I found this and thought it to be a fitting "TRIBUTE" to a great man (from my hometown), broadcaster, fellow conservative and someone many, many of us will miss! I hope you will agree!
A Great Little Quote from a truly GREAT American:
In HONOR of the Conservative Justices of the Supreme Court and the 2nd Amendment:
In honor of Rene Descartes:
There was a time that I wasn't sure where to begin with this page. I first put it up around the middle part of October, 2007. And, I was new to MySpace, as we all have been. So, I wasn't exactly sure of what the theme should be, what I should say, what material I should include. I have many interests. At the time I thought this wasn't the forum or the medium I should use in an attempt to explore all of them. To a degree, I suppose, that still holds true. For my interests are, as I said, many, all of which are close to heart, and I'd end up with a page that would take an hour to load. So, what is one to do, in my best guess, pick the one, two or three that are closest to heart and go for it. I've learned in my time here, you'll get the opportunity to discuss the others, with your true friends.
So, I'm starting this page anew. Oh, it's the same page, the same URL, and you don't need to be worried about being deleted or not being able to find me. I'll be right here. Where I've been since October of 2007. But, gone are references to my brother-in-law and his providing me with a theme. I never needed anyone, including him, to provide me with a theme. There will be only small references to my family on this page and they'll all be good.
As for an introduction, here’s a little basic information about me. I am fortunate to be married not only to the love of my life, but also to my first true love, my beautiful wife Melanie. I fell in love with her the second our eyes first met way, way back in 1970. And, have been in love with her ever since. My wife and I have two fantastic sons. One, Rusty, is a beautiful Cocker Spaniel. The other, Duke, is a beautiful Doberman. They have brought us both a great deal of joy. And, continue to do so on a daily basis. Other than enjoying time with our sons, we enjoy watching movies, especially older ones, and listening to 60’s and 70’s rock music.
I am an Electrical Engineer. Yes, I actually “work†for a living. I work for a great engineering firm and with a fantastic group of people. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about my job, I love it. I’ve been doing it for almost 30 years now and still love every minute of it. My wife freelances with computer graphics and website development.
Well, let us see. I’ve told you about my wife, our sons, what we enjoy and what we do for a living. So, I guess we have covered most of the truly important stuff. Except, for the really, really important stuff. That being football and politics. I love football. The University of Oklahoma Sooner variety, in particular. GO SOONERS!!! Thus, the theme for this space. My politics are 100% CONSERVATIVE. And, yes I am a huge political junkie. So, if you want to discuss football or politics you’ve found the “right†place!
As this most recent election in now behind us, with less than favorable results, there will be "expanded coverage" of my beloved Sooners. I knew they would do fine without me during the election cycle. And, they have. Although I'll always wonder if, with my help, could we have beaten the Longhorns. But, even with the expanded coverage of the Sooners, the main focus of this space will remain politics.
My friends, politics bears a striking resemblance to sports. Particularly football. We conservatives, we conservative Republicans just lost the national championship. But, that isn't the end of the world. Two teams in the country have won seven, the most of anyone, national championships. Oklahoma and Alabama. We're tied at seven apiece. One of us will win one in the near future and surpass the other. But, while both of us are "storied" football programs, we've both had our "down" years when we'd have been doing good to beat a good high school team. But, we came back from adversity, to win again. Not once, not twice, but several times. And, we as conservatives and as republicans can do the exact same thing. Oh, we're down now and the democrats are gloating. But, we'll be back. And, we need to come back with a vengeance.
I remember, we (OU) had a perfect season going one year, and Texas A&M beat us. Ruined the year in terms of a national championship. The next year, we beat them 77 to 0, their worst defeat ever to this day. I'll give the democrats fair warning, paybacks can be hell. And, I think you guys are due a "big" one.
I'll be converting this page over the next several days/weeks to something a little different. Like it or not, there will be a little more Sooner coverage on here. And, like it or not, there will be a lot more Conservatism on here. For what we have to do is return the Repbulican party to conservatism. Ronald Reagan style conservatism. We need to renew our faith in conservative values, conservative ideals and conservative principles. We've seen the results of "moderation", of apologizing for being conservative, of "reaching across the aisle to our enemies" and compromising our ideals.
In football, and in almost all sports, when you're down you go back to the basics, back to the fundamentals. That is what we must do as conservatives and Republicans. As far as I'm concerned, there should not be one Republican vote in the new congress for anything the Democrats or B. 'HUSSEIN' Obama proposes. They have the votes, let them pass it. Let them take the short term credit and the long term blame, when their plan, their proposal goes down in flames.. It's time to end the "compromises."
And, while they're going down in flames, let us reinvigorate the Republican party. Let us renew the conservative values, principles and ideals it has stood for. And, let us make sure in 2010, the voters have a clear and distinct choice in philosophies. That my friends is how you win elections. And, football games... lol Our focus now, must be on the mid-term Congressional elections. All our energies must be put forth toward regaining control of Congress. That is the only sure way to block and limit the damage that B. Hussein Obama and his administration might wreak on this country. After that, after we accomplish that goal, then, and only then, can we shift our focus to the 2012 election, who we should nominate, etc. in our effort to regain control of the White House and the Presidency.
So, please, at this critical time.... don't ask me who we should nominate and run in 2012 for the Presidency. That is four years away and we have to win Congress in two. In football, that would be like looking past a mediocre opponent, and looking to the "big" opponent two weeks later. Only to be defeated by the mediocre one in between. 2010 folks.... that's the election to be looking at now. And, restoring conservatism to our party.
One other thing, there will be no mention on this page of running against a particular person, not for the near future anyway. Oh, if B. Hussein makes a mistake, I'll be pointing it out, trust me. But, the major focus here will be on the positive, regaining our party, returning it to our conservative values, finding the right candidates who will stand for those values through thick and thin, and winning the national championship.
Now, I ask all of you for a bit of a grace period. It will take me a few days, maybe a week or two to completely finish my work on this page. So, hang in there and bear with me. We'll get there. In the meantime, feel free to start sending conservative comments, expressing your opinions in comments or messages, etc. And, by all means tell me what you'd like to see on this page.
I'm going to leave you with two quotes, both of which apply I think.
"A thing moderately good, is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue, but moderation in principle is always a vice." ~ Thomas Paine
"If you don't think you're number one, no one else ever will." ~ Barry Switzer (winning coach of three collegiate national championships and a super bowl)
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