Wikipedia, globetrotting, travel, grilling, barbecue, gastronomy, dartistry, pinball wizardry, foosball hooliganism, Melrose Trading Post , Steve Jobs' Stanford address , poker.
Sentient beings being sentient.
Beethoven, Hank, El Tito, Cash, Gainsbourg, Tom Jones, Sabbath, Curtis Mayfield, Nick Drake, Melvins, Fugazi, Mr. Bungle, Eric Avery, QOTSA, Celery, Stanford Prison Experiment, Yann Tiersen, DJ Spooky, Torrance crooning "Dead Flowers" outside the BR.
Lebowski, Spinal Tap, Man Bites Dog, Future Primitive, Anchorman, Grizzly Man, True Romance, Rules of Attraction, Riding Giants, El Macho Versus The Canadian Mummies Of Mars , Bad Santa. Anything with Bill Paxton.
Johnny Staccato, Frontline, Merrie Melodies, Lost, exploitation commercials. Even though Tom Green Live isn't technically a TV show, it's genius.
Many literati seem unnecessarily condescending - keep steeping Darjeeling. Nabokov, Raymond Carver, Charlie Kaufman, Twain's adages, East of Eden, Book of Five Rings, Into Thin Air, Der Struwwelpeter, The Gutenberg Galaxy, Orality and Literacy.
The Dude. And Snake Plissken.