GYRECK profile picture


Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. - Philip K Dick

About Me

my visitor map - added: 11-14-2006
Gyreck: It's A Pseudonym, Roughly Pronounced: Guy-rek

Student: Electrical Engineering, Master's Program

Artist: figure art - real and anime styles
check my art page to see more of my work

Writer: Sci-Fi and Fantasy Adventure (Sword/Sorcery Stuff)

Philosopher: interests in reality, the function of society and culture, and consciousness

Positions: Scientific, Rational, Humanistic, Materialist, Atheist, Anti-Theist

Martial Arts Student: Tae Kwan Do

Supervillain in Training: When the robots come for you (and they will) they will have my logo stamped across their chests...

Lineage: Nordic, Celtic, and some Native American
Fun Fact: Gyreck is more humble than Jesus... which is just another example of the many amazing attributes that make Gyreck such an incredibly fantastical being


I've put together a second myspace page specifically for my artwork, where my works will primarily be posted in the 'pics' section.
Here is the link to the new page:


***Blog Directory***
Philosophy, Religion & Politics

(New Entries on Top of List)
- God and Slavery
An example of god's laws about owning humans.
- BANNERS (friends only)
Have a banner advertizing your page ? Post it here !
- People dropping off left and right on here...
The blog circuit can get pretty rough. How is the best way to handle it ?
- Richard Dawkins doesn’t punch Ted Haggard in the face...
I think the title of this one says it best. (videos)
- Debate Videos: Michael Shermer & Dinesh D’Souza
Formal debate between Shermer and an obnoxious, fallacy spewing... person. (videos)
Looking at the neurological roots of love.
- Fundamentalist Friend Requests ?
What's your policy for dealing with fundamentalists who send you requests ?
What is good ? What are morals ? Where are they from ? Are these "absolutes" ?
- Must See: "Misquoting Jesus"
A very important lecture by Bart D. Ehrman, author of "Misquoting Jesus: Scribes Who Altered Scripture and Readers Who May Never Know". (Video)
- Religion - Your Best Arguments
This one spent several weeks in the top blogs of myspace in the Religion and Philosophy category. At the time of writing this description, there was nearly 78,000 words in the comments. Great stuffs here.
- The Slow Death of a Nation
The machinery of the political system has been dismantled behind a veil illusion.
- demotivation
I try my hand at those “Demotivational” posters, and I encourage you to post your own!
- Thanksgiving
What a fucked up, delusional tragedy of a celebration. Enjoy.
- Videos on "Intelligent Design"
Some good videos addressing intelligent design.
- Acronyms By Gyreck
Like the title says.
- Is The Bible Moral ?
A self explanatory post.
- Civility in Religious Debates
A response to a slew of abusive blogs that have done nothing to further the discussion. What is acceptable in these debates? Where is the line? Seriously, I want to know what people think about this.
- Alternative Medicine
First a video of Richard Dawkins investigating alternative medicine, and then a recounting of a very recent experience I had with the subject. Video and Text.
A very impressive collection of videos of Derren Brown. Mind reading, psychic attacks, jedi mind tricks, he does them all !!! Videos.
- More Jon Stewart Interviews
Because it's worth seeing. Enjoy. Videos.
A look at several issues regarding money and materials “lost” by the US government and military. Also included is some discussion on the difficulties in getting such information across to people. Text and Video.
- My Friend Needs Advice about the US...
Discussion of reasons why, given current problems in the US, a person should or should not move into (or out of) the United States.
- On Symbolism
Concept of symbolism, it’s relation to human thought, and some of the consequences thereof. Includes discussion on nationalism and flag worship.
- The President and the Press – 1961
A very impressive and oddly relevant speech made by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Video, along with a link to a full transcript and audio download.
- John Stewart on "CROSSFIRE"
John Stewart is a guest on some jack-ass political talk show, and he tears the hosts apart. Text and Video.
- What is it with you and this 9/11 thing anyway?
My response to the questions I’ve been getting about my position on 9/11 “conspiracy theories”.
- I guess one man can make a difference... : <[/i>
Some information on the Conservative Republican tool, Rupert Murdock, the owner of hundreds of media sources around the world, including Fox “News” and MySpace. Text and Video.
- Guns Necessary To Be Civilized?
Discussion on an interesting perspective on gun laws and the right to bear arms.
- LIES: The Movie
A video in two parts, one nine minutes and the other seven and a half. A very impressive compilation exposing many of the lies told by the Bush administration using their own words. Video.
- The "Creation Museum"
Written on opening day of the “Creation Museum”. Walkthrough and links.
- Videos: "I've read the bible..." - A Rational Thought Production
A production about the bible by 'imrational'. Videos.
- Who is the "moral" person?
My take on accusations that atheists are immoral.
- Would you treat this girl the way this town did?
20/20 segment about a Christian town and their cruel treatment of a young atheist girl.
- Nightline footage... EATEN!!!!!
The video I originally posted of the debate on Nightline between the Rational Response squad and a couple of jack-asses was deleted. This is some video of the debate taken by the RRS themselves. Video.
- Intelligence - Who’s Smarter-er?
Otherwise intelligent people can be idiots too. My take on what makes a person “smart”.
- Brightest Supernova Seen
A brief point of interest, and the relevance of ‘scale’.
- Living Forever?
Discussion of an article by Brian Trent about mortality and the idea of extending life.
- This Is What Pisses Me Off
Issues of religion. Text and Video.
- Remember this? American Paranoia...
People advertising a cartoon get arrested for causing a terrorism scare.
- On Christmas - Some History
Like the title says… some history of Christmas and it’s origins.
- Pray to the Milk Jug
The greatest illusion. Video.
- The Flying Spaghetti Monster
- On Atheism
I get a long message from a very upset Christian. Responding led to this blog entry.
- People in the US who proclaim “love it or leave it”
A string of thoughts on reason, starting with my response to this dimwitted phrase.
Science, Technical, Etc.
- Random Science Stuffs
Some random notes I took while watching the history/science channels. Text.
- Cool Robot Videos
- Famous People who Suffer(ed) from Bipolar Disorder
- Slow Motion Video
- Build pics from the A.M.P. Robot at the UW
Art, Photography, Etc.
- Some 4th of July Pics !
- Then I thought to myself... I'M any ass with a camera!
- First Character – Progression
- Old Poetry Post
- Small Clay Dwarf


