Link to Margaret Downey!
"Flirtatious, saucy and never less than impeccably dressed, Downey is an atheist, feminist, anti racist, author, publisher, writer and all-around super-righteous wonder woman. Visit any culture-war battlefield, and you'll find her on the right side of the barricades, glammed up to the nines, taking chauvinist names and kicking bigot ass." - Philadelphia Weekly
Freethinking Teens is the first site in the Rational Response Squad network to be run by teens for teens. A community that can help teens establish critical communications with other young activists (non-activists welcome too).
Teens in our community are likely to help in activist efforts associated with The War on Easter , The War on Christmas , and The Rational Response Squads' impending Perpetual Enlightenment. Keep in mind that teens who aren't interested in speaking out about the harm in letting religion to dominate our life are more than welcome. This community is for teens by teens, and we should all have our views heard.
Look for teens in our community who are interested in starting, participating in, and/or leading secular groups at their schools.
Groups like:Philosophy Clubs
Debate Clubs
Secular Student Alliance Groups
Atheist Agnostic or Freethought Clubs
We're just getting FreeThinking Teens started, and will be expanding our capacity over the next several months. Within a year we promise to have the most advanced site in the world for freethinking teens! Sign up for your free account, and say hello on our forum today! Once registered you will see the full community, not available to anonymous users!
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This is about 1 hour, uncut, unedited of the 1hr 15 minute show from the Rational Response Squad interview with world renowned scientist, Richard Dawkins.
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Listen to the audio file instead which is now a free download! The audio file is a much higher quality and edited slightly.