Did you know that Relationship Chef Shari is also a singer/songwriter? Check it out; visit her music page at Folk Goddess
Anyone and everyone who:
* truly wants the relationship they've always dreamed of yet never thought possible to have;
* is ready to discover their true self, subconscious motives for relationship choices, and their internal passion for getting the absolute most out of life and love... so they know exactly what they're bringing to their relationship table;
* is ready to do and think new things so the adage "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got" is not your definition of insanity.
And, anyone in the Atlanta area who wants their copy of Couples Cafe autographed by Relationship Chef Shari herself... you can bring your copy with you or purchase a copy at any of her scheduled book signings. Keep an eye on the calendar for dates and locations convenient for you! (If you're not in the Atlanta area, not to worry, Relationship Chef Shari will be doing a booksigning tour in the near future!)
Another and... be sure to pick up a copy of the debut issue of Atlanta Singles Spot magazine this June/July... Relationship Chef Shari is one of their debut featured writers.
Bertie Higgins - Key Largo
Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com
You can get your copy of Couples Cafe: Where Couples Go to be Devoured by Love at (link takes you directly to the "Couples Cafe" page):
* www.wastelandpress.net
* ....www.amazon.com
* www.bn.com
* www.borders.com
* any online bookseller
* or a Couples Cafe book signing event (see calendar).