Here's a link to help brighten your day !!!



Gyreck wonders what Jesus would do...
…then remembers the whole "nailed to cross" thing, and looks for a better role-model.

GYRECK : "Catholics should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES ! Because they... wait, what ?
Oh, yeah... never mind."

GYRECK : "Science draws conclusions based on what we know. Religion draws conclusions based on what we don't know."
Gyreck discovers the hard way that eating live babies is not an effective way to extract stem cells, and thus become immortal…
… but he hasn’t given up hope !!!

GYRECK : "Atheists don't believe in god. By contrast, 'Fundamentalist' Atheists... DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD.
What’s the key difference ?
One has all caps."

Gyreck wonders when man will learn that Pirates and Ninjas are equally inferior to Robots...

Gyreck wishes everyone a HAPPY UNDEAD SAVIOR DAY ! Remember to camouflage your rabbit eggs before Jesus gets here !!!

GYRECK : “I disagree with what you say... but I will defend to the DEATH my right to call you an idiot for it !!!”

GYRECK : "Over the centuries, many great scientists were known to have been religious... but none of them were known FOR being religious."

GYRECK : "The bible doesn't hold up to criticism, but it does a fairly good job of holding up the short leg of a couch."

GYRECK : "A person who has willfully abandoned logic is not a COMPLETE loss... they can still be used as a bad example."

GYRECK : "I have discovered that we've all been lied to. Babies DO NOT BOUNCE. However… as a skeptic, I encourage you ALL to discover this truth for yourselves."

GYRECK : "Roses are red, violets are blue, if you don't like evolution, then you can go fuck yourself."

GYRECK approved this sentence.

GYRECK : "This is a sentence about efficiency."


Super Villain Personality Test
Superhero Personality Quiz
Huh... Catwoman came up as 80% on both? I wonder what that says...
These came out pretty fitting. The top five villians listed rulz!!!
Well, the description is right on the mark, if not the gender.


