JenRoxx profile picture


Listening to you, I get the music;Gazing at you, I get the heat;Following you, I climb the mountain;

About Me

Miss Fun Ambassador::The Intoxicator::Dutiful Host::EagleEyes::Hauteroxx::Information System Highway::Human Mapquest::Energizer bunny::Firecracker::MATCHMAKER::I make a special potion called 'Jen and Juice'.Business by day fishnets by night. I'm Tara's personal stylist and Omar's concierge. Sign up below if you want me as your stylist or concierge or both...

My Interests

Art::Fashion::Accessories::Politics::SPECTRshirts::Fafi::dan cing the night away::PILATES::french bulldogs::checking out bands::making desserts::love letters::rollerskating::sweetkisses::sunrise&sunsets:: boogie boarding downstairs::Serenading::dreams::interior design::Pinot Noir::Pear Blossom Vodka and Lychee::riding on subways::exploring new cities::everything french is always better::eccentric 80's musicals::french music::foreign languages and accents::Bacontini's with Tybrd::Pinkberry::Dunny's::Boots Boots Booots::Haute Couture::Cupcakes::Viktor and Rolfe ..

I'd like to meet:

A young Alain Delon in Paris,a male version of Sandee and Summer, a clean smelling French man in the LES,Mick Jagger, Keith Richards,Anais Nin,Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem Christo and the peeps in these pics:


DAFT PUNK::DAFT PUNK::DAFT PUNK::DAFT PUNK:: ROLLING STONES::White Stripes::The Faint::Broadcast:: ELO::Def Leppard::Velvet Underground::PEACHES::Pixies::Shins::Elefant::Kinks::GAng of Four::Ramones::Joy Division::T.Rex::Tv on the Radio::Prince::Air::!!!::Felix da Housecat:: Death From Above 1979::JEFF BUCKLEY::Arcade Fire:: LCD Soundsystem::ESG::Armand Van Helden::Beatles:: Broken Social Scene::Feist::Talking Heads::Benjamin Biolay::CAN::Goldfrapp::Serge GAinsbourg::MYLO::Roxy Music::the Zombies:: Silver Apples::Lansing-Dreiden::Raconteurs::Magnetic Fields::CSS::Jose Gonzalez::The Knife::Tiga::Peter Bjorn& John::James Hunter::Tom Petty::M.Ward::Cold War Kids::Mellowdrone::Snowden::Nouvelle Vague::Human League::Neko Case::JUSTICE::Ratatat::Amy Winehouse::Busy P::DJ Mehdi::Jarvis Cocker::What Made Milwakee Famous::Pulp::Devotchka::Calla::Voxtrot::Battles:: ::Au Revoir Simone::TTC::SPANK ROCK::Charlotte Gainsbourg::Chromeo::Mr.Oizo::Grizzly Bear:: The Carrie Nations::


Children of Men::The Departed::In the Mood for Love::Brotherhood of the Wolf::Amelie::Y tu Mama Tambien::On the Waterfront::West Side Story::The Star Wars Trilogy::Infernal Affairs::2046::Breakfast at Tiffany's::Moulin Rouge::Bonnie and Clyde::Bladerunner::Barbarella::Little Miss Sunshine::Chinatown::A Streetcar Named Desire:: Oldboy:: Interstellar 5555::Velvet Goldmine:: The Notebook::The Descent:: Valley of the Dolls:: ::Beyond the Valley of Dolls::Le Samourai::Le Cercle Rouge::Purple Noon::


Top Chef::South Park::Sex and the City::The Sopranos::Six Feet Under::The Simpsons::Project Runway, Blow Out::Rome::Entourage::NIP/TUCK::WEEDS::Dexter:: The Tudors::Shear Genius::


The Alieniest::Jane Eyre::A Prayer for Owen Meany::Wind up Bird Chronicles::Valley of the Dolls::Pattern Recognition::Poetry by Pablo Neruda::Anything by Albert Camus and Isabel Allende::Anais Nin::


Grandpa Hank::Tarek "Dusk" Captan::all the strong willed women in my family::Merrill Nisker for showing me the way::

My Blog

My Blood Approves

Of all places I came across this poem on Flickr: since feeling is firstwho pays any attentionto the syntax of thingswill never wholly kiss you;wholly to be a foolwhile Spring is in the worldmy blood a...
Posted by JenRoxx on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:40:00 PST

Happy Love day my loves

..> I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. ...
Posted by JenRoxx on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:50:00 PST

Happy Born Day Tarek 'Dusk' Captan

I looked outside and saw you shining down on us. I remember the day you walked into my life: El Cid 2003 for Soundlessons.  I was working the door and you introduced yourself to me. What a ...
Posted by JenRoxx on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 05:45:00 PST

Words to Remember

Realize that you don't need to prove your worth in a relationship -- not at work and not at home. Anyone who doesn't take you as is is probably not worth your superpowered efforts.
Posted by JenRoxx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


True debauchery is liberating because it creates no obligations. In it you possess only yourself; hence it remains the favorite pastime of the great lovers of their own person ---Albert Camus I ne...
Posted by JenRoxx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Love Affair has begun

Looking out the door i see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners Parading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with water And maybe i'm too young to keep good love from going wrong ...
Posted by JenRoxx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST