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Miranda Ward

Paul & Me on location Magical Mystery Tour '67

About Me

Neil Aspinall
1942 ~ March 24th 2008
He will be sorely missed whilst well remembered by those who knew him down that road.
His loyalty to the boys was total.
Two more reviews up ~ see Music section left hand side for links!!
Check Out this site for
Wayne Perkins The Music will blow you away! WoW
.. I also managed to catch up with James Taylor ..on his recent UK tour of the One Man Band show accompanied, brilliantly, by Larry Goldings ..boards and adapted sewing machine! (Do not let JT bully you and force you on that treadmill too much.) Oh and the drum machine contraption! Now that cooked and had a rock soul.
My thanks James!
Although a mere 'thanks' does not cover 39 years worth of good music starting from the back garden and up on the roof to huge arenas! Yeah man - you had what it took, still have it in abundance and deserve every second of your success.
If any of you get the chance to see Ben Taylor whilst he is gigging over here - do not miss out!
I would now love Kate Taylor to come over again too and do some gigs!
A Part of How I Got Here from There!! And how apposite the video clip below is!
Paul Simon & James Taylor On SNL!!

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Simon (& Garfunkel) were a big influence which eventually led in the direction they had pointed me to ~ namely back to 'school' (that is in American-English)to study Mathematics and become a teacher!
A nod of the head is a 'must' here too for the encouragement of Judith Pieppe as well! Because of the faith they all had in me I started doing various correspondence courses and going through text books and then went as a mature' student at the start of the '70's!
Being and acting maturely got lost somewhere after that though! JT was encouraging of the career change after my return from Germany and the crappy job I had had before then, back in '68! And listening to the Everlies and Buddy Holly etc on Saturday Club at boarding school and then later Radio Luxemburg under the bed clothes! Horace Bachelor of K-A-Y-NSHAM?-?...and only the English reader will get this - or the Anglophile!
Been there! Done that! Gotta loadsa T-shirts too!!
.. Trouble is as they have shrunk over the years I seem to have grown!
I have done a lot and do not want to stop now! Including swimming across the Suez Canal one Christmas Day! I am frequently told I look younger ~ def. don't feel 60! Just sometimes 90 and others younger than 30.
I traveled as child and would now love to travel some more. Berlin again and India for the first time. The Red Sea again – first time was camping in the 50’s when my father served in Egypt! Visiting Japan and South America are also dreams I have. Whilst I prefer being off the beaten track I also like my creature comforts.... but if the lure were enticing enough those could be foregone for the interim!
I love music, especially Blues and Good R ‘n R ~ having worked in the entertainment industry I have eclectic taste but am still open to new experiences – Opera might be an uphill struggle though!
Whilst being a squirrel there is a minimalist inside me trying to escape!

A people person who enjoys solitude! I also love animals, so living alone with my pets and the internet suits me just fine at the moment!

A bundle of contradictions. . . . I can be staid and sensible but also wacky and outrageous.

Oh, and I do not suffer fools gladly. And I did swim back too! 6 years old at the time, I seem to remember.
I used to write but judging by how hard this is maybe it is a talent that has atrophied!

I am meant to be working on my biography but life intrudes! Some stuff I have had published since George Harrison died so tragically can be found at The Web site of the .. Magazine www.netrhythms.com
And my gratitude to George, yet again, knows no bounds, but I would that it had been another way.

Visit Net Rhythms ~ The On-line Music Magazine That's a Must! See links at top of Music section!
I love live concerts - but would see The Dead if the chance arose. Good R 'n R and Singer/songwriter gigs too.

Enjoy good conversation and vibrant, robust debate!
I want to travel abroad again. And have every intention of getting to the US of A again before I depart this mortal coil.

Meanwhile, I seem to be hanging out in the studio chat room of the on-line Country Music Station. Carolina Country Radio!

My Interests

.. .. .... ....
Create a Myspace LED Scroller

Some things which are important to me at the moment:-
Memories are made of things like this!
Miranda West indeed! That cracked me up!
My thanks to the kind person who uploaded this clip so that I could see it!!

The early promo bit for the film, made to help get a distribution deal and encourage 'funding' for finishing. There is not yet an updated promo clip. Lots more has been done since this was made and Tony Barrow is also now featured along with Neil Innes and myself. Freda Kelly, Tony Bramwell, Spencer Davis and Mike McGear were already in the can! And holding the whole thing together with inimitable style is the marvelous Victor Spinetti! The real McCoy is now out. Along with some of the fans who also had memories of those magical days.
Those heady days!

The Case about the ‘West Memphis Three’

Important news is coming through!

Visit www.wm3.org
And follow the links for latest Media Cover.
Exciting Times!

Also visit:- www.jivepuppi.com
For an easily assimilated grasp of the case that will not take months!
Think of it as the distilled Malt Whiskey of the whole ghastly chain of events.

I will put an active link for donations to the WM3.org link to the Trust Account in the name of Damien Echols Defence Fund when the method of allocation and the accounting of funds given is clarified

Hopefully very soon.
The attorneys for the three have been making arrangements for this so as to remove both any doubts with respect to potential possible conflict of interest issues as well as to assure that the legal needs of all three are fairly met!

.. Meanwhile

Here is a site which is fully accountable
and in which I have total confidence.
A new set up, but with some elder statesmen of the campaign endorsing it.

The West Memphis Three I.P.

DNA has allegedly been found on one of the bindings of one of the victims. It is not
the DNA of one of the 3 convicted but is possibly the DNA of step-father of one of the victims - or a maternal blood relative. This of course could just be a secondary transfer or a primary if it was his son's shoe lace. What is interesting though is that NO DNA was found belonging to any of the convicted! So it does beg the question of 'reasonable doubt' to be raised more formally in the arguments of the Defence Teams.

Justice Still Has A Chance To Prevail!

Please help to get the word out about this case if it reaches out to you??
The news article can be found at
The Arkansas Times

The Case about the ‘West Memphis Three’

It is with great regret that I am pulling out of any further active and proactive involvement in the 'official wm3' Awareness Campaign.
See yellow window down below for full statement. The feeling of dis-ease has been simmering for a while but I formally cancelled long term plans a while back. I did NOT want to just expunge the case from here as I still support the fight for justice. Just not bending ears any more!

Create your own visitor map!

I'd like to meet:

.. People I want to meet? Tough one, I won't know until I have met them! Meanwhile I have been lucky enough to meet a lot of good people over the years whom I would love to have the chance of seeing again!
And I am slowly working on it.

Some people I have met ~ I think!


The Music & The Musicians
Who have meant something to me!

Some stuff I have had published recently can be found at at The Web site of the .. Magazine


JJ Cale & Eric Clapton - The Road To Escondido;

Kacey Jones - Kacey Jones Sings Mickey Newbury;
Stephen Foster and Howler - Howl At The Blues;
Long John Baldry ~ Remembering Leadbelly;
James Taylor ~ October Road;
Kate Taylor - Beautiful Road;


Tim Rose ~ Fond Memories

George Harrison ~ A Personal Reflection.

James Taylor,
Kate Taylor,
Jackson Browne,
Wes McGhee,
Cass Elliot,
Sandy Denny,
Bob Dylan,
John Prine,
Tim Rose,
The Byrds,
Chris Hillman,
Felix Cavaliere,
Linda Ronstadt,
J D Souther,
Roger McGuinn,
The Eagles,
Buffalo Springfield,
Good Country!L
onnie Mack,
Wayne Perkins,
Little Feat,
Randy Newman,
Mickey Newbury,
Kacey Jones
Otis Redding,
Mamas and Papas,
Good Blues!
The Yardbirds,
Keith Relf,
Jeff Beck,
The Small Faces,
The Faces,
Rod Stewart,
The Kinks,
The Drifters,
oh and the Beatles!
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, and heaps more! The Movies,
Good English pop & skiffle;
Lonnie Donnegan,
Lovin Spoonful & John Sebastian,
Felix Cavaliere's Rascals & The Young Rascals,
Joel Zoss,
Tom Rush, I will add more later but not all as it would overload the servers!
Vanilla Fudge & Carmine Appice & Tim Bogert & BB&A
The Manfreds,
The Animals & Eric Burdon,
Jimi Hendrix,
Noel Redding,
The High Numbers,
The Who & Pete Townshend, Keith Moon, Roger Daltry,
Small Faces,
Long John Baldry,
Carole King,
Paul Anka,
Neil Diamoned,
Neil Young,
Stephen Stills,
Graham Nash,
Paul Simon,
Art Garfunkel,
Simon and Garfunkel