***Friend Adds, Requests, New Friends, Old Friends, etc: ***
Spam pages are getting through the CAPTCHA. I'm denying most new requests now without even looking at the pages. I'm also deleting most messages without opening them unless they are from friends. The requests I've been approving have been mostly from people who I've already run into out on the blog circuit.
If you want me to check out your friend request, then send a message along with it that has "friend request" as part of the subject line.
- Gyreck


[Refresh Page To Update]


A few of my favorite Artists:
- H.R Giger
- Shirow Masamune
- Salvador Dali
- Chad Michael Ward
- David Bolt
- Boris Vallejo
H.R. Giger's work is easy to find. There's usually a few of his art books in the art section of Barnes & Noble or Border's Books, or just do a Google Image search.
Shirow Masamune is the anime artist responsible for "Ghost in the Shell", and has a lot of good work out there. I highly recommend it.
Salvador Dali is a famous painter responsible for works like the "Melting Clocks".
Chad Michael Ward has some fairly dark works, many of which can be found here:
David Bolt's work can be hard to find. Here's his site:
Boris Vallejo is a very talented and well known fantasy artist who has put out a large body of work. His art is easy to find. Here is a link to a good Boris Vallejo collection:
I'm gradually uploading scans of some of my own art, which can be found in my blog postings above. If you like anything there, please tell your friends about it |:)'
Know of any good artists? Please let me know, I'd love to check them out.


My Interests

Art, Philosophy, History, Politics, Psychology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Music, Comedy, Strategy Games, Anime, Lowbrow Art, Shiny Objects, Writing, Belly Dancers, Burlesque, Pin Up Art, Costume Art, Neurology, Dice & Paper Roll-Playing (D&D), Magic The Gathering, Science Fiction, The World in My Mind, Martial Arts, Astronomy, and Creating Things in General

I'd like to meet:

Artists, Philosophers, Scholars, people who think and act in ways guided by reason...

As for specific people:

Bill Clinton, Conan O'Brian, Jon Stewart, Christopher Walken, H.R. Giger, Tim Burton, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Ronald D. Moore, Sir Ian McKellan, Richard Dawkins, The Cast of Mythbusters, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Robin Williams, Patton Oswald, Kevin Smith, Adam Corolla, Jimmy Kimmel, Jay Leno, Bruce Campbell, Dave Chappelle, Lewis Black, Al Franken, The Wachowski Brothers...

I will gradually update the list as I think of more.


***Favorite Comedians***

In no particular order:

Denis Leary, Carlos Mencia, Jim Gaffigan, Zach Galifianakis, Lewis Black, Sarah Silverman, Chris Rock, Dave Attell, Greg Giraldo, Wanda Sykes, Dave Chappelle, Al Franken, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, Patton Oswalt, Jon Stewart, Ron White, Eddie Murphy, Marc Maron, Demitri Martin, Kevin James, Richard Pryor, Nick Swardson, Steven Colbert



Stand up against the injustices perpetrated against people because of their sexual orientations.

To me, this isn't about supporting gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transsexual lifestyles (which I do); this is about supporting civil rights.

Those who infringe on the civil rights of others do not deserve civil rights for themselves.

- Gyreck


***Very Cool Video from "Gears of War"***








The Bastard Fairies: "We're All Going To Hell"


Favorite Bands

System of a Down, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Rob Zombie, KMFDM, Collide, Dr. Steel, Gwen Stefani, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, The Cranberries, Static X, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Puddle of Mud, The White Stripes, Smashing Pumpkins, Tenacious D, Staind, Gary Stadler, Yoko Kanno, Scott Glasgow, Tea Party, Information Society (album: Don't Be Afraid), Beyon-D-Lusion, Feist, Primed, The Bastard Fairies, Switchblade Symphony, and assorted classical music

Gunther and the Sunshine Girls: "The Ding Dong Song"

Gunther is the man.



Favorite Movies
V for Vendetta, The Matrix Trilogy, The Terminator, Aliens, A.I. - Artificial Intelligence, Apollo 13, War of the Worlds (original version), Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, Bicentennial Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator, Assisted Living Dracula, Star Wars Trilogies, The Fifth Element, Back to the Future, Groundhog Day, Office Space, Spaceballs, The Gamers, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Brewster's Millions, Trading Places, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Starship Troopers, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Labyrinth, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, The Usual Suspects, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Good Will Hunting, The Predator, Dune, Pitch Black, The Black Hole, The Abyss, Event Horizon, Army of Darkness, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Universal Soldier, Total Recall, Devil's Advocate, The Village, Unbreakable, In the Mouth of Madness, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, John Carpenter's The Thing, 28 Days Later, Fight Club, The Silence Of The Lambs, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Perfect Blue, Silent Hill, Flatliners, Serenity, Sleepy Hollow, Stephen King's It


…no wait, the other one… tedious."

