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The Truth on Global Warming


About Me

I believe that we all need to stop polluting, get off our oil addiction, protect the rainforest, and as a whole become more responsible towards the environment. I just dont think we should accept a lie in order to become better. The end does not justify the means."
" I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, aliens in Area 51, Elvis being alive, or any other "interesting" beliefs. But I do not believe in the man-made global warming myth either, and I only ask that others find out more before they accept the theory of man-made global warming."
"Anthropogenic global warming is the theory that greenhouse gases, caused by human pollution, are causing an increase in the average global temperature."
"Millions of dollars and countless lives are lost each year for a theory which scientists have not proved or, if anything, proved to be wrong. Here is the truth, not some conspiracy theory. Man-made global warming is a myth, and this profile provides the info to any who want to know the truth. All info on this profile is true, and can be backed up."
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My Interests

The simple, basic facts which contradict the arguments for anthropogenic global warming:"
"Since 1940, Greenland and Iceland have gone on a cooling trend. Glaciers lost mass in the 30's, but since 1970 they have made up more than half of the lost mass."
"1,100 years ago vikings farmed on the shores of Greenland."
"Temperature naturally varies, and in the United States it is currently only a third of 1 degree celsius higher than 120 years ago. The temperature is also on its way back down in what many scientists are calling the next Little Ice Age."
"The main cause for any temperature change is the sun, and as it flares, the earth warms. This actual cause of global warming has been proven by observing heating in the atmosphere of the other planets in the solar system. Some advocates of the theory of anthropogenic global warming claim that the sun has had little extra activity in recent decades, yet there are many reliable reports by leading scientists showing that the sun is indeed more active than it has been for decades. However, at the moment, the sun's activity is dying down, so we can expect colder temperatures in the near future."
"Puntas Arenas, Chile, is the closest city to Antarctica in the world, and the average temperature has gone down 6.65 degrees celsius in the last 120 years, and it is steadily getting colder."
"The Antarctic Peninsula makes up only about 2% of Antarctica, and it has been melting and calving huge icebergs for the past 6,000 years, while the rest of Antarctica has decreased .7 degrees celsius per year for the past decade. Ice shelves are retreating along the coast, but sea ice has increased at an equal pace. Ice core samples from all across the vast continent show that 420000 years ago, long before significant human pollution, the earth was much, much warmer than it is today."
"The winter of 2007 has broken many records, worldwide, as the coldest in long stretches of time. While we should never look at a single winter as evidence, it is helpful to realize that this was not a freak occurence, and for several years before this it has been cooling down to this point, which indicates the beginning of the planet's next cooling trend."
"The majority of evidence that "proves" man-made global warming can be attributed to the Urban Island Effect, not global warming. The Urban Island Effect is the cause for cities being warmer than the surrounding countryside, on accounts of the vast amount of concrete, which is warmed by the sun during the day, and slowly cools overnight, keeping the area warmer than it would otherwise be."
"Areas in Nevada, Oklahoma, Colorado, Missouri, South Carolina, Mississippi, Australia, New Zealand, Siberia, France, Germany, Spain, and Sweden have been proven to be significantly colder than they have been for decades."
"The most famous desert in the world, Africa's Sahara Desert, is in retreat, and more land is available for agriculture in that area than ever before."
"Lake Chad, an incredibly useful source of water in Africa, is indeed drying up. However, since it is extremely shallow, and so many people use it, and it has dried up repeatedly throughout history, we can conclude that this has little or nothing to do with temperature."
"Long-term prediction of climate is simply impossible, since humanity knows too little, and the atmosphere is just too complex, to make any prediction with any level of surety."
"In January, Dr. Simon J. Holgate, a scientist with the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory in Liverpool, published a paper in an American Geophysical Union journal that concluded that 1) sea level rose slightly faster in the first half of the last century than the second half and 2) what initially appeared to scientists to be a faster rate of increase in sea level between 1993 and 2003 is actually average when compared to a century's worth of data."
"80-90% of the planet's heat is stored in the oceans, yet in the past five years there has been practically no change in the temperature of the water."
"Water vapor works much, much better at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, and there is much more water vapor in the atmosphere than there is carbon dioxide."
"The extinction rate of the world, which supporters of man-made global warming claims has risen dramatically on accounts of global warming, is in fact impossible to know, since humanity has not discovered and classified thousands, and some predict millions, of species."
"Hurricanes are known to help alleviate any excess heat in the atmosphere, yet, contrary to the theory of global warming, in the past 50 years, the number of massive hurricanes has decreased. From 1900-1909, there were 16 major hurricanes. From 1940-1949, there were 23. And from 1990-1999, there were only 14. And while 2006 had a tragically active hurricane season, 2007 was had an extremely mild season, despite dire predictions of death and destruction."
"Leading experts on hurricanes have repeatedly stated that increased CO2 in the atmosphere would have little to no effect on the occurence or intensity of hurricanes."
"The Kyoto Treaty, which has been celebrated by advocates of global warming as a triumph, was signed by many countries, but not the United States. This is not a crime by the United States; if the U.S. had signed it, the estimated reduction of global warming would be about .4 degrees celsius, if man-made global warming did exist."
"A year of volcanic activity sends more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than all combined human activity, ever."
"Judging by El Nino, which is a repeating warming cycle in the atmosphere,global warming would be extremely beneficial to mankind. The longer growing season season during El Nino raises revenue an average of $19 billion dollars, with only $4 billion in losses to insects and disease."
"There have been claims that malaria will spread because of warmer climates, which is completely false. The spread of malaria is based on the wealth and hygiene of an area, not how warm it is."
"These are only a few of the many facts that demolish the arguments in favor of man-made global warming.

