Jack - Author of Dancing with Dragonflies profile picture

Jack - Author of Dancing with Dragonflies

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About Me

Welcome to my page. I'm a Writer as well as an Acupuncturist and Practitioner of Oriental medicine. It's amazing what can be accomplished using these ancient modes of healing (yes, the written word can heal). If you have any questions about Oriental Medicine or acupuncture, feel free to email me and I'll do my best to answer or steer you towards a source for your answer...................................................... . ............................................................ Other news is I am just about finished with publishing my first book. It will be available soon. It's a short picture-book fable using dance as a metaphor for relationships. To people used to partner dancing, this is an old story. To others it may not be immediately obvious. Some say it's a relationship guide disguised as a bedtime story. Some say it's a love story. To some it's a childrens fable illustrating important values and principles. The tale fell out of my head one day. So I put it down on paper. Then, after sharing it with a friend, she suggested having it illustrated. So I found a great artist (Grace Turman) and had her draw what ever she saw from each page that she read. Some of the illustrations from the book are in the rotating cube below. She did a great job! From there I got to work with the publishing. That's been the most time consuming part of this project. But it's just about done. Kid's like it. Old folks like it. People in between like it. I've been told the world needs this book. The more I read the newspapers, the more I agree with them.Let me be upfront and say that part of the reason I started this page on myspace is I wanted an additional venue to reach potential readers. I completely believe that this little book will have a positive impact on people young and old alike. This includes the people who read it, have it read to them and even people who don't read it but know those who did. It will make most people smile. Some will take pause and examine their relationships from a healthier point of view. Others will simply see it as a nice bed time story book with whimsical pictures. That's great too. The book may be appreciated at several levels. In the end, the vast majority of people will see it as a positive work that sheds a little extra light into their lives and the lives of their loved ones. As with all things written and spoken, it will be understood in different ways by different people. No problem. That's what people do with spoken and written words.------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----Writing has always been an outlet for me. In the past, I've usually disposed of what I wrote. I was going for the feeling of calm I felt after putting the words and thoughts on paper. Hanging on to the physical manifestation of those words and thoughts never seemed important. That's changed lately. I decided if what I write has the power to create calm within myself, perhaps it can create calm for other people so there is no reason not to make in available to others. Perhaps it can accomplish more.

My Interests

CURRENT MOON lunar phases .. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine, ballroom dancing, world events, music,Qi Gong, photography, "alternative medicine", publishing, writing, the Deep Web, building computers, visual arts, cooking, eating, food as medicine, doing my best to make whatever small corner of the world I'm in a better place, hanging out with friends.

I'd like to meet:

Positive people. Creative people. People who are willing to stand by their principles, artists of all types including those involved in any type of healing art. Those with an interest in ballroom dancing. If you are in Connecticut, check out http://www.letsdancebranford.com/ it's a great place to learn the art of ballroom dance. They teach it all in a relaxed, friendly environment.
HOT Myspace Layouts

Cool Slideshows


R+B, classical, rock, latin, yep... I like it all. My taste in music is eclectic. And if it's something that can be danced to, so much the better.Here is a random list of music artists I've been listening to lately:Jimi Hendrix, Aretha Franklin, B.B. King, The Beatles, Jeff Beck, Beethoven, Billy Holiday, Bob Marley, Christine Ohlman, Dire Straits, Ian Charles, Dave Gorfien, The Doors, Dr John, Frank Zappa, Frank Sanatra, Gypsy Kings, Grateful Dead, James Brown, Jewel, Joe Cocker, John Hiat, Government Mule, Laura Marie, Leo Kottke, Lucinda Williams, Muddy Waters, Natallie Merchant, Paco De Lucia, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robert Cray, Rolling Stones, Rosie Flores, Seal, Shaggy, Tina Turner, Toad the Wet Sprocket Tracey Chapman, Vladimir Horowitz, Poppa Chubby, Wanda Jackson, Warren Zevon, The Who, and Mozart. Like I said... my taste in music is eclectic :)


Offbeat comedies, (I admit it... I'm a Monty Python fan)drama, action, scifi.... one of my favorite all time flicks is "The Ruling Class" with Peter O'Toole. Check it out if you get the chance.HOT Myspace Layouts


Don't watch it much at all, but was a diehard Deadwood fan. Recently saw a show called "My name is Earl" at a friends house. It was pretty funny. But I had to move my TV a couple of months ago because I was putting in a new carpet. Still haven't hooked it back up. I think I'll call the cable company and nix the TV for a few years. TV can be a great entertaining distraction, but when I watch it too much, I can feel my brain melting.


If you can find the book "Albert Einstein - Out of my later Years" check it out. It's a collection of some of his random thoughts.


Well.... My dad is at the top of the list along with my Mom.... followed by Albert Einstein. Besides them, anyone who has the balls to do the right thing even when it hurts. Add to this list anyone who serves in the military. They are the the ones defending and preserving freedom in this country. Without them, you and I would not be here.

My Blog

The Book

Got off the phone with my publisher this morning.  We are approching the finish line.  The final digital proof has been approved.  We've got the BISAC codes established.  Library o...
Posted by Jack on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:43:00 PST

Book Review - A life Less Convenient  Letters To My Ex

I recently read "A life Less Convenient  Letters To My Ex" by Jennifer Clare Burke. This interesting, entertaining and captivating book chronicles the effects of long term debilitating disease on a ...
Posted by Jack on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 01:37:00 PST

Toxic Places and Free Will

We have all been to these places. Among the many forms a toxic place may take are the corner bar/hangout, place of employment, a relationship, an inappropriate vocation, or a place in the mind where a...
Posted by Jack on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:14:00 PST

The Book

Received the latest edit of the book cover today.  Looks good.  Only thing is I'm wondering if I should make some changes to the back cover copy.  Every change seems to push things out ...
Posted by Jack on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:11:00 PST

Socrates triple filter test

This has been around for a while.  The message is of course, gossip does no one any good.  It is something to keep in mind before we speak about othersIn ancient Greece, scholar and intellec...
Posted by Jack on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:59:00 PST