We respond to all irrational emergencies

About Me

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YOUR TURN! GET ALL THE DETAILS AT BLASPHEMYCHALLENGE.COM! (Post your video as a response to ours)
Watch live video from rationalresponders on Justin.tv
Click the screen on the above webcam portal to open up a radio stream of content. If Sapient or Kelly and the other RRS members aren't in the above room, look here for the video conferencing room.
Download Richard Dawkins visits the RRS Bunker roundtable discussion show: Mp3 free right here!
If you haven't picked it up, get yourself a copy of The God Delusion at Amazon.com!
Sapient recounts meeting Richard Dawkins in his blog.
Razorcade recounts meeting Richard Dawkins in his blog.
Brian Sapient and Rook Hawkins have been responding to irrational claims and emergencies globally since 1999. Brian Sapient specializes in debating Religion from all angles, while Rook can pick apart the bible better than those who actually believe in it. Longtime allies of the Infidel Guy and Jake from the Atheist Network , Sapient and Rook have conceived a squad that will help respond rationally to irrational claims around the globe. One of their first moves was acquiring the help of noted Scientist from the Infidel Guy message boards, Yellow_Number_Five (Mike) . Mike is their newest member and is a specialist in all things scientific. He's a chemical engineer, microbiologist, and evolutionary geek. Kelly M is the Neuropsych nerd with expertise in Philosophy. Their main man Razorcade always seems to ask just the right questions of the guests and is their rational inquisitor.
A new show is released on Wednesday nights at 8pm est while show hosts and friends gather in the chat room at our video chat Come join the party with us and BYOB.
Purchase the Richard Carrier series of shows now! Over 13 hours of recordings. Topics Include:
- Metaphysics and History of Religion
- Biographical questions and atheism
- More audience submitted questions
- Jesus Mythicism show
- Problems with Philosophy show with ChaosLord2004
- Carriers Dissertation and Rooks findings show
- The Drunk show!
- A show for myspace
- Carrier meets Ray Comfort
HamuROOKis Irrational Precepts
Irrational things we're helping to remove from Earth

(all of these precepts will be featured in a show) 1. Theism
2. Creation Science
3. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell(1 down, 1 to go!)
4. Religious terrorism/fundamentalism/born again Christianity
5. Agnosticism is not a rational position between theism and atheism.
6. Belief in psychics/paranormal/supernatural claims
7. Belief that America is a Christian Nation
8. Saying evolution is "just a theory, not a fact."
9. The claim that science is dogmatic
10. Denial of the Holocaust (claiming it didn't happen)
11. Thinking that logicians use logic to limit peoples thought
12. The claim that the bible is a good source for morality
13. The claim that mystical experiences can give us knowledge.
14. Holistic medicine
15. Giving religious beliefs a special pass above criticism.
16. Thinking this list is complete... IRRATIONAL
Special credit to Chaoslord for 7-13, and to Sam Harris for 15.
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My Interests


All communications with The Rational Response Squad can be used in any way we see fit. In other words, if you choose to debate us, it might become public record. Here is a look into our mailbag.
We also have a special section for our members to respond to your mail, because we can't handle it all. Here is that section.

INTERESTS: Philosophy, Debate, Theistic debunking, looking at things with an open mind. Acquiring and accumulating all of the possible knowledge we can in this lifetime.

Help spread the word, please place one of these banners in your profile or website.

I'd like to meet:

Those who choose to be rational, who use their head, who don't blindly believe in unproven claims. If you have the need for a rational response to a given situation, we would like to meet you too! We can help provide rational solutions to your irrational problems.


Irrational Emergency Alerter
Are you experiencing an irrational emergency?
Please alert the squad to any irrational behavior immediatly, or just leave us comments below. This is not the place to engage us in debate or leave the common strawman argument we've been seeing here lately. If you want to debate us, or have a question send us an email or post on our message boards. Please do not post any images in your comment that are more than 420 pixels wide. Comments with wide images will be deleted, here's how you edit the html of an image to make it smaller.