I'd like to meet:

A chronology of climate change: During most of the last billion years the Earth did not have permanent ice sheets. Nevertheless, at times large areas of the globe were covered with vast sheets of ice. Such times are known as glaciations."
"In the past 2 million to 3 million years, the temperature of the Earth has changed (warmed or cooled) at least 17 times, some say 33, with glaciations that last about 100,000 years interrupted by warm periods that last about 10,000 years."
"The last glaciation began 70,000 years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago. The Earth was a lot colder than it is now; snow and ice had accumulated on a lot of the land, glaciers existed on large areas and the sea levels were lower."
"15,000 years ago: The last glaciation reaches a peak, with continental glaciers that cover a lot of the sub-polar and polar areas of the land areas of Earth. In North America, all of New England and all of the Great Lakes area, most of Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota and the North Dakotas, lie under ice sheets hundreds of meters thick. More than 37 million cubic kilometers of ice was tied up in these global sheets of ice. The average temperature on the surface of the Earth is estimated to have been cooler by approximately 6 degrees Celsius than currently. The sea level was more than 90 meters lower than currently."
"15,000 years ago to 6,000 years ago: Global warming begins. The sheets of ice melt, and sea levels rise. Some heat source causes approximately 37 million cubic kilometers of ice to melt in approximately 9,000 years. Around 9,500 years ago, the last of the Northern European sheets of ice leave Scandinavia."
" Around 7,500 years ago, the last of the American sheets of ice leave Canada. This warming is neither stable nor the same everywhere. There are periods when mountain glaciers advance, and periods when they withdraw. These climatic changes vary extensively from place to place, with some areas affected while others are not. The tendency of warming is global and obvious, but very uneven. The causes of this period of warming are unknown."
"8,000 years ago to 4,000 years ago: About 6,000 years ago, temperatures on the surface of Earth are about 3 degrees warmer than currently. The Arctic Ocean is ice-free, and mountain glaciers have disappeared from the mountains of Norway and the Alps in Europe, and from the Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada. The ocean of the world is some three meters higher than currently. A lot of the present desert of the Sahara has a more humid, savannah-like climate, with giraffes and savannah fauna species."
"4,000 years ago to AD 900: Global cooling begins. The Arctic Ocean freezes over, mountain glaciers form once more in the Rocky Mountains, in Norway and in the Alps. The Black Sea freezes over several times, and ice forms on the Nile in Egypt. Northern Europe gets a lot wetter, and the marshes develop again in previously dry areas. The sea level drops to approximately its present level. The temperatures on the surface of the Earth are about 0.5-1 degree cooler than at present. The causes of this period of cooling are unknown."
"AD 1000 to 1500: This period has quick, but uneven, warming of the climate of the Northern Hemisphere. The North Atlantic becomes ice-free and Norse exploration as far as North America takes place. The Norse colonies in Greenland even export crop surpluses to Scandinavia. Wine grapes grow in southern Britain. The temperatures are from 3-8 degrees warmer than currently. The period lasts only a brief 500 years. By the year 1500, it has vanished. The Earth experiences as much warming between the 11th and the 13th century as is now predicted by global-warming scientists for the next century. The causes of this period of warming are unknown."
"1430 to 1880: This is a period of the fast but uneven cooling of Northern Hemisphere climates. Norwegian glaciers advance to their most distant extension in post-glacial times. The northern forests disappear, to be replaced with tundra. Severe winters characterize a lot of Europe and North America. The channels and rivers get colder, the snows get heavy, and the summers cool and short. The temperatures on the surface of the world are about 0.5-1.5 degrees cooler than present. In the United States, 1816 is known as the "year with no summer". Snow falls in New England in June. The widespread failure of crops and deaths due to hypothermia are common. The causes of this period of cooling are unknown."
"1880 to 1940: A period of warming. The mountain glaciers recede and the ice in the Arctic Ocean begins to melt again. The causes of this period of warming are unknown."
"1940 to 1977: Cooling period. The temperatures are cooler than currently. Mountain glaciers recede, and some begin to advance. The tabloids inform us of widespread catastrophes due to the "New Glaciation". The causes of this period of cooling are unknown."
"1977 to present: Warming period. The summer of 2003 is said to be the warmest one since the Middle Ages. The tabloids notify us of widespread catastrophes due to "global warming". The causes of warming are "discovered" - humanity and its carbon-dioxide-generating fossil-fuel use and deforestation."
"This conclusion is based on a tabloid, not science.


Here is an analogy that puts the theory of global warming into perspective, courtesy of Michael Crichton."
"The theory of global warming states that rising levels of carbon dioxide are causing the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere to capture too much heat. Advocates of man-made global warming state that carbon dioxide has been rising certain percentages. However, they never seem to tell what percentage of the total atmosphere it has risen. Keep in mind, this analogy does not include water vapor."
"So imagine the earth's atmosphere as a football field. from the goalline all the way up to the 78 yard line, the field is made up of the gas nitrogen. from the 78 yard line up to the 99 yard line, the field is made up of oxygen. From there until just 3 1/2 inches away from the other goalline, it is the gas argon. For another 2 1/2 inches, there are all the other gases known to man. That leaves just 1 inch, out of 100 yards, 1 out of 3600 inches, that is made up of carbon dioxide. Thats it. Now in the last 50 years, as advocates of global warming claim it has, the level has gone up. So now, out of 3600 inches, 1 3/8 inches is made up of carbon dioxide. Now, I ask you, does it seem logical that this tiny amount is dooming our entire planet?


Don't believe what you read without proof? Good for you! So here are a few of my references:"
"Dennis T. Avery, Saving the Planet with Pesticides and Plastic, 1995."
"John A. Baden (ed.), Environmental Gore: A Constructive Response to ‘Earth in the Balance’, 1994."
"Joseph Bast, Peter .J. Hill, and Richard Rue, Eco-Sanity: A Common-Sense Guide to Environmentalism, 1995, rev. edition 1996."
"Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Apocalypse Not: Science, Economics, and Environmentalism, 1993."
"Thomas R. DeGregori, Bountiful Harvest: Technology, Food Safety, and the Environment, 2002."
"Jack W. Dini, Challenging Environmental Mythology: Wrestling Zeus, 2003."
"Gregg Easterbrook, A Moment on the Earth, 1995."
"Michael Fumento, Science Under Siege, 1993."
"Peter Huber, Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists, a Conservative Manifesto, 1999."
"Björn Lomborg, The Skeptical Environmentalist, 2002."
"Steven J. Milloy, Junk Science Judo: Self-Defense Against Health Scares and Scams, 2001."
"Stephen Moore and Julian Simon, It’s Getting Better all the Time, 2000."
"Julian Morris (ed.), Sustainable Development: Promoting Progress or Perpetuating Poverty?, 2002."
"Julian Simon, The State of Humanity, 1995."
"Richard L. Stroup, Eco-Nomics: What Everyone Should Know about Economics and the Environment, 2003."
"Also, I highly recommend reading Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear, which has an engaging, fictional storyline while also being extremely informative about the global warming myth. And please watch The Great Global Warming Swindle, which is admittedly very biased, but hey, so was An Inconvenient Truth, and Swindle has a lot more evidence and many, many more scientists.


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One final note: Next time you see an article or a show about global warming, look at the references. You will notice that the list, even if they have one, consists of politicians, journalists, and celebrities. There will be few, if any, scientists, and if there are, check what they are scientists of. They will not be scientists of climate."
"Also, please note that the IPCC, which has been repeatedly quoted for the side of man-made global warming, is in fact a political organization, not a scientific organization.


"Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu, the former director of the University of Alaska Fairbanks International Arctic Research Center--"Scientists who support the man-made greenhouse gas theory disregard information from centuries ago (when exploring the issue of global warming).""
"Dr. Richard Lindzen--professor of Atmospheric Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology--"scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their funds disappear, their work derided and themselves labeled as industry stooges.""
"Biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government of Nunavut, a territory of Canada--"Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct, or even appear to be affected at present.”"
"Club of Rome, an elite think-tank working with the UN--"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.""
"Stanford Professor Stephen Schneider--"...we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination.... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts.... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.""
" Christine Stewart, then Canadian Minister of the Environment--"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world."

My Blog

Biased Arguments

Here is a video sent by one of my friends asking for my comments. are my comments:Congratulations you have made a compelling argument, however I believe i...
Posted by The Truth on Global Warming on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 06:10:00 PST

Recent Study Shows Direct Link Between Global Warming and Oxygen!

In a recently published study conducted by many top experts, oxygen has been found to be a powerful component of climate change.The study shows that, while oxygen does little as a greenhouse gas, the ...
Posted by The Truth on Global Warming on Mon, 28 May 2007 09:11:00 PST


There needs to be more debate from all sides of the argument.  Not arguments, not insults, debate.  Without debate there can be no progress. Therefore, I am inviting anyone and everyone to a...
Posted by The Truth on Global Warming on Tue, 01 May 2007 02:07:00 PST

My Story

I'm not crazy.  I do not by into conspiracy theories.  I am not gullible. My story is fairly simple.  I believed in global warming all my life.  After all, all those news reports w...
Posted by The Truth on Global Warming on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:12:00 PST