamation of August 4, 1869 Dissolving Political Parties

Being desirous of allaying the dissension's of party strife now existing within our realm, [I] do hereby dissolve and abolish the Democratic and Republican parties, and also do hereby degree the disfr...
Posted by Emperor Norton I on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 01:28:00 PST

First Royal Proclamation (as published in The San Francisco Bulletin, 1859)

  At the peremptory request and desire of a large majority of the citizens of these United States, I, Joshua Norton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and now for the last 9 years and 10 ...
Posted by Emperor Norton I on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 01:02:00 PST