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Well, Fellowyi pipolins !!

About Me


My Interests

I like to drink coffee, a lot!, love playing catch with my little feline, furry, wild, whiskery friend, and swim in the pools full of bugs and dry leafs. I like Sudoku, game theory, BLOKUS, read cool stuff on the internet, Biology, polyrhythms, complex music structures, solve puzzles, evolutionary theory, museums, big-little walks to the park or the backyard, movies, my little frosty kan & summerset, bake cakes, cookies and more cookies , make very special music, cool animation, write beginnings of books, finish books, izabelitas and azulitas, silly music, visit dollar stores and also thrift stores, garage sales , flea markets, Libraries, looking a perfect place to live , make puppets or clothing from time to time, listen to Randi's stories; he is definitely amaz!ng, argumentation, experiment with different ways to alter my normal state of mind, white chocolate, make up words, collect bags and jackets, feed squirrels and run away from birds, make candy, ice cream, creme wafers, sour candy, interesting books, anatomy, pleasure my brain's self's self, surrealism, remembering dreams, child's stories, oppose circumcision, complex geometrical figures, bright colors, bookstores, chocolate truffles, genetics , world history, create my own animation. (09.01.06) I discovered Japanese street fashion and their different styles, I'm now officially obsessed with all of it, it's just so redundant. I absolutely adore old cartoons, like maya the baya, jospeh honey. I also enjoy very much Jamie Hewlett's animation, they're just perfect little worlds, oh !! and Michel Gondry's videos are just so repetitively smart, I love them. And let me not forget about Matthew Barney, so disturbing and pleasant at the same time.
Onto more serious business, in case it's not obvious I am very much interested in abolishing all the harmful delusional ideas that pollute the world. I have a little problem with people who believe in psychics, astrologers, and also people who praise the lord(s). Luckily for all of you misguided people, I'm willing to spend time bringing good points to show you why those are indeed idiotic ideas. In conclusion, I like to make people think about the reasons why they believe in what they believe in, and I appreciate having people do the same for me. I like to make people evaluate their system of beliefs by teaching them how to use critical thinking, and don't get me wrong, I'm no expert but I'm pretty confident that I can get them started with what I know.
I also have my own atheism forum, it's been a good place to exchange ideas with all sorts of people
...and that's that, done and done.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's interested in working in various projects with me and my super criminal partner; miyito, who's very talented. If you are interested, don't be shy, there's always available positions to be part of the clan, just send your request!!

I'm interested in doing all sorts of stuff like music, animation, writing books like puzzles, and curious games. I like to make incomplete toys, take mediocre photos of what ever crosses my path, and since I don't go out that much, most of my pictures end up being of my furry friends.

If you share any of my interests, I would like to meet you. If there's anyone out there who knows how to do stuff that I don't know how to do, I would love to meet you too. If you like to think, about the unthinkable, as well as the conflicts and wonders of the world, message me!!! I truly enjoy the company of nice people who enjoys learning about things they don't understand. I really, really like folks that are smart, clever and that are interested in finding ways to fight irrational ideas, people with interesting lives and sparkling futures.

And now, the things I can't stand. I don't like people who call themselves "a little crazy" it's just one of those meaningless ways to describe one's self; in fact, I hate it. It gives me the impression that they are not very cool, but rather dumb. If you are one of those people, and you disagree with me, go ahead and prove me wrong, I'll be waiting.
Moving on... I most definitively want to meet people who understand the importance of finding a way to extend our life's, I DON'T WANT TO DIE !! I would also like to find people who are passionate about life and creative to the 10001 infinite power (what ever that means). I'm a cheiloproclitic, a comiconomenclaturist, and a logomaniac. Once again if you identify yourself with any of this obsessions of mine, go ahead and contact me. As a side note, I'll be very interested in meeting anyone who is kind enough to teach me how sew, it is sooooooo frustating!!! I can't seem to do it right!!! I am willing to pay handsomely with homemade cookies, vegetarian egg rolls or anything else that might be of interest to you... anybody??

continue continuing soon...


Amon tobin, Bonobo, Grayboxdotline, NPR, Stereolab ,Weather report , King crimson, Meshuggah, Philip Glass , John Adams, Bjork, Aphex twin, Venetian snares, Boards of canada, Miles davis, Chick Corea, Return to forever, Plaid, Bubble math, Sleepytime gorilla museum, Yezda Urfa, Tori Amos, Tool, Mindless self indulgence, Dj Krush, (some) daft punk, the High llamas, They might be giants, Mr.Bungle, Fantomas, Faith no more, Seru giran, Wendy Carlos, Alarm will sound ,Lumeny ,Miles and gurtu, Beck , Bernard Herrmann, Bela Bartok, Self, Gorillaz, Tom york, Fiona Apple, Danny Elfman, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, Matmos, (some)Sufjan Stevens and The beach boys, Mars volta, Jaga Jazzist, Holst, Radiohead, Squarepusher, Tomahawk, pixies, Sigur Rós, peeping tom, Les Baxter, dillinger escape plan, Alice in chains, Peeping Tom...