Cinema And Films!
Citizen Kane,
Gone With The Wind,
Magical Mystery Tour,
American Graffiti, French Connection,
Bonnie & Clyde,
Forest Gump,
Soldier Blue,
The Long Walk Home,
A Documentary on the engineering involved and the building of The Panama Canal
And, lastly, a black and white film about Malta's heroic stand in the last war!
It made me realize the power of film on an audience. I saw it in some old building or in a tent with raised seats in the desert when it was shown at the camp at El Bhala (spelling?) in Egypt where we had moved, short term, from Malta. I must have been 6 years old and it was rather scary seeing places I ‘knew’ being bombed until it was explained that it was like being read a scary story in a scary voice and it was all in the past and what was on the screen was make believe! Some of the war damaged scenes I knew though!
I rather think my anti war stance grew out of this as well as later living in Berlin where one got ‘used’ to every third house on the block being a bomb site!
Why oh why do we ‘expect’ our young to become accustomed to this? Oh for the day when a news report from a war torn place will give equal weighting to the deaths of ‘our’ forces and ‘their civilians’. Two American soldiers doing what they are paid to do and have chosen as a career are really more important, as perceived by the global community, to Americans in America than a dozen women and children shopping for the next meal in a different culture, society and country that is so alien to most middle Americans?


More Film / TV footage!
TV Footage of Jimi and of Sandy:-

jimi hendrix - hey joe
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And I was sooo lucky seeing these guys so often! Live! Jamming and in the studios!
There are advantages to being old now! One was young then!! Enjoy the 'now'.

Sandy Denny - In Session
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This video of clip I saw for the first time at the launch party for the Sandy Denny Biography! It nearly made me fall apart then ~ but I can watch it and enjoy it now ~ just ~ without choking up! What a waste. I for one, do not believe 'her time had come'. But I guess if wishes were horses then beggars would ride all the way back to Banbury Cross!


That Documentary on the Building of the Panama Canal.


Books & Authors:-

Eclectic taste again! <>br Jane Fonda's autobiography ~ 'My Life So Far' Very good. I can highly recommend it.
I now have the urge to re-read all of Shirley McLean's!
Currently re-reading Devil's Knot by Mara Leveritt and Almost Home by Damien Echols; FINISHED! So appalled that I had to read TWICE!
Dick Francis;
Katie Fforde;
Kathy Reichs;
Good Rock biographies;
Modern Biographies:
Double Helix;


Something Important to me:-
.. .. ..

The Case about the ‘West Memphis Three’

It is with great regret that I am pulling out of any further active and proactive involvement in the 'official wm3' Awareness Campaign.
The ‘why’s thereof: -
I must categorically state here that I still believe most firmly that a re-assessment of the investigation and the subsequent trials is critical. I never did subscribe to the ‘free them now regardless’ crew. I shall continue to follow the case with great interest as and when there are any real developments. I also have total faith in the integrity of Damien Echolls’ wife and in her ability to administer the Defence Fund on behalf of her husband.
My disillusion began at the seeming impossibility of getting any straight answers from those who would appear to be in possession of them, about how the monies raised were going to be used in the future plans for their Awareness Campaign.
The two documentaries alone would only have made me very curious to know more. Without the web site as a resource, that curiosity would not have begun to be satisfied, nor in turn, would it have made me determined to do my bit. I have to take my hat off to Kathy Bakken and Burke Sauls in particular for the many hours that they and Grove Pashley have put into this case and thus made it evolve into a cause. Curiosity about the case was fine. It would seem that curiosity about the campaign direction, is not.
There is one discussion board (of many) on the web for supporters where one could find answers if one is prepared to wade through some of the minor outbreaks of effluence in the content of some of the posts. One could even cope with the circular logic of some of the ‘nons’ (those who are fighting to maintain the status quo) who argue that they are guilty as charged as they were charged and found guilty. I suppose it is some consolation that the espousers of this still do think that an appellate system is commendable. Personally, if I were of their opinion, I would tend to think it a total waste of money!
The final straw came for me when I read on the discussion board the posts from a 'newbie' raising many of the same points. That was great. But then the thread was ‘closed’ after he had been told to both take his questions somewhere else and not to contribute monies if he did not have confidence in the administration of the funds. Statements were also posted with great authority about the many funds, directing one to look at the official board for further details and information. I, as doubtless others, did and failed to find any answers there! The official campaign site ‘claims’ that the discussion board is independent. There is an email list affiliated to the official campaign web site too but they do not claim it is an independent one. The questions were raised there but I failed to express myself well and somehow, by wanting to know where the campaign was planning to go and how, my posts got transposed into being perceived as an ‘attack’ on how they had started and what they had achieved to date. Patently ridiculous.
My plans and hopes of seeing some of the older ‘rock fraternity’ get involved and contribute by joining to make a compilation CD has now been permanently shelved as there was not a cat in hell’s chance that I would put my head on the line to convince any artist, by their actions, to contribute funds to a campaign in which I had lost both faith and confidence. Quite apart from the fact that it would not have got that far as those who had been approached by that point would not have proceeded with anything until I had given them reassurances and, further more, their managements and legal people too – and backed with evidence!
Then I was informed by the moderators/representatives of the discussion board that I could no longer read nor post and I realised that I had been wasting my time. Needless to say it is a ‘discussion board’ and I can still read there! What made it sad was that I had not posted for two months and they were unable to cite any contentious posts there to cause my banishment. When those calling for justice and fighting for freedom of expression in turn deny a global citizen the right to either ask questions or the right of reply on a public board then I can only think that something is wrong. Very wrong. Just as stereo-typing seemed to play a prominent part in the conviction of the three so, it would seem, is it a part of how the ‘supporters’ should be categorised by the early ‘supporters’ in order to be welcomed aboard. I am too old now to change and ‘conform’ in order to be a part of any specific group! And I would not want to be a part of a group that had ground rules like that! Nor can I continue appear to apparently condone a group like that! But I cannot just turn and walk away ~ hence this statement!
There are many supporters whom I have the greatest respect for, as individuals and I would urge anyone interested in this case to read it up and think about it. If any of you then still want to contribute then that is absolutely fine with me, it is your choice, but for myself, I do not. If I had the time and the money I would want to set up some sort of fund to help provide for the three when, hopefully, they are released. Paroled prisoners get help readjusting to the new world they find themselves in after a long sentence. I have the feeling that if these three young men, who were incarcerated as youths, are finally released they will have to forgo the right to claim against the State of Arkansas and will be on their own. The ‘glamour’ of donating to a cause for a young man’s fight from death row is far greater than a cause to help him and his friends get practical help to re-adjust to the new world they will find themselves in. It was for this I wanted to try and get that Cd off the ground. Should all their appeals go against them then those funds could have been re-directed to help others who were also wrongfully convicted, get on their own feet again, if this were the views and wishes of those artists involved. If five years of wrongful imprisonment can so ‘institutionalise’ a grown and intelligent man that he falls apart in a convenience store when faced with having to choose between two different brands of coffee on his own then you have to ask yourself how well equipped is he to overcome far harder obstacles! These three were incarcerated in 1993. There have been a hell of a lot of changes in the intervening years. The real West Memphis Three are Michael Moore, Steven Branch and Chris Byers. The real secondary (and on outwards) victims as a result of the West Memphis Three murders are far too many to list but fall into two camps. The families of the three dead boys and all their friends and the three convicted men’s families and friends are but the start. Just as I find the glee and relish expressed by some of the ‘nons’ at the celebration they will have when and if Echolls is executed abhorrent so do I find the apparent lack of sensitivity to the three eight year old boys whose lives were cut short, as exhibited by some of the supporters.
In fact I do really wish that I could turn and walk away from all this, but I cannot and never will. Ignoring an injustice is as morally repugnant to me and as bad as being a party to it.
I have to believe that Justice will finally prevail here. Justice for three young boys and for their families and also justice for the three who were convicted despite there being a great many reasonable doubts. Meanwhile this case will continue to serve as a teaching tool at many colleges for students on courses to do with the law. If nothing else then at least let us learn from the mistakes made back in 1993 and let us hope and pray for much, much more!
Miranda Ward © May 2007

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My Blog

West Memphis 3 & Catch up time is here

Hi Folks! Sorry I have been out of the loop for so long but quite a lot has been going on! I am just popping back in again now to share some brilliant (for me!) news. If any of you remember I did writ...
Posted by Miranda Ward on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 03:06:00 PST

Flood News and Catch up!

July 28th 2007  19:50 BSTHi everyone, I have been out of the loop for a while and going through a rough patch. However there has been one bit of good news to brighten my day!  The case that ...
Posted by Miranda Ward on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:55:00 PST

News Flash!

News Flash! Live tonight on   www.carolinacountryradio.com     on Charlie Ammerman, The Man's, show from 7pm to 10pm, ECT....  from 8pm Special Guest!  He will...
Posted by Miranda Ward on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:12:00 PST

Up Date!

Well that is now, alas, well out of date as I was a bit ill! Getting better now . . . . . slowly!  and spending far too much time on-line - but it beats tossin 'n turnin! Can usually be found han...
Posted by Miranda Ward on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:55:00 PST

Do YOU like rock 'n roll music?

Do you enjoy turning other people on to the music you enjoy? Would you be interested in being a volunteer DJ on a new on-line Classic Rock Station? If you scored 2 or more positive responses above the...
Posted by Miranda Ward on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 11:03:00 PST