Music / Film / deviant private activities / Voice training / and usual well rounded type stuff
Open to most types as long as you are not too unsavory. Just exploring the digital friendship / networking domain for the first time.
Varried. From Tom Jones to Aphex Twin. With pit stops for Johnny Cash, Bowie and the Chameleons in between.
Artsy fartsy old school stuff as well B movie crap. I quite enjoy German expressionist cinema. Hammer films are grand too.
Family Guy, Deadwood, Battle Star Galactica
Celine, Sir Arthur Connan Doyle, Hunter Thompson, Yeats, Kafka, Blake, Poe, Neil Gaiman, Rumi...
My Dear Sweet Mother who by all rights should have sold me to the gypsies during my bastardly youth but opted to rather stick it out and give me the benefit of the doubt. And of course myslef.