Freethinking Teens profile picture

Freethinking Teens

Freethinking Teens Unite!

About Me

Link to Margaret Downey!
"Flirtatious, saucy and never less than impeccably dressed, Downey is an atheist, feminist, anti racist, author, publisher, writer and all-around super-righteous wonder woman. Visit any culture-war battlefield, and you'll find her on the right side of the barricades, glammed up to the nines, taking chauvinist names and kicking bigot ass." - Philadelphia Weekly
Freethinking Teens is the first site in the Rational Response Squad network to be run by teens for teens. A community that can help teens establish critical communications with other young activists (non-activists welcome too).
Teens in our community are likely to help in activist efforts associated with The War on Easter , The War on Christmas , and The Rational Response Squads' impending Perpetual Enlightenment. Keep in mind that teens who aren't interested in speaking out about the harm in letting religion to dominate our life are more than welcome. This community is for teens by teens, and we should all have our views heard.
Look for teens in our community who are interested in starting, participating in, and/or leading secular groups at their schools. Groups like:Philosophy Clubs Debate Clubs Secular Student Alliance Groups Atheist Agnostic or Freethought Clubs
We're just getting FreeThinking Teens started, and will be expanding our capacity over the next several months. Within a year we promise to have the most advanced site in the world for freethinking teens! Sign up for your free account, and say hello on our forum today! Once registered you will see the full community, not available to anonymous users!
Please favorite this video, rate it, and comment it!Engage in an act of Blasphemy and win a free God Who Wasn't There movie! All the details are here: THEBLASPHEMYCHALLENGE.COM
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This is about 1 hour, uncut, unedited of the 1hr 15 minute show from the Rational Response Squad interview with world renowned scientist, Richard Dawkins.
Please rate and comment on this video at YouTube to help draw attention to it.
Video Url:
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View the video on youtube here.
Listen to the audio file instead which is now a free download! The audio file is a much higher quality and edited slightly.

My Interests

To add us, you might need to put our last name in, which is "teens."


You'll need an account with Stickam to get in!

Access the smaller stickam room for special activities, or our other webcam rooms and chatrooms here.

All communications with FreethinkingTeens can be used in any way we see fit. In other words, if you choose to debate us, it might become public record. It may also be responded to on which is the proper place to espouse a consenting viepoint. The proper place to engage a Freethinking Teen in a debate is at FreethinkingTeens , specifically this forum. Mail that sparks debate or poses a question that is answered on our myspace profile may be deleted with no response. We're already getting mail from people that should be posting at our message board if they'd like some views. Here is the mailbag section.

Here's a great myspace forum for Freethinking teens, it's run by " Dirty Dan " from .

The Secular Student Alliance Myspace Group
Start a Secular Student Group at your school:

I'd like to meet:

Teens who are level headed and don't need imaginary beings in their life to get them through it. Youngsters who can write and speak well and aren't afraid to talk to people about the flaws in the worlds most dominant religions. Teens who think it's time to elevate humanity to a higher expectation of personal honesty, by releasing ourselves from our archaic religious beliefs that aren't falsifiable. Teens who are: Pacifists, Freethinkers, Lovers, Philosophers, Atheists, Activists, and Open Minded. People who have formed a secular group at school or are part of one!


Q. Who runs this myspace site?
A. A collaboration of atheist teens handpicked by The Rational Response Squad. The list of teens involved grows everyday! Here's a list of some staff members.

Q. What is the purpose of Freethinking Teens ?
A. To unite teens that think freely without the need for a holy book or specific guiding text. Our community is/will be the most advanced and largest community of freethinking teens on the planet. This community is what you, the teens, make of it. Keep in mind as freethinkers with no guiding text, we can often see things very differently, this is the beauty of freethought. Difference of opinion is embraced at , please bring your different opinion to our forums.

Q. Who is the Rational Response Squad?
A. They're a group of atheists who are well versed in picking apart the flaws and problems with religion. They have a radio show that can be heard at Here is a link to listen to some of their past shows for free right now.

Q. Can I help run this myspace page?
A. While we really would love to accept your help, we need to get to know you a little first. Improper usage of this account could end up ripping the space-time continuum.

Q. So what can I do to help then?
A. If you're a teen, sign up at the FreeThinking Teens website. Our forums and infrastructure are still being set in place by our design team now, while this process is underway you can become part of the community by using the message board at . Get involved with a conversation or start a free blog, get to know some of the members of the community, and let us get to know you better while we wait for Freethinking Teens to be built out appropriately. After you register you will be able to see some of the forums dealing with activism on our site, take a peek at them and see if anything interests you.

Q. Do you advocate violence or shoving beliefs down someones throat by force?
A. What? No! But we advocate a swift wake up call of words to any person who would insinuate such.

Q. Who are all the hot teens in the pictures?
A. Members of our community of course. It's not our fault that freethinkers are so attractive... they're even more attractive on the inside.


These banners designed to fit the left hand side of your profile:

My Blog

Kelly blogs against theism for a year. Todays target: Assistant Editor, American Conservative

Submitted by kellym78 on Thu, 2007-11-15 02:03. Reddit this -- Digg this! One of the methods used by the religious to marginalize atheists and our increasing visibility is to accuse us of becom...
Posted by Freethinking Teens on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:51:00 PST

Kelly blogs against theism for 1 yr part 2 (D’Souza)

Submitted by kellym78 on Thu, 2007-11-08 04:58. Kelly responds to Dinesh D'Souza and his "What atheists Kant refute" drivel. Digg Kelly's Response - Reddit Article The question of the nature...
Posted by Freethinking Teens on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:57:00 PST

Kelly blogs against theism for 1 yr part 1 (D’Souza)

Submitted by kellym78 on Thu, 2007-11-01 03:58. Here's the link to the original article and below is my response. Enjoy. Bump my response on reddit. Digg me on Digg. Anybody who has ever pe...
Posted by Freethinking Teens on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:56:00 PST

Get rewarded by RRS for writings in these categories

Posted by Freethinking Teens on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 09:37:00 PST

Calling all San Diego County atheists!

Hey, I'm one of the leaders of this site and I have a SSA group in San Diego County California.  SSA=Secular Student AllianceIf you are interested and in the area, leave a comment on this blog so...
Posted by Freethinking Teens on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:53:00 PST

We're looking for teens that want to help run this website!

We're currently looking for teens that are intelligent, freethinking, and interested in helping run our new website.If you enjoy writing articles about issues pertaining to freethought, want to start ...
Posted by Freethinking Teens on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:09:00 PST