About Me
i am a veterinarian now but in what seems like another lifetime ago, i had the pleasure of making music for a living for almost 15 years. I consider myself mainly a guitar player but i have made a living as a bass player, guitar player, keyboard player, fiddler, harmonica playing singer, sometimes songwriter and maker of general nonsense. That all changed in 1992 when I left the music scene. I would later return to school and become a Veterinarian. I have played all kinds of music from bluegrass to hair-band rock and roll. I have since returned to my early loves in music of Blues and Acoustic music and I have tried my hand at smooth jazz but I'm not very good at it. I have had the pleasure of working with such talented people as Damon Johnson, Buck Johnson, Charlie Worsham, Pat Upton, Will Owsley, Eddie Usher, Mike Bruce, Lanice Morrison, Brad Gaither, Gene Pledger, Mark Thompson, Scott Collier, The late great Ray Honea, Jeff Cook, Alice Martin, Benny Leverton, David Hammonds, Rick Dobbs, Charlie Davidson, Tony Wachter, Edie Boyd, Alice Bargeron, Tony Brock, Rock Killough, and the list goes on and on.......Some of the music on this page is from a band I spent a lot of time in called WildWood. These songs were recorded in 1983 at cooksound studios in fort payne, al. Produced by Tony Wachter and written by several different people.
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