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Global Warming Debunked

It's The End Of The World or maybe not

About Me

Is there any part of that you don't understand?
The idea of global warming really isn't bunk. But I wanted to be sure I have your attention. It is however "junk science", designed to scare the hell out of you.
This is not to imply that global warming doesn't exist or that we shouldn't try to protect our environment. It also doesn't mean that we should ignore pollution or alternative fuel issues. Let me make that perfectly clear. It's generally accepted Earth has increased in average temperature in the last few hundred years. Radiative forcing, the process by which solar energy is reflected from gases in the atmosphere, is very real. Does that mean that it will lead to the end of civilization in the next several years? No. The goal here is to combat alarmism over global warming. The alarmists' claim that it's caused by industrial pollution and yuppies driving SUVs is complete non-sense. They say it is our actions alone that caused this increase in the Earth's temperature, that this has never happened before, there is no end in sight, and that it will certainly destroy us. And they want your support and money to fight it.
Pay close attention to the words, I get many reactions to the content here, everyone misses the words catastrophic and alarmism.
By no means should we be free to pollute as much as we like, or make as much trash, or use up all the fuel. And by no means is the information here meant to imply that man-made disasters do not occur or that we should not try to prevent them, or that we should not protect our planet. We do not have license to destroy our home. We should be trying to make our environment as clean and enjoyable as possible. But we must realize that mother nature is in control. Our actions are highly insignificant. We need not panic and we certainly should not allow hysteria to drive public policy.
In 1995 the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that 2700 scientists agree that CO2 emissions caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels causes global warming. Subsequently a petition was signed by over 17,000 scientists questioning that conclusion. Here are some items that should be considered.
Fact: Ice core samples and other geological evidence indicates the average temperature of the Earth has not changed in over 800,000 years.
Fact: Earth's temperature follows cyclical changes of the Sun lasting about 100,000 years.
Fact: Earth spends 90% of its time in an "ice-age."
Fact: Oceans hold 50 times more CO 2 than the atmosphere. Much of the scientific community now agrees that it is not an increase in CO 2 that causes the Earth to warm but that warming of the Earth causes increases in CO 2 , or both.
Fact: so-called "greenhouse gasses" cannot behave like a greenhouse. The claim is CO 2 and other gasses trap incoming solar energy and heat the atmosphere. Actual greenhouses do not work that way. Global Climate Change is becoming the more accepted scientific term for what is happening.
Fact: Earth is in its most stable climatic state ever. Changes in the climate were far more drastic in Earth's first 4 billion years.
Fact: Natural events can affect Earth far more than humans. Tephra particles from Krakatoa's eruption in 1883 spread throughout the stratosphere and lingered for years. An orange color to the sky and halo around the sun were visible. Global temperatures were lowered by 1.2°C. Weather patterns continued to be chaotic for years, and temperatures did not return to normal until 1888.
Fact: Geologic evidence indicates that about 15 million years ago Earth was about 4.7°C warmer than it is today, most certainly not caused by industrial pollution.
Fact: The current interglacial period (the warm time now versus an ice age) is about 11,000 years into its cycle. Current temperatures are virtually identical to the previous period about 100,000 year ago.
Fact: water vapor is a "greenhouse gas". Water accounts for 2% of the atmosphere while CO 2 accounts for only .04% and is less reflective than water. As a result water vapor is responsible for around 70% of the atmosphere's greenhouse effect.
Fact: Our sea level is lower today than it was in the 1840s.
Fact: Measured temperature increases appear predominantly at the surface and not in the atmosphere as would be expected if radiative forcing (global warming) were driving the increases.
Fact: Human activity does appear to be adding to the total CO 2 in the atmosphere, at a rate of 1 molecule per 100,000 per year, so little that it's barely worth mentioning.
