It's like playing the lottery, and never checking your numbers.
classic magic and vintage magic posters, genuine people, cats, travel, wine, coffee, chocolate, music, photography, film, absurd inventions, lots of dumb stuff, mostly...
people who aren't dicks.
I like all kinds of music and none of it is on mtv, but then, what do I know... I don't watch mtv.
documentaries, any david lynch, trois couleurs, christopher guest, pink panther (blake edwards), tim burton, andy warhol, christopher walken, old classic movies and pre 70's sci-fi horror.
movies with good dialogue or movies with dialogue so bad it's good...
carnivale, conan o'brien, brass eye and jam (chris morris), kathy griffin, and top chef, though, it makes me hungry.
mostly non fiction
thinking man and john boy's mole