The fathomless depths of music, the things the righteous dudes wrote, the stuff that's on your mind. Sweeping stones off the road.
Fun people who take themselves seriously enough, but not too seriously. "The Experienced" (not necessarily stoned but Beautiful). I'm not into organizations of too many kinds but I sometimes accept requests from them, depending on how my breakfast went down. I still have this thing set to not accept requests from bands, but somehow some of y'all slip thru anyhow. I'm on dialup, I can't tell if I like your music or not.
I'm not a "friend hoover." If I think I'm being hoovered I won't accept, send me a message if the connection might not be clear to me. Lately I'm a little "myspaced-out" so I don't know...
I especially like people who post their actual age. Doesn't matter if you act your age or not.
But also people who twig that:
"There is a great insight which our culture is deliberately designed to suppress, distort, and ignore:
that Nature is a minded entity; that Nature is not simply the random flight of atoms through
electromagnetic fields; that Nature is not the empty, despiritualized lumpen matter that we inherit
from modern physics. But it is instead a kind of intelligence, a kind of mind."
-Terence McKenna
13th Floor Elevators, Golden Dawn, LoVe, Syd Barrett's Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Dylan, Grateful Dead, Stones, Beatles, Hendrix, Bevis Frond, Stooges, Meat Puppets, Hidden Hand, Monster Magnet, Charlie Patton, Lightnin' Hopkins, Scrapper Blackwell, Bad Livers, Funkadelic, Minutemen, it goes on almost forever. Nonetheless, like you, I'm a choosey mother.
I'm mostly drawn to horror movies and psychological thrillers. All the old-school Universal films, Hammer Studios, all the Barbara Steele movies. All the movies Roky sang about. Some of the flashy newer stuff is cool too, as long as it ain't too depraved. I don't have patience for that tripe. Also stuff like Bergman, Kurosawa, Lynch, Tarantino, Jodorowsky, Cammell, Roeg. All the usual good stuff!
I think I used to watch it at one time. Reruns of the 60s Outer Limits, The Prisoner, Twin Peaks, and the REALLY great stuff: Green Acres, and especially the Beverly Hillbillies!! Funniest show there ever was or ever will be.
Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Castaneda, Rob't. Anton Wilson, Aldous Huxley, Philip K. Dick, H. P. Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, Anais Nin, William Blake, Clive Barker, James Joyce, Burroughs, Bucky Fuller, John Kennedy Toole, Vonnegut, Kerouac, Hawking, e.e. cummings, Emerson, Korzybski, Lao Tzu.
I don't have any heroes... as the saying goes, "If you have a hero, look again, you have diminished yourself in some way." I prefer 'icons.' Lot of em show up in my friends and other lists.