The Sun and Earth are bigger than all of us. It's highly improbable that we could do anything to significantly change our climate on a cataclysmic scale.
The Kyoto Protocol, which went into effect in February 2005 was intended reduce CO 2 emissions. Subscribing nations are bound by law to meet a mandated decrease in CO2 output by 2012 and carrying beyond. So far the Kyoto Protocol has wasted almost $489 billion (U.S.) and counting. Most now agree they cannot reach the goals. And the result is CO2 emissions have been reduced enough to only account for a potential .000004°C. That's potential mind you, not even measured, just our best guess. Government plans such as the Kyoto Protocol and anything spouted by Al Gore or Hitlery Clinton amount to nothing more than global socialization of all activities that touch fossil fuels, will waste billions of dollars, and will do virtually nothing to address the issue behind them.
In the last 100 years we've seen an estimated increase of about .5°C and we've had the greatest improvements in the standards of living in the history of mankind. Plus, most of that increase occurred BEFORE 1940, ahead of the bulk of increase in CO 2 . Earth is in a period of its greatest bio diversity. Were it not for the cycle of these changes we would still be enduring an ice age. Earth has been through 17 ice ages, the idea that the cycle will now be broken due to the actions of humans is completely illogical.
There is negligible scientific evidence to suggest that natural disasters and severe storms are more frequent as a result from global warming. Actually that activity is right on par. NO, hurricane Katrina was not the result of global warming. The severity may be increasing and the research is still coming in on that issue, but again there would be nothing we can do about it. It's purely logical that the number of casualties and value of destruction from weather disasters will increase, because our population and cost of living continues to rise.
Most people learn about global warming from reports they've heard on the news. Here's an example. Brian Williams on the NBC Nightly News reported... "New evidence tonight to bolster the argument of those who say global warming has reached a fever pitch. For years a team of scientists has kept their own watch as hundreds of species of frogs, toads, and salamanders in Central and South America have slowly disappeared. They now conclude global warming is responsible. They say climate change apparently increases the incidence of a fatal skin fungus. Several other experts disagree but tonight they say what is happening to the frogs should be a warning sign to us all."
Notice he didn't mention who these scientists are. Also no report of how they came to their conclusion or where we can look for more information. He uses words like "fever pitch" to drum up the excitement. Notice also the word "apparently", which by the way does not mean fact. And several others disagree? try all others disagree. When you claim to have scientific evidence for something you better be prepared to defend your position, there will always be a real scientist there to check your work. But about once every 2 weeks they report just such a story.
Most environmental hysteria focuses on anti-corportism and anti-capitalism, and has little to do with actual science. While those involved use the very things that are a product of corporatism and capitalism, cars, computers, Internet, electricity, and oil.
We've now had four assessments from the IPCC and still the science is inconclusive. The third leaves serious questions and clearly states we haven't enough information. The fourth assessment addresses other components and describes how little we know about the affect of some of them. It states our knowledge of the influence of the sun is barely understood.
Need more? Junk Science - John Daly
"Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis."
- Al Gore, Interview with Al Revere of Grist Magazine (global warming proponent publication)
If he can't tell the truth why should we believe him? Answer...we shouldn't.
I'm all for free speech. But don't bother joining my friends list just to leave nasty comments. I also intend on keeping things here polite and organized. So I require approval for comments. Comments with dozens of glitter graphics will not be approved, what a big mess. I get quite a number of messages, and a ton of hate mail. It's a lot to sort through. I read everything, but may not get around to a reply, sorry. It takes a lot of time to keep this going, keeping up on the data. Thanks for understanding. I will not buy ring tones or download a tracker. I am not a Rrepublican. "At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Not any more.