I despise most television, especially network TV. The majority of TV I watch is off of disks, from Comedy Central, or one of the Discovery / History / Science / Military channels. I'm a huge fan of Science / History / Technology.
All that being said, here's a list of my favorites, past and present:
Late Night with Conan O’Brian, South Park, The Daily Show with John Stuart, The Colbert Report, The Comedians of Comedy, Mythbusters, Battlebots, The Man Show, My Name Is Earl, Futurama, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse, The Boondocks, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Classic Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Classic Star Trek, Twin Peaks, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Heroes, Saturday Night Live, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., The Tick, Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Action Cartoons have gotten better over the years
"Full Metal Alchemist"
Anime: Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex, Full Metal Alchemist, Big O, Cowboy Bebop, Robotech, Trigun, Wolf’s Rain
I'm a huge fan of the anime, and every one of the above shows is most excellent! So watch them!
Other Good Anime:
FLCL, Eureka Seven, InuYasha, Star Blazers, Voltron, Record of Lodoss War, Bleach, Samurai champloo, Scryed



NOTE: The placement of a name in this section in no way suggests that I endorse, support, or approve of every quality, belief or action attached to the owner of that name. There are people who have achieved things that I admire, while at the same time I might hold distain for other aspects of that persons actions, beliefs, etc.
Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Donald Trump, Hugh Hefner, Keyser Soze, Bill Gates, Nikola Tesla, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Daniel Dennett, Derren Brown, Isaac Asimov, Jules Verne, Penn & Teller, Richard Dawkins, Pierre Bernard, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John F. Kennedy, Charles Darwin, The Flying Spaghetti Monster (ALL HAIL!!!), Bender B. Rodriguez, Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, Heron of Alexandria, Alex Louis Armstrong - The Strongarm Alchemist, Bruce Campbell, Henry Rollins, Unicron, Strongbad, Master Shake, Christopher Walken, Lord Sesshomaru, Gunther & the Sunshine Girls, Brock Sampson... and my Grandparents.
Other than my parents and wife, my Grandparents have contributed more to my life than all others combined.

My Blog

Writing and Role-Playing

Writing and Role-PlayingHello everyone !I saw a blog today directed at writers that asked about "storyboarding". It got me to reflect on my own writing.I've written a number of short stories in the p...
Posted by GYRECK on Sat, 24 May 2008 11:02:00 PST

A Successful Lie

This blog is composed of a comment I left on another blog today. I went on a bit of a tangent while responding to that blog.Here's the blog I was responding to:Link: "Is god out to get you?"My commen...
Posted by GYRECK on Thu, 15 May 2008 03:31:00 PST

ANIME - [*update*]

UPDATE - 2008-05-11Hey people !The anime blog made number four today on the top blogs in the Art and Photography category. Though such things tend to be fleeting, it's still very cool !My hope with t...
Posted by GYRECK on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:04:00 PST


Hey people !Please take the time to read/comment/kudos my friend Flo's blog on an amazing video.It was pulled from youtube, but there is a link in the blog to it's current host, "Wired".The second vid...
Posted by GYRECK on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:00:00 PST

God and Slavery

Hello everyone.I was wandering through the bible today, as I sometimes do, and I happened upon Leviticus 25.I thought to myself while reading it&"&I GUESS GOD ISN'T 'ALL GOOD' AFTER ALL."Leviticus 25 ...
Posted by GYRECK on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:21:00 PST

People dropping off left and right on here...

I’ve gotten used to people disappearing from my profile. As used to it as I’m going to get anyway. A lot of people have been getting deleted by myspace... some loosing their pages severa...
Posted by GYRECK on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 05:10:00 PST

Richard Dawkins doesnt punch Ted Haggard in the face...

Hey there people.The first clip is a segment of the second. Both of them pretty short.See the shorter segment first.Seriously.Richard Dawkins... not punching Ted Haggard in the face: ..Ru...
Posted by GYRECK on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:40:00 PST

Debate Videos: Michael Shermer & Dinesh DSouza

Hello everyone,Here’s a debate that was circulating on the bulletin board today. It’s between Michael Shermer and Dinesh D’Souza.This "Dinesh" guy was an aggravating person to liste...
Posted by GYRECK on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:44:00 PST


Hello everyone.First off...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !!!...and to all my friends out there who are down and/or bitter...SCREW VALENTINE'S DAY !!!Now then,I came across a valentine's blog today on "The Bas...
Posted by GYRECK on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:53:00 PST

Fundamentalist Friend Requests ?

Hello people.I'm looking for some outside opinions here to match up against my own position. This is primarily for my fellow atheistic and agnostic bloggers out there, but I'm interested in other peo...
Posted by GYRECK on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST