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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It’s difficult to manifest a lifetime of anything into a paragraph that is detailed but not so long that it would lead one to believe that you’re a self centered asshole, but, being a writer, I like challenges. I’m analytical to a fault, I have the propensity to correct your grammar, verbally spar with you on any topic, but still lock myself out of my apartment every once in a while. Impulsivity is my middle name (it’s better than “Rene”) due to the ADD I was diagnosed with as a kid. And like any Gemini, I have a dual nature that calls for the high brow and complex reasoning of the most inane and esoteric subjects, while quenching my low brow thirst of poo jokes. (And yes, I think “thirst” and “poo” should not be in the same sentence either, but the mandate spoke and I followed).

My Interests

Writing, good lighting, cutlery, chess, skateboarding, reading my word-a-day e-mail, video games, learning random things that I will never need to know (Ask me anything about WW2), Chococat, breaking things apart mentally, making people laugh at things they shouldn't (like old people with cancer), Roller Derby, HD mother fucking TV, poker, Sim City, shredding on the guitar, and the such.


I like my music the same way I like my women; Loud, bitchy, complicated, but beautiful. Some albums I'm listening to over and over... "You Come Before You" by Poison the Well, "Age Of Winters" by The Sword, "Saturday Night Wrist" by the Deftones, "Define The Great Line" by Underoath, "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson, "Siamese Dream" by Smashing Pumpkins, "I Could Hear The Heart Beating As One" by Yo La Tengo, "2112" By Rush, "Fragile" by Yes, and VARIOUS others.


Magnolia, Primer, Goodfellas, Casino, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Office Space, Idiocracy, Heavenly Creatures, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and anything by Michael Bay... and no I'm not kidding.


Anything on the History Channel or Science Channel, I like to learn while I get fat. Those MTV Real World cross over shows where they challenge eachother, Rob and Big, House, Lost, and The Daily Show everyday!


are for reading in the bathroom when I'm going poo, or on my iPod. Anything science catches my fancy, A Brief History of Time, Freakonomics, A Short History of Nearly Everything, are all books you need to read. I thought I liked David Sedaris' books, but they were boring. Oh, read a book called "On Bullshit", it's funny and short.


Whoever looked at the utter of a cow and said "man, I wanna drink whatever comes outta that!

My Blog

American Role Models

So Paris Hilton is going to jail, lest her legal team and millions don't save her first. The range of opinions in this country is clearly defined and sharply divided. Raging from "Hang the bitch" to "...
Posted by Daniel on Sun, 13 May 2007 05:27:00 PST

I've Decided to Blog More...

But I'm gonna do it here...http://theamericanculture.blogspot.com/Stalk it!!
Posted by Daniel on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 06:42:00 PST

What shall my new blog be about??

I'm taking suggestions! List them here and the most popular topic will get a blog...
Posted by Daniel on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:30:00 PST

The Stupidity of Being Intelligent

Ah, the human being. We are magnificent creatures upon this planet, and we love to remind ourselves of that every day of our existence. So much so that most of us love to believe that the deity that c...
Posted by Daniel on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:03:00 PST

Why Muslums are so pissy...

So I was channel surfing my way through the 24 hour news networks and there seems to be one story that is on the lips of all the news-starved anchors, Hezbollah launching missiles into Israel from Leb...
Posted by Daniel on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:06:00 PST

A little insight...

This is the first installment of my "Quotes Of The Day" that I did on my friend Vira's page. This will start back up when she gets back from Europe, but if you would like to have one on your page as w...
Posted by Daniel on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 11:37:00 PST

Why people need religion...

So here's another installment of my series of rants about subjects that are important to everyone except me. The best example of this is the subject of religion, an area of human kind that I have no i...
Posted by Daniel on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 10:50:00 PST

What is a scientific theory?

Coming back from seeing the Al Gorathon "An Inconvenient Truth", I went online to see what people are saying against the film. Nothing so far, but I did find an article on FactCheck.org about an ad pu...
Posted by Daniel on Sun, 28 May 2006 01:57:00 PST

Why some people are homosexual...

Once again, we have a sit-down session with Dr. Danny, and his infinite wisdom. A question was posed on my previous blog about where homosexuals fit into the equation of my "The World Runs On Pussy" t...
Posted by Daniel on Mon, 22 May 2006 01:22:00 PST

Why men are pigs...

It's a phrase as old as the debate of the toilet seat position, and yet most women fail to comprehend why men are so driven by sex. Well, let this semi-educated male tell you the reason why, in one ph...
Posted by Daniel on Sat, 20 May 2006 02:34:00 PST