No Country for Old Men, Bringing out the dead, Spirited away, Howl's moving castle, The story of human language part 1-2-3,Knocked up,Little children, Walking with monsters , Walking with prehistoric beasts , walking with caveman ,walking with dinosaurs, Cremaster1-5, Everything you ever wanted to know about sex, Deconstructing Harry,Miller's crossing,Tideland, V for vendetta, Puny puny poemy, Monty Python and the Holy Grail , Monty Python -the meaning of life , Tape, Garden State ,The Secretary, Fight Club, Immortal Beloved, Donnie Darko , American Beauty,Shine, Being John Malkovich, Magnolia, Slc punk , Clockwork orange, The god who wasn't there , Life is Beautiful, Amelie, confessions of a dangerous mind, Alice in wonderland , Donald duck in mathmagic land, Memento, Life is Beautiful, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind , The Neverending Story,The life aquatic, Pulp fiction, Resevoir dogs, Trainspotting, Fear and loathing in Las vegas, Dangerous lives of altar boys, The red violin , Human nature , Collateral ( but it should have been Marco benicio del toro instead of tom cruise ) , Identity,The cell (only visuals), North by northwest,Vertigo,Rope, Birds, The man who knew too much,Brazil, Arthur de pins little movies, Novocaine, Syriana , The Royal Tenenbaums, Idiocracy, Scoop, The chumscrubber, the illusionist, running with scissors, over the hedge, Brick, American psycho,


Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, This american life, South park , Family guy , 24 , American dad, Home movies, Wonder showzen, Sifl and ollie, Pen and teller: bullshit!, The History channel SUCKS, sometimes I watch the most extreme (without the presentation of the show, I HATE IT in fact, I don't watch this show anymore!), Huff, Good eats, Carl Sagan's Cosmos, Pee wee's playhouse, The office, Arrested Development, six feet under, Dexter, I also enjoy shows about surgery and random medical stuff, I kinda like to see body parts that being re-arranged, and I also enjoy shows that focus on rare disease and malformations of the human body.



The selfish gene (Richard Dawkins) ,The perfume (Patrick suskind) ,Siddartha (Herman Hess) , I'm American(And so can you!) by S.Colbert, Hansel and Gretel (Brothers Grimm), Pippi Longstocking (Astrid Lindgren), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ( Charles Dodgson), DMT "the spirit molecule" (Rick Strassman), The end of faith (Sam harris ), The god delusion (Richard Dawkins), the metamorphosis (kafka), The god part of the brain(Matthew Alpert), Metamagical Themas: Questing for the essence of mind and pattern( Douglas, I'm such a slow reader!!!


John McWhorther, Aubrey de Grey, Mr. rogers, Dexter, miyito miyiti, Walt Disney, James Randi, Richard Dawkins, Darwin, Lev Sergeivitch Termen(Leonard Theremin, Dr.Norman Borlaug, Jonathan Miller, Christopher Hitchens, and anyone else who's working to make a positive difference in the world.

My Blog

TED TALKS- Susan Blackmore: Memes and "temes"

In 1973, Susan Blackmore graduated from St. Hilda's College, Oxford, with a BA (Hons) in psychology and physiology. She went on to do a postgraduate degree in environmental psychology at the...
Posted by kyukan on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:31:00 PST

TED TALKS Steven Pinker: A brief history of violence

Steven Arthur Pinker (born September 18, 1954) is a prominent Canadian-American experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, and popular science writer known for his spirited and wide-ranging advoc...
Posted by kyukan on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:28:00 PST

Interview with Richard Dawkins about The Enemies of Reason

New documentary to be  broadcast on Channel 4 (UK) in the form of two episodes. The first will air tonight  Monday 8pm, 13  August 2007 and the second will air the next week on Monday, ...
Posted by kyukan on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:16:00 PST

Bjork and...why not trust iceladic poets

Posted by kyukan on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:47:00 PST

Jan Svankmajer - Meat Love (1989)

Many people want to know what ruined little kyukan's brain and I found the was the meat love, oh ! wonder she loves surrealism anonimus comment: "Svankmajer wins again! ...
Posted by kyukan on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:34:00 PST

The Alice experiment:

 Wednesday, June 20, 2007      The Alice experiment: "My PUPPET WRITER"by KyukI love the idea of having someone write a fictional story for me and since I won your contest, th...
Posted by kyukan on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:49:00 PST

Dan Dennett: Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes

Here's one of those talks that can change your view of the world forever. Starting with the deceptively simple story of an ant, Dan Dennett unleashes a dazzling sequence of ideas, making a powerful ca...
Posted by kyukan on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 07:45:00 PST

Donald Duck in Mathmagic land !!

I love this cartoon. Donald in Mathmagic Land is a Donald Duck featurette which was released on June 26, 1959. It was directed by Hamilton Luske and is 27 minutes in length. Many people collaborated o...
Posted by kyukan on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:33:00 PST

Nature Videos

Posted by kyukan on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:56:00 PST


Posted by kyukan on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:54:00 PST