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About Me

Figured it was time to update this. For those of you you who love to blog here on myspace, please read the bottom paragraph.I love life. Utterly and completely. Like the main character in Tom Robbins' "Jitterbug Perfume" I have no plans to die.Wasn't always like this though. Was a time when, as a fully-enrolled and utterly insane in-your-face believer, when I thought this world was for the degenerates and my life would only begin in heaven. I.E. after I coughed my last phlegm-soaked cough.I still am a believer by the way. I just don't dig the dogma and culture of church all that much. (read: at all)My God created me with a sense of humour, an ability to enjoy playing the piano, dancing, singing, drinking beer and the capacity to enjoy Quentin Tarantino's creativity. (Although I have it on good authority He might want to talk to me about that someday).What else?Well there's this: I'm a firm believer that very few people think of themselves as assholes, ready and willing to get something at someone else's expense. I think most of us think of ourselves as decent. ERGO, when someone fucks up and we get inconvenienced, it's not logical to think they did it on purpose, or because they were just being assholes. If we're willing to *think* just a bit, we can understand that perhaps they made an unintentional mistake. It certainly describes why *I* fuck up on occasion and I truly wish others would give me the benefit of the doubt. Therefore I want to give you the benefit of the doubt too.Seems fair, right?If there was a way to sum up one's mindset, it would have to be this: read _Jitterbug Perfume_ by Tom Robbins. When you're done, get back to me and we'll compare notes.I love reading. I've subscribed to some fairly awesome writers here on myspace. Most notably Lee, Art Carcass and Tommy Blaze, among others. Too many to mention really - it's like pure gold finding you here. And through your writing and interaction I feel like I've gotten to know you a little bit and love you a lot. It needs to be said that the list of blogs I subscribe to is LARGE, man. For that reason, I have to cull through it on occasion. Usually the only ones I end up unsubscribing from are those who post-date by a day or more.Some reading this won't know what "postdate" means, so let me explain: it's when you post a blog and change the date and time to make it appear as if you've written it tomorrow or later. What this does is put your blog at the top of your subscribers' reading lists - and it always appear as if it's new, and the subscribers haven't read it yet.I have no patience for that. I understand why it's done. People want to make sure their blogs aren't overlooked. But I see it as a form of cheating. Mostly I see it as a waste of time.I can live with blogs that are post-dated by a few hours. Nothing wrong with that. But if it's postdated by a day or more the subscription hits my waste basket.

My Interests

I'm always interested in poking the buttons of those who think they've got it all figured out. It's almost an obsession. Someone who claims to speak for God, or me, or all people of any particular group draws me like a moth to the flame. An irritating smarmy moth who "just wants to talk".

I'd like to meet:

Jennifer Aniston. People in general. I like them. I think they're cute, and some of them taste funny.


I like pretty much everything except country. And even then I like some New Country stuff like "The Eagles". What? They're not country? Then why do those country TV video stations play their stuff? (Not that I've ever watched any of it.) Classical, classic rock, trance, dance, alternative (whatever that is), pop, Jamaican (yeah, man!), strictly instrumental, you name it- I'm there.


Raising Arizona and almost anything by the Coen Brothers. Also, Cannery Row, My Cousin Vinny, Laurel Canyon, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill (the first half was better than the second), GoodFellas.


Damages, Eli Stone, The Unit, Boston Legal, Friends and New Amsterdam.


I've read a lot of books. "Jitterbug Perfume" by Tom Robbins is the BEST book by far. It's fiction but if you read it right, it's also kind of life-changing; anything by Daniel Silva; anything by Neil Gaiman.


My brother.And lately, because of his penchant to buck the "let's talk about stuff that annoys me" trend on myspace, and because of his willingness to bring people together to share in stuff like, oh, I don't know, a five-part story blog, Tommy Blaze.Oh, and Lee - who just provokes the hell out of me to *think*. Love her!

My Blog

The Toothpick Lectures

"Where is your centre of gravity?"The tall guy's face had lost a fight with the demons of acne back when he was in his teens.  Not that his face didn't put up a valiant fight.   Clearly...
Posted by wolfshades on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:19:00 PST

What I Think Of You

You guys amaze me.   Seriously.You are thoughtful, insightful and you are willing to share.  And I appreciate that about you.You don't stop by and give throw-away blithe comments.  No.&...
Posted by wolfshades on Wed, 28 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

Pity and Pain

When someone comes along who seems anti-social....someone who tends to shoot herself in the foot by doing evil vicious things, a huge question mark appears in the sky, which the wolf sees through a ha...
Posted by wolfshades on Sat, 24 May 2008 11:36:00 PST

The face of spring

"Meet me at at Union Station.""Ok baby.  I'm just on my way out of work.  See you there.  What are we doing?"He smiled.  "You'll see."He waited for her amongst the harried crowd, a...
Posted by wolfshades on Thu, 22 May 2008 09:11:00 PST

All excited-like, part deux

As you know, night 1 with the new virginal bed was a write-off.  I was too happy to be in it; anticipated too much about getting the first good night's sleep in a long time to actually settle down eno...
Posted by wolfshades on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:43:00 PST

All excited-like

Ok this one's a bit self-indulgent.  I don't care.Bought a new bed five years ago.  Worked Ok for a few years.  But then I noticed I wasn't sleeping well.  Couldn't figure it out.&...
Posted by wolfshades on Sat, 17 May 2008 06:21:00 PST

Striving for the Dance of Diamonds

First the pimpage part.   This late night/early morning blog is absolutely inspired by a blog lovingly put together by a gem of a man who goes by the moniker of Art Carcass.   Before giving ...
Posted by wolfshades on Fri, 09 May 2008 10:10:00 PST

A Mousy Conundrum *updated with comment replies*

The night was young, and there was still time, if he hurried.   The cursor on his screen was precariously poised over the "Apply" button on the web page.  All he had to do was click it....
Posted by wolfshades on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:51:00 PST

The story is finished!

And what a great ending to it too!For those of you who missed it.....Tommy Blaze started it out with a challenge.  He created the setup for this story, which can be found right here:  T-Day....
Posted by wolfshades on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:49:00 PST

If only.....

There's a time during the day, usually in the early evening at twilight when the newscasts are done, and there is nothing of import or interest to watch on the T.V. when that dreaded wooly-headed mons...
Posted by wolfshades on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 02:20:00 PST