Holly da Potato ™ profile picture

Holly da Potato ™

Best when mashed... beneath a HOT blooded male

About Me

"Those who improve with age embrace
the power of personal growth and personal achievement and
begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with
understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization."
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"I think you are a "spontaneous combustion". I mean that in a good way!...Carla, 4.25.2008
Classic: A Poem for..da Potato by Uncommon Sensuality, 11/07
she is classic
a well chilled glass of wine
swirled in the light
teasing your senses with the woody aroma
a book that feels comfortable in your hands
as the words warm your heart
a black and white film
where people dance to express
the brush strokes in an oil painting
hanging in the museum
so beautiful your eyes mist in their gaze of it
musical tones emanating
from the acoustic guitar
as fingers play
a melody that moves your soul
she embodies all of this
in her smile
her words
her friendship
and I am fortunate
for knowing her.
LIKE FINE WINE, BY: Rudderless Soul
Tantalise eyes, with a glimpse of your milky thighs,
That above lacy stocking tops, teasingly lies,
As you slowly cross one leg, over the other,
Even though for years, you have been a grandmother,
Ageing only improves, your sexuality,
And makes you at ease, with your sensuality,
That you instinctively know, how to dress to please,
And how to move, when with your attributes, you tease,
Without ever making yourself, seem too blatant,
As you express those desires, far too long latent,
For now you've discovered, what you want from this life,
And intend to leave behind, all those years of strife,
Delighting in your sense of fun and naughtiness,
As you drink deeply, from the wells of
I have been cast as the "other woman" and
naturally at first I found an uneasiness accepting this
mantle. All the dirty inclinations and it being so
far from my "true north". Did she ever consider that she
was the other woman in my mind? Instead she claimed
rank based on length of dating him. Apparently no one
has taught her that's its "quality over quantity".
This TF-4.5, then deemed me a
potato...what?..exactly...the very same
thought crossed through my mind.
Then he stepped from a friend to a lover, a handsome, younger man and he proclaimed,
"you're a potato alright, one hot potato".
He taught me to accept it, embrace it, relish it and
enjoy all that comes with it in the way of "attention"
from him and future paramours. One Hot Potato...I can live with it!
Strange how you can go through daily life
and not noticed a person as sexual being, until
that person becomes illuminated in your minds eye
and you're forced to take notice.
Never let it be
said that I am against giving a man what he wants;
long as "da potato" is getting what she needs.
My world is a canvas of colors,
filled at various times with both strokes of anguish & joy. My life can get messy so
if your hanging with me, best wear safety glasses. Business
has taught me that the "fine line" can be a "invisible line", business is business and yes, its personal,
don't let them tell you different.
Holly's Instant Messenger is: [email protected]

My Interests

*Long distance relationships...(insert sly smile here) .....never underestimate the power of suggestion and seductive phrasing.
* 5 Star Hotels
* A full moon and a sky filled with stars
* Ali and Autumn begging me to tell "that story" again
* Amanda's Giggle, its infectious
* Architectural and Interior Design
* Champagne & Strawberries
* Enjoying my friends poetry, photography, artwork & music they create
* Entrepreneurial business
* Fast-expensive cars and the bad boys that drive them
* Fine Belgium or German Chocolate
* Hosting big bashes
* HOT Chicago summer days
* Laughing with my siblings as we share stories of our childhood
* Lazy mornings in bed with the one you love
* Old Catholic Churches
* Out running the police down a country road
* Playing in the rain
* Riding your dirt bike across a field of mud and muck
* Road trips for the sake of spending time together
* Singing & dancing in the kitchen while preparing a meal with Ali & Autumn
* Singing in the car with my sister/other half
* Sleeping in a hammock under a tree with a slight breeze and the sun still warm on your face as it breaks through the branches
* Taylor and Brianna's blue eyes and their fighting spirits
* The first snowflakes of the season
* The nations finer department stores
* Watching Phillip do the "happy dance"
* Writing short essays
* The love Wolfie gives to me so openly and accepts from me in return
* The sound of a guitar being played ever so softly in the early morning hours

I'd like to meet:

"l'onore de la famiia sta posto, sta posto"

..da Potato is searching for non-toxic
and user friendly individuals. Independent, secure,
self-reliant women who have calculated their self-worth and
deemed themselves outrageously pricey.
Are you a Diva?
Are men willing to walk through hell fires on the
relationship proving grounds for that one chance of winning
your heart?
"Give them less, divulge the
possibilities and they will want more"...Many males believe
the defining question is, "Why pay for a cow if you've
never tasted the milk?", when in truth, they don't
want the cow that's been milked by every random
farmer at the market. A Diva always knows her worth!
A Diva NEVER takes on the
role of "mommy", "maid" or "nurse" for her lover, unless
of course it involves "dress up" during his
extended lunch hour.
Wanted:Individuals who think with their hearts,
whose souls are overflowing with passion, conviction,
drive, creativity, spontaneity and spirituality...
Do you believe that "honor, respect & integrity"
are principals that make up a
persons character and are not just words?...
Have you accepted yourself, as well as others?...
"The greatest happiness in life
bis the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or
rather, loved in spite of ourselves."~Victor Hugo...
Are you focused on being the best "you" possible?...
"If you have never been on the edge of death,
how do you know you are alive?"...
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: Friends participate. Voice your honest
opinions, use the comments section wisely, and
add to the page by being interactive-proactive.
We support each other, as meant
to be and as I deem, after all it is
my page.

To add me to your Facebook, message me for information.
FRIEND REQUESTS: I only accept friend requests from
individuals that are introduced to me from current friends.
My blogs are public, you can subscribe without
being on my friends list. Thanks! ..

Express Yourself...leave a comment.
Give some love to get some love! (cuddling not required)


Sensual, seductive and performed with passion...the finest music written resembles exquisitely performed sex...starts out slowly, then builds into ecstasy and winds down and eases silently to a close having exhausted its listener...


"Funny business, a woman's career, the things you drop on the way up the ladder so you can move faster. You forget you'll need them again when you get back to being a woman. It's one career all females have in common-being a woman. Sooner or later we've got to work at it no matter how many other careers we've had or wanted. And in the last analysis nothing is any good unless you can look up just before dinner or turn around in bed and there he is. Without that you're not a woman. You're something with a French provincial office or a book full of clippings but you're not a woman. Slow, curtain, the end." ...All About Eve.


Women In Film

Women in Art


.. La Diva Artist Movement: Develop your strength
to forgive, your courage to change, your passion to
share and your openness to love & accept love in return.
"Having looked the past in the eye, having
asked for forgiveness and having made amends, let us
shut the door on the past – not in order to forget it but
in order not to allow it to imprison us." ~ Desmond Tutu


~~My Mother-My Mentor-My Friend-My Guardian Angel~~
~~Women who know what they want and go after it without destroying others or themselves in the process~~
~~Blessed Teresa of Calcutta~~
Saint Theresa's Prayer May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.
~~The very misunderstood Saint Mary Magadelene~~
We should reflect on Mary's attitude and the great love she felt for Christ; for though the disciples had left the tomb, she remained. "When there is doubt and confusion, leave it in the hands of a strong willed woman to complete the project. Even then it was a woman who was the last to leave the office."
~~My Papa who illustrated the love and strength of a good man so that I would settle for nothing less in my choice of a partner~~
.. ..
Dove Self Esteem Campaign
And the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds.
People are often
unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are honest,
people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness,
people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today
may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end,
it is between you and God.
It never was between you and them anyway.
~ Mother Teresa

My Blog

Where is the SNL skit for Bidens Failed Answer?

and all the blogs making "stupid" jokes and why didn't the media "dog" him on this one.  As I laid in bed listening to the debate, my Amanda jumped right on his case about this one.  She mak...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 10:56:00 PST

Melissa’s Take on Sarah Palin: Smarter Then She Looks

This is a long one...as Melissa never cuts corners to illustrate a viewpoint.  I read it today and thought, "hell yeah" she is saying exactly what I have been thinking.  Thanks Melissa!Sarah...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 07:49:00 PST

Get The F*ck Out Friday

This "Get The F*ck Out" is brought to you from Angela's email box.  If this doesn't make you say, "Get The F*ck Out", um maybe the photo will?!? from Lori's email.  Thanks Ladies!Enjoy your ...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 02:55:00 PST

Self-Realization: What Kind of Girl Am I?

Found this one in Holly's Chronicles, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Surviving Martindale, ChrissyWhen I was 19 years old and managing my brothers 9-10 year old baseball team in the absenc...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:11:00 PST

Easy Tips That Will Please Your Woman

Bawahaha, I bet you thought I there was a TT waiting for you.  Not this week kiddos, "I am not in the mood" at the moment.We will have Titillating Tuesday next Tuesday.  So that being said, ...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:33:00 PST

Its Monday!...so its questionable, debatable, but is it answerable?

Are the terrorist winning?If the goal was to bring us to our knees...the financial problems on wall streetthe airlines struggling to keep afloathospitality companies flailinghigh unemployment due to c...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:34:00 PST

Get The Fuck Out Friday

In keeping with "Get the Fuck out Friday" I have a couple quick "doh, Holly" moments to share. The doctors gave her saline nasal spray.  Having never used it before she read the directions and th...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:27:00 PST

What Moves Me Thursday: Everyperson Heroes

David PuckettMotozintla, MEXICO (CNN) -- "My life was sad before because I had to crawl on the ground," recalls Caesar Morales, a 24-year-old father in Mexico who, until recently, had only one limb...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 10:46:00 PST

Titilatting Tuesday: What Kick Starts Your Libido

Looking to lift your libido without ordering pills from an infomercial? You don't need to go to the drugstore to turn up the heat. A quick trip to the supermarket may be all you need to boost a limp l...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 12:40:00 PST

Now This IS Funny

As I mentioned in my last blog before my break, if we don't laugh,our heads will explode from the insanity of it all.Enjoy your evening.  I have pictures and good times to share from my...
Posted by Holly da Potato ™ on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 02:27:00 PST