View/Edit All All of My Comments


If you have a band, and you have music directly relating to philosophy, politics, atheism, or freethought... we want to hear it. We will gladly play several songs per hour on our show to help promote our rational friends.


Greydon Square is a Quantum Physics major, ex-Christian, that came out of Compton and now speaks out about the flaws in religious thinking. We're so happy to have him as part of our team. Give him some love on Youtube, and make sure to add him on myspace .

Add The God Who Wasn't There to your friends on myspace!


Video World of Atheism AWESOME!
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Amazon Wish List
EvolveFish Store
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RRS lulu.tv account
Rational Response Podango homepage
Last.fm group for Rational Response Squad
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Pick from a wide selection of freethought books at our sponsor EvolveFish.com:

If you want to support the new effort to unify Freethinking Teens, add a banner to your page:

Rational Response Squad is my favourite atheism and religion site! It's got atheist radio and atheist forums and they know more about Jesus Christ and God than Christians do!


George H Smith, Charles Darwin, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Robert Ingersoll, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Isaac Asimov, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, James Randi, George Carlin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jon Stewart, Brian Flemming, Reginald Finley, Jake Damn it!, Richard Carrier, Dennis McKinsey, Rob Sherman, Dan Barker, Michael Newdow, Michael Shermer, Darrell Lambert. We know we missed important people, we'll get to them.

My Blog

Help us advertise

A while back we asked for some help raising money for advertising, and we managed to bring in $480. Originally this $480 was going to go directly to one specific site however due to multip...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:42:00 PST

Kelly blogs against theism for a year. Todays target: Assistant Editor, American Conservative

Reddit this -- Digg this! One of the methods used by the religious to marginalize atheists and our increasing visibility is to accuse us of becoming that which we originally opposed, or in oth...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:26:00 PST

Kelly blogs against theism for 1 yr part 2 (D’Souza)

Submitted by kellym78 on Thu, 2007-11-08 04:58. Kelly responds to Dinesh D'Souza and his "What atheists Kant refute" drivel. Digg Kelly's Response - Reddit Article The question of the nature...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 05:28:00 PST

Kelly blogs against theism for 1 yr part 1 (D’Souza)

Submitted by kellym78 on Thu, 2007-11-01 03:58. Here's the link to the original article and below is my response. Enjoy. Bump my response on reddit. Digg me on Digg. Anybody who has ever pe...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 05:27:00 PST

Check out this video: Atheist Alliance Convention RRS Slideshow

Check out this video: Atheist Alliance Convention RRS Slideshow -- The Rational Response Squad Website Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:29:00 PST

Kelly and Sapient strip for atheism

Kelly and Sapient strip for atheism - Rational Response Squad Website ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 03:53:00 PST

Win free copy of autographed Radar Magazine with RRS story

The video on youtube.OTHER HOT ISSUES:Digg the video that exposes some more shady tactics by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.Brian Sapient blogs about heading to Borders to pick up Radar Magazi...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:19:00 PST

First video of Rational Squad pwning Christians on ABC

View the video on YouTube.  Comment it, circulate it, rate it 5 stars!Get over to ABCs site and start responding rationally! By MARTIN BASHIR"Proving the existence of God is actual...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:28:00 PST

Atheist Blood Drive in response to Prayer Day

DIGG THE STORYThe Blood Drive has begun!  Start logging your donations of blood on our site today!  Easy registration that requires no verification!View the Press Release....
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:26:00 PST

RRS So Cal on WifeSwap Jan 8th (Southern California)

WE WILL RE-AIR THE SHOW AND MORE THIS SUNDAY!!! See this thread for details! On January 8th the founders of Rational Response Squad Southern California will be on ABCs Wife Swap.  Here is a 10 m...
Posted by RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:22:00 PST