My Interests

News Story: The Greenhouse Myth

N.O.A.A. daily solar weather


New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

Climate Audit

Global Warming Hoax

Center for Global Food Issues: A False Consensus On Global Warming?

Science and Environmental Policy Project

10 Things You Can Do To Save The Planet

The Worst Of All Environmental Scares

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

Online Petition to stop Al Gore

Friends Of Science


John Daly.
(1943-2004) John dedicated his life to the study of the global climate and was one of the leading experts in the field. John was a gifted scientist and was very good at presenting complex scientific data in a manner that was easy to understand. His work is world renowned. At his site you will find hours and hours of reading regarding the truth about global warming.
Richard S. Lindzen.
Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at M.I.T. He is a consultant to the Global Modeling and Simulation Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Read one of his many pieces on the subject here, co-written by Kerry A. Emanuel, also a professor at M.I.T.
Greenhouse effect: A scientific analysis
"Some years from now a future generation, having survived real threats like international terrorism or weapons of mass destruction may look back on this episode in human history as a passing aberration that gripped much of the Western world. By then, fossil fuels may be mostly depleted, the cost of energy may be held in bounds only through massive investments in nuclear power or yet unforeseen technologies, and the chief worry may be that of a coming ice age still looming as our mild interglacial period draws to a close."
-S. Fred Singer, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia
Testimony of Prof. S. Fred Singer before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on Climate Change
Kerry A. Emanuel, professor of Tropical meteorology and climate, M.I.T.
CO2 Science .org
Global Warming .org
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Beware of Global Cooling - by Fred L. Oliver
Green Spirit - Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore, Ph.D., is a founding member and former president of Greenpeace. He left the organization in 1986 when he realized the movement he started had been hijacked by politicos and people using the movement for a source of income. He now fights junk science about our environment because it steals time, money, and support from real environmental concerns. Green Spirit acts as a consultant to entities seeking to learn more about environmental impact.
All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike
— and yet it is the most precious thing we have.

—Albert Einstein

My Blog

Even Flawed Data Cant Hide the Cooling

International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment ProjectMay 19, 2008Even Flawed Data Can't Hide the CoolingBy Joseph D'Aleo, CCMNOAA reports that April 2008 was a full degree (F) below normal...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Wed, 21 May 2008 05:19:00 PST

Truths and Myths About Weather in Hollywood Blockbusters

Is it possible? More lies from nobel laureate Al Gore?From ABC News:Truths and Myths About Weather in Hollywood BlockbustersProfessors View Weather-Related Movie Clips as 'Exercise in Critical Thinkin...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 07:03:00 PST

Global Warming Hysteria is a religion

I’ve made the contention many times that this global warming craziness is religion. And now...Telegraph UKRecycle or go to Hell, warns VaticanBy Malcolm Moore in RomeLast Updated: 12:01AM GMT 10...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:25:00 PST

CO2 Science attacked.

The website CO2SCIENCE.ORG, operated by the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change was the victim of a denial of service attack upon their web servers. Their mission statement reads:...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

William Gray explains part of the hoax

Meteorology Professor Dr. William Gray explains one of the errors with climate models and predicts a global cooling. ...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:47:00 PST

Weather Channel Founder Blasts Network

Weather Channel Founder Blasts Network; Claims It Is 'Telling Us What to Think'TWC founder and global warming skeptic advocates suing Al Gore to expose 'the fraud of global warming.'By Jeff PoorBusine...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:26:00 PST

Global Warming Myths & Hysteria - John Stossel

John Stossel takes on Al Gore and global warming. And then there's this nonsense from JFK Jr.He actually calls the Competitive Enterprise Institute "phoney" and says John Stossel is a liar...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:28:00 PST

The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died

"Warning Signs" - The National Anxiety Center© Alan Caruba, September 2007When did the global warming hoax die? Historians are likely to pinpoint 2007. It will take another decade to insure it cannot ...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:54:00 PST

Warmest Year on Record

I have previously discussed that picking out specific extreme events as evidence for trends is invalid. However, the global warming crowd continues to do this. So here we go.In August of 2007, Steve M...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:23:00 PST

Light Bulb Lunacy - by Steven Milloy

How much money does it take to screw in a compact fluorescent lightbulb? About $4.28 for the bulb and labor  unless you break the bulb. Then you, like Brandy Bridges of Ellsworth, Maine, could be loo...
Posted by Global Warming Debunked on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:47:00 PST